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  1. Guess that’s how you build a better program….
    3 points
  2. Any successful program in our state or any other...that is the current flavor of the month....is going to attract talent from around the city/area without any effort whatsoever. It's the nature of the beast in our current environment. It used to be more specific to the P/P flavor of the month but that has/is changing.
    2 points
  3. All high school officials should be intimately familiar with the National Federation’s Game Officials Manual. But there are many, many situations covered only briefly, if at all, by the NF Manual. In such cases, Indiana officials were left to struggle as to the proper way to officiate those situations. Crews dealt with those situations in a variety of ways, something that does not serve one of the IHSAA’s critical objectives for its football officials: Consistency. But that is about to change. Many states publish officials’ manuals that supplement and augment the NF Manual. Indiana has now joined the ranks of those states that provide additional assistance and guidance to football officials, well over and above that provided by the NF Manual. On Monday, June 14, the IHSAA will make available on the my.IHSAA officials' dashboard “IHSAA Football Officials Mechanics and Best Practices For a Crew of Five.” It will become the “Bible” for high school football officiating in Indiana, providing both a standard to which officials can work, and specific criteria on which performance is to be judged. The IHSAA will notify all officials of the Manual’s availability online. As officials download and familiarize themselves with the 93 page Manual, please post observations here. The Manual is a work in progress, and will be regularly updated. But the important thing is we now have a comprehensive set of practices which will help every crew officiate the game better, and provide a more consistent officiating product. I expect it will have an immediate positive impact on the quality of high school football officiating in Indiana. I’d enjoy observations, especially from the coaches’ viewpoint, on this watershed development in football officiating.
    1 point
  4. I will say this...Center Grove does a lot of things right when it comes to building a culture and has for years. It is kind of a "Texas" type atmosphere when it comes to the community's support for high school athletics and football.
    1 point
  5. As a former Franklin Central teacher, I'd love to see it. Franklin Central is supported by a special community, but, unless Center Grove is hit by a ton of injuries, there's no way they are getting out of Sectional anytime soon. Yeah, Coach West is a great football coach and has proved that at both his HC stops, but this is a heavier rebuild, IMO. Wish him well though.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Not sure that’s the answer. I will say however, I have been as big of a critic as anyone of the MIC fan boys... But I’m not sure how anyone outside of central Indy is going to compete at this rate if this type of “building” continues...
    1 point
  8. I think they’d be welcomed back if they applied. It was odd and very surprising when they left and pretty much all Griffith coaches (Jennings, Geffert) were opposed to the change. Again, it was all orchestrated from the top and went down pretty unfavorably. They likely won’t come back, but Hanover moving could trigger further conference realignment in the Calumet Region.
    1 point
  9. While I agree that Center Grove, and specifically Coach Moore, have no track record or history of wrongdoing to the best of my knowledge I feel that this is more of a reflection of today’s current society. “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Look no farther than the NBA. I wish it wasn’t this way, but it is what it is. Part of the thrill and intrigue of high school sports used to be kids representing their own backyard. Now it’s just free agency that is no different from the college or professional level in many instances.
    1 point
  10. Gotta admit. I had a good belly laugh at this. We called them LAM (Look at me!!) posts in my day, but I guess they are humble brags now.
    1 point
  11. Last several years? Excluding last year Cathedral went 2019: 9-3 lost in regionals 2018: 6-6 lost in sectionals 2017: 7-6 lost in Semi-state 2016: 7-5 lost in regionals 2015: 8-4 lost in regionals I'm sure the pity party for Cathedral was real on here during that stretch.
    1 point
  12. In 2 years when this kicks in, the Irish will play both Clemson and Ohio State in the regular season. Imagine an undefeated ND, conquerors of both those powerhouses, that cannot get a bye in the playoff because they’re not in a conference, and thus, no conference championship game. It’s now time for ND to figure out how important the benefits of their independent status are vs. the advantages of being able to play a conference championship game. The ACC is currently the best fit, since all other ND teams are conference members, except hockey, since the ACC doesn’t play hockey. Currently, ACC football teams play 8 conference games, 6 in your division, and 2 crossover games. That leaves 4 non-conference games. ND could still play Navy and USC, and that leaves 2 other games the Irish could use to “show the flag” in other areas of the country — something that has always been deemed essential, since the Irish have to recruit nationally. I think it’s clearly doable. But if the Irish think 8 conference games doesn’t give them the flexibility they need, the $$ they bring to the table might allow them entry into a conference that plays fewer games, or initiate a change in conference scheduling procedures. For example, the ACC has 14 teams, 7 in each division. If they added ND (and one other in order to make an even number), they could go to a 7 game, all division opponents conference schedule, freeing up 1 more game to schedule non-con opponents. It’s clearly doable. But somebody is going to have to make a hard decision. The one undeniable factor is that this is about $$, and nobody can bring more $$ to the table than Notre Dame.
    1 point
  13. Someone’s triggered on a troll post on a thread started as a humble brag
    1 point
  14. I remember the day when you played where you lived, oh the good ole days !!!
    1 point
  15. Lol.. I coached there for a while and I still keep up with things as best I can. We went to the state finals every year and you didnt go without hearing stories about Coach Hilton and his program. He actually retired from 2011-2015, but couldn't stay away and has been back since. They lost the state title in 2019 and played in the semifinals last year.
    1 point
  16. Public vs. P/P. Not even close. As usual, you don't know what you are talking about. Cathedral: The football IMG of the Midwest. You should embrace that moniker and the hard work it took to achieve it.
    1 point
  17. I'd like to see them back as the 8th member.
    1 point
  18. So your answer is "No". Thank you. Cathedral: The football IMG of the Midwest.
    1 point
  19. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9672779/Liberal-media-ignoring-Hunter-Bidens-n-word-texts.html How the liberal media have completely IGNORED Hunter Biden's N-word scandal: Not ONE left-leaning outlet covered the president's son using racist language in texts first revealed by DailyMail.com The texts, which were exchanged in late 2018 and early 2019, were recovered from Hunter Biden's laptop and published by DailyMail.com on Monday The messages showed Biden repeatedly used the n-word in conversations with his white Chicago lawyer George Messires In the days since the texts surfaced, the majority of US media outlets have chosen not to cover Biden's use of the racial slur Left-leaning networks, including CNN and ABC and MSNBC, haven't dedicated notable air time to the story New York Times and Washington Post's frontpages have also not featured it The lack of coverage has prompted outrage among conservatives with many accusing the liberal media of double standards https://sandrarose.com/2021/06/barack-obama-responds-to-hunter-bidens-n-word-text-messages/ Barack Obama responds to Hunter Biden’s N-word text messages Wednesday, June 9, 2021 Former president Barack Obama responded indirectly to leaked text messages that reveal Hunter Biden is comfortable using a racial slur among his friends. In a new interview with Anderson Cooper, Obama praised his daughters, Sasha, left, and Malia, right, for their personal views on "cancel culture," saying his girls don't expect everyone to be perfect. Some social media users suggest Obama knew the texts would leak, and he was getting ahead of the scandal by rationalizing Hunter's behavior as imperfect. "If @DonaldJTrumpJr had just ONE text like this, the media mob would be enraged!!! Where is the #cancelculture," wrote one Twitter user. Another user wrote: "Imagine if this were Don Jr. The overload of outrage would break Twitter." Exclusive emails obtained by DailyMail.com reveal Hunter Biden used the N-word in multiple text messages to his white attorney, George Mesires. The U.S. president's son dropped the N-word multiple times in text messages to his own lawyer -- who didn't object to the word. In a December 2018 text exchange, Hunter, 51, wrote, "How much money do I owe you. Becaause [sic] ni**a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates." In another text exchange with his attorney, Hunter wrote: "And I only love you because you're black." His attorney replied: "It's so annoying when you interject with frivolity." Hunter responded: "True dat ni**a." So far, Mesires has not commented on the brewing scandal publicly. As of Wednesday, only Fox News, Yahoo News, the Washington Examiner and the NY Post had covered Hunter's text message scandal. So it appears blacks can't be racist, and neither can a Biden that uses the N-word regularly.....
    1 point
  20. I also like the move. The Cedar Lake community supports their teams well.
    1 point
  21. 3 Young Minnesotans Sue the State for Their Right To Bear Arms https://reason.com/2021/06/09/3-young-minnesotans-sue-the-state-for-their-right-to-bear-arms/ I surely hope this lawsuit is successful and the law in Minnesota is changed.
    1 point
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