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  1. Regardless it appears we have our new coach. Heard noting but good things from paoli people so far. Here is to hoping he will continue to build what we have and get us to Lucas.
    2 points
  2. We have 10 schools currently signed up to come to our 11 on 11 competition. We currently have 10 teams that have committed to come. We currently have 3 1A; 4 2A; 2 3A; 1 4A. We have 5 spots left would love to see 5A and 6A consider bringing a team as well as 1A openings. OFFICIALS! We would love to get you guys to come also as this is a great opportunity to get ready for the season. Our school is 30 minutes north of Indy on the Michigan Road [421]. When we ran this at Tri-Central we always had 10 to 30 area officials come and work. Please contact me via email at george.gilbert@clinton.k12.in.us. This is a great night of fellowship and finding things out about our teams without worrying about winning and losing!
    2 points
  3. So, having trouble understanding the meaning of "domestic terrorism". It appears that if the event is sparked by the left wing, it's normally a "peaceful protest", or at it's worst an "principled uprising" no matter the destruction, duration, or injuries, but if the event's genesis is right wing, it instantly becomes termed "domestic terrorism" even if the event was over in hours. We are still hearing the stories relative to "domestic terrorism" that happened in the Nation's Capital on January 6. A week and a half later. Not hardly a peep about the protests and riots overnight in Portland and Seattle.
    2 points
  4. Check out Donovan Edwards, RB from West Bloomfield if you get a chance. Kid is a stud. 1pm Saturday.
    2 points
  5. It's a teaching moment. That's all. That's what the Officiating Forum is for.
    2 points
  6. I'm not familiar with northern Indiana, but isn't LaPorte a 5 or 6A school? Not often do you see a coach both change corners of the state and school size to such a difference.
    1 point
  7. Wonder who was #2 on that list.
    1 point
  8. Everyone looks to be running scared of Merrillville and their 16+ D1 players...
    1 point
  9. Beyond the fact it's one of Indiana's oldest rivalries (some say the oldest), you are overlooking a very important fact as to why the CP-Lowell rivalry will remain: Economics! Lowell fans travel better than any other team in the Region. Plus, the kids are just getting back to school, it's week one of the HS season, the CP kids love to dress up as farmers to tweak the Lowell kids, etc. The stands are PACKED. You need to lighten up old man and realize competition isn't everything! If you weren't such a curmudgeon I'd invite you to the game at the Inferno next year as a side trip to visit your family. It's a top 10 Indiana HS Friday night atmosphere IMO.
    1 point
  10. Not from the area, but doesn't Crown Point have a damn fine wrestling program or am I mistaken? Where is the disconnect between wrestling and football?
    1 point
  11. Biden Sees Own Shadow, Predicting Just Six Weeks Of Being President: https://babylonbee.com/news/biden-sees-shadow-predicting-six-weeks-of-being-president
    1 point
  12. You forgot that they boast the same school colors...cannot overlook that.
    1 point
  13. Yes, I’ve heard some rumblings myself on this. Keeping my mouth shut.
    1 point
  14. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/national-guard-members-removed-inauguration-security-mission/story?id=75343308 A dozen Army National Guard members have been removed from the inauguration security mission, including two who were sent home after vetting for extremist links found an "inappropriate" text and comment, the Pentagon said oTuesday. Each of the 25,000 National Guardsmen now in Washington assisting with security at Wednesday's presidential inauguration is being vetted by the FBI. I kinda think the odds really favored the 24,988 troops should the 12 have started something........(It's spelled "Overkill" or "all for show") It is pretty ironic how fast the left became believers in walls though......
    1 point
  15. @Muda69 a little more info: NHHS: Eligible for Free Lunch 55% Eligible for Reduced Lunch 11% East Noble HS Eligible for Free Lunch 38% Eligible for Reduced Lunch 9% Leo HS: Eligible for Free Lunch 12% Eligible for Reduced Lunch 4% Other stats for Leo based on above info: HS enrollment is about the same as NHHS Grades: 7-12 Students: 1,355 students Student:Teacher Ratio: 21:1 Minority Enrollment: 11% Graduation Rate: 92% (Top 50% in IN) Overall Testing Rank: Top 30% Math Proficiency: 60% (Top 50%) Reading Proficiency: 84% (Top 5%) Diversity Score: 0.21 (Btm 50%)
    1 point
  16. Quite a few games for the weekend... Friday night... Linton faced off against the Bloomfield Cardinals for the 2nd time in less than a week. Usually that can be a recipe for an upset. Instead... it was sort of the same type of game. Bloomfield plays hard, but doesn't have the size/muscle to match up with the Miners. It was also a physical game, which didn't bode well for the Cardinals. A couple questionable calls had some Cardinal faithful questioning every call as the game went on. The 2 worst were right in front of the Cardinal bench, so it sort of set the tone. Overall, I thought the officiating was fair, but played into the strength of the Miners. I'm not sure a differently called game would have helped. Then we would have had both sides shooting a lot of free throws with the amount of hand checking going on. Bloomfield still struggled to guard Drew Smith. He doesn't force things... quick and strong enough to give smaller players fits ... explosive enough to blow past bigger guys. Lincoln Hale also let the game come to him, which allowed Webb and Hart to get going offensively. Bloomfield had some bright spots. Royal stepped up as a scorer Friday night. Considering the Miners ran essentially a 2-3 in both games (with focus on Graf)... Royal making shots was important to keeping the game close. With no seniors and Combs a year away from being a big time big man (assuming he lives in a weight room)... Bloomfield seems like a year away from being a team that can make a deep run. As for the Miners, they seem to be playing better team basketball. Hopefully, they are hitting their stride. Eastern Greene over Clay City... This score seems to be about right. The T-Birds are better than the lower half of the conference... I'll be interested to see how they stack up against Bloomfield round 2 and Linton later in the month. North Daviess handled Shakamak by 14. Saturday night... Barr-Reeve 39 North Daviess 38... What a weekend for the Vikings. They narrowly defeated Loogootee the night before.. then almost lose to the Cougars. Sectional 63 will be brutal. Whoever comes out of that sectional will be a tough out. Bloomfield defeated South Knox... I've not seen much of the Spartans, but they have played some good teams close. Either way... good win for Bloomfield. It had to feel good beating a red, blue, and white jersey 😉 The rest of the scores didn't say much... WRV lost to Evansville Day; North Central defeated Rivet; Shakamak defeated Lighthouse Christian; Clay City lost to Owen Valley. Nothing out of the ordinary here. WRV looks to have a few winnable games coming up... Washington Catholic and Lighthouse Christian should be winnable. Rivet and Clay City are possibilities as well. North Central is continuing to put itself with Eastern just beneath the big 3 of the conference. Shakamak handles bad teams well... and Clay City was beat by a solid Owen Valley team.
    1 point
  17. Depends on who you ask I guess. I vaguely remember him walking back his stance on something late this summer. As for this guy, I’ll never utter a bad word about Mr. Brees. One hell of a competitor that overcame his lack of size to become EASILY a top 10 QB of all-time (borderline top 5).
    1 point
  18. If you’ve read articles about this, you’d know there’s been people who’ve called for the name to be changed since the 80s, when the associations with the Confederacy really started. The name was originally supposed to honor Roncalli, who was a ‘rebel’ in the church. No one would care if that’s what the name still represented. But over the years, it seems the nickname became more and more associated with the other rebels, with confederate flags in the yearbook and a confederate soldier mascot (which were rightfully banned in the 90s). The problem is, right or not, people still associate “rebels” with the confederacy. I know you’ve said before you work with kids, go ask any black kid you work with how the confederacy and confederate paraphernalia make them feel (even though in your first comment you seemed to make fun of this).
    1 point
  19. It's that Apple product. I always tell my students with Apples, when they have problems in the programming class, that if they'd get a real computer, that would solve their problems. 😀
    0 points
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