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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2021 in all areas

  1. My favorite was a local SW Indiana team won a "National Championship" game by beating a team from the across the river in Kentucky. Sorry, but winning a tournament featuring teams that are all from less than a 2.5 hour drive hardly constitutes a national championship. But they got some really cool Cracker Jack rings.
    3 points
  2. "It was awesome! We left Wednesday from New Carlisle for Evansville on Wednesday, so we needed 4 nights in a hotel....but it was so worth it to beat Laporte in the semi-finals and South Bend West in the championship!"
    2 points
  3. I also think some younger coaches and teachers decide to go to the Administrative side, because that's where the money and higher paying jobs are in education. If you have a family, being in administration helps pay the bills as opposed to coaching which normally pays minimal for all of the time a coach puts in. And in most corporations, admin are not allowed to coach.
    2 points
  4. Since we're in a teacher shortage, I'd say that it's not silly to say that it carries over to the coaching side.
    2 points
  5. Yeah, it's out of state but it's the off-season so why not? This is some crazy stuff for high school sports. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/31099968/lawsuits-secret-tapes-unraveling-powerhouse-high-school-football-program
    1 point
  6. Illegal equipment includes “Electronic communication devices used to communicate with a player except during an outside 9-yard mark conference.” Rule 1-5-3(c)(2).
    1 point
  7. I like your style. 🙂 Now. If @Bobref would just send me that darn address. Aren't we still waiting for our invite for the SB and his chicken wings? Heck, I will even let him buy. 😉
    1 point
  8. Is that a yes or do you want to head to @Bobref and have some LS's in his basement?
    1 point
  9. 32 looks like a young Alvin Mack. He doesn't need the coaches "in his ear", or in this case, "in his armpit". Let him play. 🤣 But to answer your question, I am not 100% sure. @Bobref @Impartial_Observer
    1 point
  10. Travel ball is a tool of the devil... prove me wrong!
    1 point
  11. 🤣😂😅 The next tackle he breaks will be his first.
    1 point
  12. My general feelings about large conspiracies — and that’s pretty much what you’re describing — is that they never work. Just stop and think about the number of people who would be involved in/aware of such an undertaking. Keeping it secret while orchestrating all that is simply impossible. That’s not to say that “copycat” claims don’t exist. And there are lots of stories about municipal bus accidents and bystanders jumping onto the bus in order to make claims as passengers when the investigators got there. But an organized fraud of this scope is not manageable.
    1 point
  13. When can they cut Cohen? Let me know when they sign an Offensive Lineman
    1 point
  14. MISERY loves company. Thanks to there other 9 Big 10 teams to join my Boilers..... tough first weekend.... no doubt. interesting stat: PU is 17-3 in 1st round games here in their last 20... the 3 losses, 2014,2015, 2021: ALL IN OT. this team exceeded EVERYONE's expectations this year, sucks to go out the way they did, but they have not been shooting the ball very well since Sasha went out with Covid, and the lack of making shots from 3 from working off the post was a huge issue last month . IVEY stock was bought by me way back in December 😀
    1 point
  15. I hope at some point kids and parents start to realize that the pageantry, buzz, the big deal in town, etc. All that stuff is synonymous with high school sports. You'll never recreate that with travel athletics. (Insert whiny voice): "Well I play travel....." Great kid, how did it feel to score the game winner in front of a parents only crowd of people you don't really know?
    1 point
  16. Just noticed Columbus East finally found themselves a week 7 opponent and I am very pleased with who it is. There were less than a handful of quality opponents available but there were two I really thought would be best: Chatard and Louisville Male. Glad we landed one of them. It’ll be the first meeting between the two schools since the 1979 regional championship in which East won 20-13. There was no semistate championship round back then so East would go on to defeat Hobart in the state championship the following week. What do you think about this match-up @Lysander?
    1 point
  17. Well , this makes sense. Why wait, when time is precious, unless you have to wait. So you have it narrowed down? Give you three guesses NAME that coach.
    1 point
  18. Coach Hudak is a nice guy, and has one of the more interesting “side jobs” of any coach I know: he’s an emergency room nurse. I wish him well. I wonder which provides the stranger stories, dealing with beat up and shot up drunks in the ER, or working with high school boys?
    1 point
  19. This is a really good topic and interesting topic. I am a 30 year old public educator and here are my observations. 1. It gets more difficult every year for kids entering college to justify spending $40k on a college degree to make $40k as a starting salary. I don't think a lot of parents are telling their kids: "Hey, I think you'd be a good teacher - you should go do that". 2. Because of point #1 the candidate pool in many subject areas is almost non-existent. Math, Science, Foreign Language Teachers are very limited. And it seems like it is pretty rare to hire a teacher nowadays who is also an all-in coach/sponsor for anything. It's hard to find teachers and coaches, but finding a student council sponsor isn't a cake walk either. 3. At a smaller school, you're not going to have a 5-6 coaches that are in the building nowadays - if you do, you're very lucky. Having a lot of lay coaches is fine, but whoever is in the building has to be a pretty dynamic person in terms of recruiting the hallways, monitoring offseason work, grades, behavior etc.
    1 point
  20. COVID has had a huge impact on education in both the public and private sector; however, I think the key is pay. There are just so many administrator positions to be had so people scramble when one of the positions comes open. There is a lack of desire to work the long hours of a coach with the low stipend amount or in the case of an assistant no stipend. You haver to have love of the game and be in the position for all of the right reasons, not using the job as a stepping stone to the private sector. The private sector may appear to be a better deal with better pay. It sometimes is all about the $$, once the transition is made the time investment is about the same. The problem the corporation owns your ass, you are told you have to invest at least one weekend day to the job, be prepared to travel in a moments notice, cancel vacation plans, miss celebrations with the family. Are are all corporate positions the same, no they are not. It takes a special individual to be a teacher/coach and oftentimes compensation can't be a concern. I think the decision is yours, do something you love or go to a job with more pay that you will hate within a year.
    1 point
  21. Agreed. If you are concerned about a money making racket selling false hope, I suggest you head west from Westfield HS and check out Grand Park on a weekend. Plenty of empty promises at a travel soccer or baseball tournament.
    1 point
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