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  1. I know that these often focus on folks that get to LOS, but I wanted to focus on some of the ones that weren't as visible and would certainly miss consideration based on more conventional methods. These aren't likely COY in the eyes of the state, but in the eyes of their communities, schools, and players the deserve a bit of recognition. Brad Bevis at South Newton - The Rebels were 1-45 for the last five seasons. This season they finished 5-5. Plenty more road to cover, but certainly a good season to build on after some handfuls of dirt were surely ready to throw on the "contraction coffin." Blake Betzner at Carroll (Flora) - Carroll hasn't seen a sectional title since 2003. To put that in context, Frankton and Lapel were still 1A back then. In his first season at Carroll, Betzner took the Cougars to a 9-4 and their first sectional title in just under a couple of decades. Andrew Tetheroh at Tri - First trip to semi-state in more than two and a half decades. Tri has typically not been a name on the radar screen in post-season, but this season they got there. Brett Jennings at Whiting - When Cain left Whiting, the program went on much harder times; especially with a mere four-game season in 2020. They were 3-11 in the last two seasons and, while 5-7, this year's finishing record, isn't great, the Oiler's scrapped their way to a sectional title showdown with Andrean. Rob Gibson at Owen Valley - OV was 12-39 over the last five seasons and hadn't seen a sectional final in more than two and a half decades. Gibson led OV to a sectional title and a 10-2 season record. I'm sure that's not all of them. Anyone else have any others?
    4 points
  2. Just about a perfect football game. Running the damn ball and controlling the clock. What the game was meant to be. And the fact that Navy won makes it that much sweeter.
    2 points
  3. The thread being gone is fine. But the actions, attention, reasoning, historical insensitivity, ability to defer to situations that are not at all germane to the situation at hand; Are the exact reason that "Race" should always be discussed on a personal level, in a level headed manner with others who are not "like ourselves". I am always amazed at the deference to the "crime rates" in Chicago, Saint Louis, Detroit...etc. as an answer to anything regarding "race". Do you honestly believe that the occurrences of violence outside of your sphere of life is of any concern to your day-to-day life? Nope, it's a red-herring of an argument! Crime has ALWAYS been higher within those "races" that tend to congregate together. It's the attention to the types of crimes, and how they are perceived within the judicial system that has made this an issue. "Chad" may have had a juvenile digression. But let that be (let's say) Jamal, and with the same situation, he is interpreted as being a criminal more likely to be a threat to the overall society, even though his transgression was of the same magnitude, or even less. This was an OBB conversation, IMO. Kinda hard to discuss this without it devolving.
    2 points
  4. Oh, the irony!
    2 points
  5. Great game.......seeing 54 after the game saying he had no idea the snap was coming to him on the fake punt......great stuff.
    1 point
  6. Or Steamers.....thank you Bob Kevoian. 🤣
    1 point
  7. I’d put Northridge in as well….at least for their postseason play.
    1 point
  8. It is the most "blah" name in professional sports..... Living in the area for years, they deserve an identity....WFT is not one. Used to love their band and their fight song. RFK back in the day during the Gibbs era was a rocking place. Let's just hope its better than the Cleveland Guardians....
    1 point
  9. It seems IUPUI and UIndy have a joint ROTC program, so that would be an option ... as would just going to OCS after earning a four year degree. The connection at most military academies, let alone the academies, open so, so, so many doors in different careers. Much respect to those who manage ROTC, athletics, and the books.
    1 point
  10. The obvious bias toward large schools and Indy area schools. The unfair advantage of P/Ps. How many of the coaches get free & reduced lunches. I'm sure there's more.
    1 point
  11. So basically, win state and win your class's coach of the year. Seems pretty simple. Am I missing anything?
    1 point
  12. Nice to see instate talent staying here!!!
    1 point
  13. Look, the GID Admin wannabee and resident Grammar Nazi is trying to be cute.
    1 point
  14. A Civil War is a great book. Feinstein references an Army fullback by the name of Coby Short in a couple of places in the book. Coby played football here in our state for Bedford North Lawrence. Center Grove's Alex Aukerman had a great career at Army, and ended up #2 in all time sacks. His team won a couple of the games against Navy, 2 CIC trophies and is currently serving as an officer at Fort Knox, KY.
    1 point
  15. Glad to have seen this move back to its own weekend a couple years ago. So much to love and appreciate about this game. I have said it before but John Feinstein's book "A Civil War" is a must read about this series. Go Navy!!!
    1 point
  16. The questions as to the use of school funds for such purposes, student absences, etc., are legitimate questions to be asked when looking at traveling to play HS sports. But those questions, and others like them, should be asked and answered at the local level, not by statewide mandate. Questions about experiences that enrich the student experience, but require allocation of resources, are answered every day by the schools. This type of decision is no different.
    1 point
  17. Should have just shortened it to Skins and gone Jersey less.
    1 point
  18. Last time I visited the gid I saw this thread and hoped it would dissolve into the abyss of threads destined to the g.i.d. trash someday pages and pages out of the way where the incident and thread belong. Everyone talks and talks and talks about an America without prejudice or racism under their current definition of either term which continuously evolve to fit the latest happening in the news. Does this kid hate different races? he may or may not i don't know the kids heart only God can know that . Maybe he feels threatened , maybe he is trying to avoid what may 'seem' in his life to be America's multicultural assimilation mandate by poking fun of other races which every single race on earth does ( note I do not know the race of the kid that used blackface, from the photo I saw he could be white, Asian, native American maybe more) People are killing people for christ sake, we have heard more about this occurrence than innocents that lost their lives in the same time frame from murder .... perspective would be nice. But in the last 3 decades anything involving the word race is blown way out of purportion. Is his behavioir condoned no but it isn't murder it isn't larceny , arson , not grand theft auto. Let it slide for we know of an ultimate judge and i am positive he would be way more lenient than American society towards the young man. Hope this thread is gone soon......
    0 points
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