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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2021 in all areas

  1. All the more reason to dub Moore as Fort Wayne's most highly coveted lineman? And for the record, Dwenger's Jason Fabini is currently the top lineman to come out of The Fort.
    1 point
  2. It became a huge topic with exaggerated hyperbole last fall. He’s not lying that some of the Pirate fanbase made the claim he mentioned.
    1 point
  3. Agreed. We're at the point where a select few posters think the only way to run a successful program is to live in an affluent area, or have such an enrollment advantage over your competition where SES factors don't matter.
    1 point
  4. They obviously don’t have the “work ethic.”
    1 point
  5. Kill em with the data @Muda69...they don’t wanna hear it. If you are under the 50 percent threshold of “economically disadvantaged” (WeBo is at 32) it is MUCH easier to build this “culture” so many of the posters on here tout. Heads in the sand...out of sight, out of mind. I’d encourage those same posters to spend a few minutes sifting through the DOE data...or job shadow a fellow educator.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. A social media platform that was stolen from other students at Harvard by some twerpy little dork.
    1 point
  8. Week 5 will be a good one! I can't wait. Thanks
    1 point
  9. Must be first day on forum, welcome. That’s how these posts go. DT makes an outlandish statement, it’s get disproven, and we move on.
    1 point
  10. Webo is so upscale that students drive tractors to school.
    1 point
  11. I’m not sure this is news to anyone. I think the bigger issue is the flawed idea of success factor. I don’t believe it turns have nots into haves. It just ends up making the haves battle it out more often. If the IHSAA reeeeally wanted to put forth the effort to “fix “classifications then they would use socioeconomics in the the formula. That won’t happen, nor do I know that would really actually fix anything. It might just make it more convoluted. I think once upon a time I thought success factor would be this magical thing that helped. I think if anything a 2 year cycle prevents public schools from getting the momentum to be year in year out contenders. DT brings up Hobart… well yes a public school dynasty will never happen again like that for many reasons but success factor I think isn’t helping that. So Hobart makes it to semi- state 2 years ago, last year makes it to state and gets taken to the wood shed by a very good Roncalli team( who gets an amazing Chatatd team now in sectionals for both their efforts). Meanwhile Hobart has some nice teams coming up and I don’t see them going anywhere anytime soon. This year they are a probable favorite in the North to make it again. But they are stacking classes now so a deep run the following year can get them a move up to 5A where they can have moderate success and then hopefully 2 years later they can drop back down and be great for 2 more years before maybe moving up again etc. So without the classifications being made with socioeconomic status factoring in along with enrollment, (which I don’t have a model for just thinking out loud could by moot) and without at least a 4 year success factor built in you are just not likely to see another public school dynasty unless it’s a mega . Those calling for pp to have their own state.. save it won’t happen maybe more teams will go Cathedral route and play up but it’s not likely. Just build your program from youth level up and go compete and eliminate or amend success factor complaining about things being unfair doesn’t win championships, just go compete.
    1 point
  12. I own so much space in his head. Such an easy bear to poke. He honestly still thinks Cathedral’s work ethic, culture and coaching staff is the reason for their success.
    1 point
  13. I think many people realize that the Church is, in many respects, just another huge multinational corporation, and it behaves like one. You can get your religion fix without having to deal with the rest of the crap.
    1 point
  14. So lets say rural school X loses 15% of it's student body over a 5 year period, with continued population declines expected for at least the next decade. Having it taxpayer funded at almost the exact same amount prior to these enrollment loses is asinine. The taxpayer money should follow the student, end of story. Let these small rural schools sink or swim on their own merits (*cough* Clinton Central *cough*).
    0 points
  15. Death; free market healthcare would look like death. I answered the question for you. This is just a health insurance plan.
    0 points
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