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  1. They’ve won 1 outright conference title in the past decade. Only shared the title twice. Andrean was 8-2 against them in that time span. Hardly the dominance needed to justify a move back to the DAC.
    2 points
  2. Apples to oranges. If you are in college, you can enroll in a master's program or find another university via the graduate transfer rules. If I have completed my education at Rural County High, why wouldn't I try to go play at Covington Catholic or Louisville Trinity? Kentucky just can't bring themselves to admit Andy Beshear done messed up. (Maybe I should re-take senior level English? LOL)
    1 point
  3. hate all of that Thankfully we had a state who pushed through this year and has been very successful in operating throughout the year. Kuddos to all from IHSAA, down to all players and everyone in between. It takes everyone to be on same page to pull of what Indiana as done thus far
    1 point
  4. They've consolidated because both communities are rapidly losing population and could no longer financially sustain multiple high schools. One could argue the consolidation's net benefit on athletics was limited as a number of Anderson Highland and Muncie South families transferred to other districts (Pendleton Heights ended up with a not insignificant number of Highland kids) rather than go to/play for what had been for decades a fierce rival.
    1 point
  5. Ellsperman should be the starting QB at Memorial. Not that I have any inside knowledge of the situation but he filled in nicely last year when Pence was out and was the JV QB prior to that. The kid is a very good athlete and should step right in. He's got the ability for sure. I expect Jasper to be good every year. They might not be what they were in 2020, but I would expect them in the top half of the conference again. Will North be better than Memorial, Castle, MD, Reitz, Central, Jasper? I don't think so and that puts them below .500 again unless they can make a run in the playoffs. I don't see that happening either. MD should be very good. There is a lot of talent returning but some questions to answer as well. A couple of offensive lineman need to be replaced as well as a trio of wide receivers. If there is improvement across the board from the returners and kids step into those roles then yes a trip to Lucas Oil is within reach. Castle will be near the top of the conference yet again. I wouldn't be surprised to see a return trip to semi state. Not sure what Vincennes returns but they could take some lumps this year. They should beat both Bosse and Harrison, could beat North and possibly Reitz, but will struggle with the remainder of their schedule in my opinion. I expect Central to fall to the middle third of the conference. They will still have some talent I'm sure, but what will the new coach's system be? Will they throw it around the yard with Herdes back or try to find a couple of running backs to replace the production they lose in Evans, Boberg and Madison. That's a lot to lose. Not sure who will be the biggest surprise but if I had to make a couple of picks it would be Central to fall further than the middle of the conference and end up with 6 losses. On the trending up side, I would think MD to run the table and finish the conference schedule undefeated. Only time will tell.
    1 point
  6. Not sure of any team camps. But I do know there are plenty of scrimmages and 7 on 7s scheduled, which is great. Hopefully the kids get a *mostly* normal preseason and summer.
    1 point
  7. Of note, ALL of Illinois' classes (except football) are asymmetrical. Classes 4A and 3A have 22.2% of schools, the remainder are split equally among 2A and 1A. (Football in Illinois - the tournament fields and classes are determined *after* the season once the qualifiers are announced).
    1 point
  8. Well, you didn’t ask the question of me, but I’ll bite. Compensation for work done is a contract. Provided there’s agreement on terms, workers should be compensated according to that contract. For example, if I stop at a light and a guy cleans my windows, without me asking him to, he’s performed labor, but is not entitled to compensation, since there was no prior agreement. To refine your cross examination technique, you need to make sure your questions are answered either “yes” or “no,” if you want to keep firm control of the adverse witness.
    1 point
  9. One thing, too, is basketball drives the bus at a lot of rural one-county schools. Connersville may not have much of a football tradition, but has traditionally had a very good basketball program that punches above its weight. Blackford is going through the Luke Brown experience. Jay County has long had a solid basketball program. Benton Central (which has the largest school district in the state geographically) was a girls hoops powerhouse when Jan Conner was there and remains a pretty solid program. Same with Huntington North under Fred Fields. Jennings County, Bedford North Lawrence (which encompasses about 80% of Lawrence County's population), et al - good basketball traditions. Franklin County (which actually doesn't encompass the entire county - a few townships go to Batesville) had a tremendous football program when Alex Smith was there and in the years after, but they've dealt with a population decline as have a lot of rural counties. Basketball is a *big* part of the culture in a lot of rural communities and that seems to be the focus of the youth/community development programs. In the communities mentioned above - Connersville, BNL, Benton Central, Blackford all have fairly large gyms. The community support is very good at a lot of those schools for *basketball*. It's just hard to drum it up for football for whatever reason.
    1 point
  10. https://rare.us/people/marry-poppins-blackface-allegations/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=agora&utm_term=faves&utm_campaign=faves&fbclid=IwAR3r4fqd_pYnOh3t3QZ6yp5oR5ydXdonhvGLKtmx1Bgf2Qmq7jWn5oEcT8Q It looks like some people just can’t enjoy the simple pleasures in life. In November 2018, Disney decided to release a ‘Mary Poppins’ sequel, led by Academy Award nominee Emily Blunt, called “Mary Poppins Returns”. Which, if you haven’t seen, you should because you’re seriously missing out. As expected, this was huge news for ‘Mary Poppins’ fans, because honestly, who didn’t like the first one? Of course, this prompted several people to go back and watch the original version of the classic Disney tale, which is where Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner comes in. Turns out, he is deeming the classic 1964 film “Mary Poppins” racist, accusing Julie Andrews of “blacking up” her face with soot while dancing with several chimney sweeps. So - what happens to someone whose job it is to clean chimneys? THEY GET ASHES ON THEM. Regardless of skin color.
    1 point
  11. Winchester Community High School has a teaching opening in our business department for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. Coaching opportunities are available in football and other sports. If you are interested please contact Coach Jones. mijones@randolphcentral.us 765-584-8201 x.1573 765-744-3498 20210302065209231.pdf
    1 point
  12. Depends on who you ask. Ask anyone from Central Indiana and the Top 3 will comprise of all Indy teams. Ask anyone from Northeast Indiana and Homestead is in there. Best basketball team in the state and champions of the third best football conference in the state.
    1 point
  13. Congrats to my buddy Govert's Daughter Allie!! Awesome achievement.... he didn't look to shaby on TV either Amirite@WolvesOnTheProwl
    1 point
  14. Thanks, I have posted it on IFCA as well Cheers
    1 point
  15. https://reason.com/2021/03/02/paul-krugman-thinks-youll-be-happier-with-fewer-choices-nonsense/ Frankly Mr. Krugman is insane, and believes more government is the solution to practically everything.
    1 point
  16. The best capsule summary I’ve seen on the difference between a football team, and a football program. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. —- Aristotle
    1 point
  17. Speaking specifically on football.....It was either the spring of 2016 or 2017 (I can't remember) Coach Mike Johnson came down and did a mini clinic for our region. He had moved on to Logansport but he used clips from his athletes at Pioneer. It was excellent. He was very nice, and he answered every question with no hesitance to who might be listening. It was evident that the athletic culture at Pioneer was BOOMING. Fast forward to the fall of '17 we met Pioneer in the semi state game....One of the best teams we put on the field in our time at MC got handled. We had a definite size advantage and even took an early lead before the dam broke. To this day our staff frequently talks about HOW FREAKING HARD that team played, and still use it as a measuring stick. The WHOLE team played so dang hard and fast all night...it was overwhelming. And to top it all off, they were genuinely good kids. Kind between plays, sportsmanlike and tough between the whistles. SO, whats the point?.......Culture keeps you relevant even in years you may not be as talented. Athlete development is part of culture. Years and years of excellence and doing things the right way all ties back to culture. Add a cycle of a great athletic classes and you get what they have. Pioneer has 25 straight winning football seasons....and as long as they fight to maintain that culture, I don't think they'll really ever have a bad year.
    1 point
  18. I think the only solution, albeit an imperfect one, is to convince coaches, players and parents of the virtues of playing multiple sports, through education.
    1 point
  19. DT classification systems shouldn't be created as a response to a couple schools it should be developed in a way that benefits most (if not all) schools in a similar fashion. Your breakdown takes a class where the smallest school is about 40% of the biggest, by creating two classes where one group gets a gap thats about 49% while the other class has a gap it's about 75%. That's hardly an equitable split for the teams in your top breakdown. An equitable break down puts Carmel, BD, and Warren in a class, and the other 29 in their own class. Obviously that's incredibly silly to do such a thing. The IHSAA would be better off keeping the same 32 setup but lumping the three in their own sectional along with North Central. But obviously there are financial implications of such a move.
    1 point
  20. Maybe the entire school corporation doesn't revolve around football? I realize this is a football board but you have to realize there are far more significant factors in such decisions.
    1 point
  21. One unintended consequence is increasing single sport specialization, which studies have shown increases the probability of both injury and burnout.
    1 point
  22. I am happy to help answer this for you. In 2018, Elkhart Community Schools filed paperwork with the IHSAA letting them know that beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, Elkhart Memorial and Elkhart Central High schools would be competitive together as one Elkhart Hish School. Construction had not yet been completed, leaving the new high school to operate out of two campuses. Construction has since been completed and, beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, Elkhart High school will house grades 10-12 at its West Campus (formerly Elkhart Memorial HS) and 9th grade students at East Campus (formerly Elkhart Central HS). Football games will continue to be played at Rice Field, located at the East Campus.
    1 point
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