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  1. I assume they will be playing at Ames Field. I will definitely take the opportunity to go and root hard against St. Ignatius. Decked out in all my St. Ed’s gear. #screwIggies By the way, do you know anything about the officials for that game?
    3 points
  2. From the Northridge Athletics Facebook page - Been waiting a long time.......I don't care if there is a Corporate sponsor.......FINALLY - Just get it done!!
    2 points
  3. CG vs Warren is becoming a cant miss game
    2 points
  4. If you want to see two great high school teams from out of state play, it is worth the drive to Michigan City on August 31st to watch Wilmette (IL) Loyola Academy play Cleveland (OH) St. Ignatius. Both are top level teams in their respective states and both are highly rated coming into this season. Since Indiana teams are reluctant to schedule out-of-state and we still have that antiquated travel rule, this gives us a chance to see some great talent from our bordering states.
    1 point
  5. Then he (DJT) hired the fool (AA) who gave the pedo (JE) a get outta jail free card (where he (JE) continued to abuse girls) to a cabinet position. Me things someone (SF) projects to protect.
    1 point
  6. Donald Trump. With a gun. In the middle of 5th Avenue. We playing Clue, right?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. My nephew graduated from St. Eds in '17 - currently at UC now.
    1 point
  9. Conversely, I wish Oregon and Idaho would start a home and home--the Ore-Ida Hashbrown Classic...
    1 point
  10. I'm not sure on the distraction premise. I seem to recall early in his presidency the media telling us he was going to get us in a war with North Korea. Now they're telling us he's going to get us in a war with Iran, I didn't buy it then, and I'm not buying it now. Though I must say, Iran shouldn't let their alligator mouth overload their humming bird ass. They're being pretty stupid with their navy. Epstein is a non-factor. There's plenty of dirt on both sides, that story will quietly fade away and he'll go to jail. Looking at the group who voted for him because he wasn't Hillary, do you really believe the those voters flip based on the current crop of D candidates? I do not. Support from racist groups is greatly exaggerated in my opinion. Lust looking at the KKK by most estimates has a current membership of 5000-8000 nationwide. I don't see that they have significant enough numbers to influence anything. I can't imagine across the board of hate groups that are substantial enough numbers to matter. Also of note The Southern Poverty Law Center has listed over 1000 current hate groups in the US. Listed beside the KKK is the Nation of Islam, so to some extent those numbers are going to cancel each other out. I will stand by my statement, he's a brilliant, though unconventional tactician. The media and the dems are being played like a fiddle. Once again as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are on their "impeach Trump" tour, what legislation have they proposed to fix the problem at the border that they seem so concerned about? They seem really long on bitching, and really short on fixes.
    1 point
  11. I would agree. And usually when he takes a big leap like this, it serves as a distraction away from something bigger...not sure what it could be this time; Epstein? North Korea? War with Iran? Regardless, I do think it is a fine line that he jumped way over this time. While it does keep AOC in the forefront, going as far as he did with this one will erode the support he still has; especially from the ones who voted for him just because he was not Hillary. If he wants to push the envelope that far and rely on the support from the racist groups on his side, he will lose the election. I am guessing that some lame explanation of what he REALLY meant will be coming soon. I still hold to the notion that his health is fading, physically and mentally, and comments and tweets like this will be more common from him.
    1 point
  12. I am in no way endorsing Trumps Twitter tirade over the weekend. But I will say once again he’s playing the media and dems like a fiddle. Of late the mainstream of the party is distancing themselves from VOC, there’s been plenty of air time discussing the rift between the VOC Squad and the leadership. Internal polling shows VOC is the face (and mouth) of the party among the vaunted independents, and has miserable approval numbers. Trump has once again unified them against him, and in doing so has made VOC the face of the party. IMO you can say what you want about Trump, but the dude understands media, and he understands how to use them to his advantage.
    1 point
  13. Yep, children on both sides of the uni-party isle.
    -1 points
  14. Doesn't matter if it is satire or not. I have no idea what the "Borowitz Reports" is. A mature adult wouldn't even deign Mr. Trump's tweets/rants worthy of a response. Whatever happened to taking the high road?
    -1 points
  15. https://reason.com/2019/07/16/before-bashing-big-tech-politicians-should-visit-an-apple-store/ Yep, capitalism rules.
    -1 points
  16. This appears to be technology related: House orders Pentagon to say if it weaponized ticks and released them: https://www.rollcall.com/news/congress/house-orders-pentagon-report-whether-weaponized-ticks
    -1 points
  17. The Mob Comes for Scarlett Johansson Again — and Wins Again: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/07/scarlett-johansson-pc-mob-wins-again/
    -1 points
  18. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/452968-marching-toward-a-debt-crisis Agreed. Our "leaders", and I use that term very loosely, in Congress only seem to care about getting reelected first, accumulating political power second, growing their personal wealth third. They don't give a rat's ass about the future of this country. They only pay it lip service.
    -1 points
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