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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2020 in Posts

  1. JV West Washington beat Clarksville 16-6. Thank you to West Washington for traveling to Clarksville.
    3 points
  2. My 2 years in Tell City were awesome and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I wasn’t the best coach and would never say I was. I did what I thought was right and what needed done to try and turn things around (some people aren’t going to agree with it, but that’s anywhere you coach). I would of loved to have stayed and been there for the future, but family/ life decisions sometimes take priority over high school football. The coaches, players and community deserve to see success. They have been through some tough times in the last 20 some years. The support in the town is great and the administration was invested in trying to change things. The coaching staff and the additions Coach Webb has made are taking things to the next level and the kids have stepped up big time in the first two weeks. The culture is changing and I hope they keep up the success
    3 points
  3. If he doesn't debate it will tell those on the fence all they need to know. When he debates it will tell all of us what we already knew.
    2 points
  4. I would not want to drive 4 hours to any place that is less than 3 hours away for any reason! LOL
    2 points
  5. See, trying to help out and I messed it all up. To this week schedule week 3: Castle with a running clock Central with a running clock Does MD finally score a TD? I think so. MD get two TD but it they still lose. I will take the home team here. Vincennes 21-17 Jasper vs Reitz is the game of the week IMO. I think it will be a close game, but Jasper goes to the bowl and comes out with the win. 28-27.
    2 points
  6. A 1a school playing in 2a due to success factor Atta boys Panthers. You know I love my small school football !!!
    1 point
  7. How's your first day on the GID going?
    1 point
  8. Stay on topic...how many times should it be said?
    1 point
  9. She is actually older than I, so she has told me "gal" is very acceptable..... She also found humor a number of years back in the earlier days of my career when workplace harassment training was just starting to gain some ground when I thanked her for the talk us employees got by saying "I always thought harass was 2 words" ......Funny in 1998, not so much now.
    1 point
  10. Just sent a PayPal ... Just making sure I don't have to do anything else?
    1 point
  11. More specifically I was thinking about me. Large corporation, I’m sure they get sued all the time.
    1 point
  12. Plus Royal Center is a place everyone needs to visit. Once.
    1 point
  13. Waiting for the thumbs up......................
    1 point
  14. I would venture to guess that Pioneer already had officials and both teams were already scheduled to be on the road with the shortage.
    1 point
  15. Probably not, and Chatard was a monster last year!! They may not play until week 6 then who knows!! The key word was AT in my previous statement. Who would want to drive 4 hours for an opener and lose. At least Chatard is some what close.
    1 point
  16. The system is intended to have the worst team in one class to be better than the best team from the next class. That's a flaw in your expectation. There will always be teams in a lower class that can beat teams in a higher class. Just because you have a larger number of students doesn't mean you will always better. In a macro sense it will be true but not in a micro sense. Sagarin isn't the best measure and may be skewed a little because of their win Friday, but Pioneer would be the 18th ranked team out of 32 in 6A.
    1 point
  17. I was thinking the exact same thing. I know for a fact that HH is going to take some lumps because of quarantine, against my judgement they played last Friday. The way the HH program is approaching this, I believe, is young kids will get experience now, and this may pay dividends later in the season when everyone is back.
    1 point
  18. Wait until the flu season starts in a couple of months. A real sh*t show in the making. By the way, I’m sure your HR person would counsel you not to refer to her as a “gal.” 😉
    1 point
  19. Seeger had canceled their game with Benton Central and were able to return and play TL. Were the cases at TL related to the football team and their exposure to Seeger in the game Friday?
    1 point
  20. Indeed. Having a bunch of family/friends in Tell City that is what I hear all the time. Tell City wants to go back to the success of years past--of course, who wouldn't, but they think they can get it in one year. It takes time. My father in law (who is 83) is always surprised to hear when Tell City is beat at anything, he always says, "Back in my day, nobody beat Tell City. If you beat them, you have done something" A little context--he played basketball for Chrisney High School. I'm happy for Tell City, I hope they keep this going. Great win Friday night, congrats. By the way Eric Hendrickson (TC OC Coach) was mowing his grass this past weekend with his Marksman shirt on and a big smile on his face--he lives in Christmas lake village--gotta love that.
    1 point
  21. Just saw Twin Lakes is in quarantine for 2 weeks. Their week 4 game was Renssalear Central....just a thought.
    1 point
  22. Twin Lakes has canceled. Tipton will now play at Heritage Christian on Friday!
    1 point
  23. At the very worst, X runs 3 times and Brownsburg burns all 3 timeouts and X is punting the ball around midfield with 2 minutes left. Easters up until the last drive, as momentum had finally swung, was pretty disappointing. I think he was 9-23 passing with a couple interceptions. I’m taking my chances forcing Brownsburg to throw the ball down field with no timeouts left.
    1 point
  24. NEVER ... They have redone the bathrooms, concession area, and have stripped and refinished all of the concrete. As well as replacing all of the aluminum bleachers on the home side. Ran into some complications with the condition of the concrete during the process, but it will be ready for football week 4.
    1 point
  25. Yeah they have Zen Michalski, OT, commited to Louisville. Pre-Season All-State. Wenkers Wright, RB, committed to Illinois State(D-1 FCS). Pre-Season All-State. The guys that have really stood out are QB Tristan Polk, 533 yds, 7 TDs. And Kaleb Quenichet 12 catches, 336 yds, 5 TDs. I don’t know if those guys will get D-1 offers but they’ll play CFB somewhere.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. It’s the year of Covid. I don’t blame them. Attendance is limited and schools are losing money. This is a good way to pay a little for a quality streamcast.
    1 point
  28. For some reason I cannot access the link to the tool. Can you send it in a reply?
    1 point
  29. I let the subscription to the host server lapse. Let me see if I can find another free one (needs PHP & MYSQL), or if @DK_Barons can setup up gridirondigest.net/predictor like we used to. I appreciate the interest, but likely until Week 6 this year, Sagarin's rankings will be pretty much useless because of all the cancellations, thus it'll take a few more weeks to get all the teams in the state "connected," which is when his ratings become increasingly trustworthly. Who knows, if unfortunately the tournament doesn't happen for some reason, we may need some TGD junkies to simulate what the tournaments would look like... Back to the pre-tournament, polling days.
    1 point
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