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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Molly Seidel, a University of Notre Dame graduate, becomes just the 3rd American woman to earn a medal in the Women’s Marathon under extreme conditions…..temperatures on the course were over 100 degrees, with humidity at 86%.
    2 points
  2. Wow! What an ending!! Awesome flip for the big man. What an athlete!! Thanks much for sharing!!!
    2 points
  3. Californian Allyson Felix becomes the most decorated female track athlete in Olympic history. https://sports.yahoo.com/allyson-felix-becomes-winningest-female-track-athlete-in-olympic-history-with-10th-medal-124351795.html?.tsrc=notification-brknews
    2 points
  4. Good advice. I haven't lived in IN for 15 years, but still have a few nieces/nephews playing sports. For me it's one way to maintain a connection with my home state and a sport that I love. Not your specific situation, I understand, but yeah keep the account open. Sometimes there's some very interesting reading available here, and you may want to chime in on occasion. Like the other guy said, it's free.
    2 points
  5. Wow. I live in Waco (moved here from Indiana 15 yrs ago) and had no knowledge of this. I echo the sentiments of this piece saying that justice be dispensed in accordance with the law - just the law. To go further than that is over stepping their authority. Similar to legislating from the bench. But I guess that's what the left is willing to do. BTW, even though TX and Waco are red (for now), there are many blue "pockets" locally that are slowly increasing in size. Partially fuelled by Baylor University. A conservative, Christian college in name only (IMO). My daughter graduated from there, and some of what she was taught was unbelievable to me, for the kind of school I thought they were.
    2 points
  6. You can just stop posting without deleting your account. To quote the immortal John “Bluto” Blutarsky: don’t cost nuthin.
    2 points
  7. This picture is awesome. His grandfather passed away last month. Larry Crouser is the one who introduced Ryan to shot put. His grandpa had lost his hearing, so Ryan used a whiteboard to write messages to him.
    2 points
  8. Not sure how many have saw the interview with WANE 15 & Mr. Knapke. It has gone viral and is just awesome. That's a great teammate.
    1 point
  9. This is brother Bobby, who wrestled 1 or 2 years at Merrillville before the family moved to Minnesota. Gable is a monster, very awesome performance!
    1 point
  10. Her 3rd ever marathon race, not too bad!
    1 point
  11. I don't know. I support the same one I did when I was in high school, supported it when my oldest kids went to high school there, and now my youngest 2 kids go to school with the grandchildren of my classmates. I'm still supporting them.
    1 point
  12. I didn't know that. I talked to a old pal that live in the St. Paul area. He mentioned Gable lives in the Apple Valley, MN area which is tremendous for wrestling.
    1 point
  13. Nah, nice try though. The topics of conversation engaged upon in this forum were nauseating 12 months ago. Took a step away while things cooled off and am back to kick ass. Congrats on being victim #1. Every interaction with you improves my self-esteem a notch.
    1 point
  14. Still cool to have an NWI connection.
    1 point
  15. It's a great strategy if you're confident in your take down. Our 220 from last year is now up to 260, so not sure if we'll be wrestling or not. There is no class between 220 and 285 and no way my son will ever be able to cut weight to 220. He's actually at 295 right now with his 'football body', anything over 285 and he won't be able to wrestle anyway.
    1 point
  16. Right....no escape points in Free Style. Indiana and it sounds like AAU, uses Folk Style scoring. I have heard of matches where guys let opponents escape on purpose to rack up the take downs; with the goal of getting to 30 points; the "Dirty 30". One of our wrestlers a few years ago was attempting to just get the 10 point spread for the tech fall, but out of the blue the ref deducts points, or awarded the opponent (cannot remember which one), for unsportsmanlike conduct.
    1 point
  17. The shade is blinding for the Irish. Not one Preseason All-State candidate for this Cathedral senior class? Amazing. Keep sleeping on these boys.
    1 point
  18. https://gophersports.com/sports/wrestling/roster/bobby-steveson/17922 It says he has one State title in Indiana. Looking that up now OK...so according to Indiana Mat he was at Merrillville.
    1 point
  19. This is a great article about her. https://www.nbcolympics.com/news/layden-allyson-felixs-spectacular-legacy?fbclid=IwAR2gV4MITSQaFmtMr5srMNQI9YjuPQhgfBOCBF3fg9lXRIE30TK0ACRBJXg
    1 point
  20. Highways and Bridges Are Not Crumbling https://reason.com/2021/08/05/highways-and-bridges-are-not-crumbling/ Bingo. This 'infrastructure' bill is yet another super-sized serving of pork to the states, and reelection fodder for the uni-party politicians who support it.
    1 point
  21. And his trademark flip..........https://youtu.be/fSXPmihrX3c?t=238
    1 point
  22. What an ending!!! I see he is a Big 10 guy.....Minnesota Gopher.
    1 point
  23. Gable Steveson trailed 8-7 with just 10 seconds left, and with just 2 seconds on the clock, he gains control for for two points and adds a point because of a failed challenge to win gold against the current world champion. https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/31971387/american-gable-steveson-wins-wrestling-gold-medal-125-kg-class-tokyo-olympics
    1 point
  24. No…..Pat McAfee used it as an example to explain what the league was doing as far as testing guys who openly said they were not vaccinated. And I merely speculated how the league was going to handle the players who refused to say whether they are vaxed or not. so, yeah, neither statement had a thing to do with my post. Try actually watching the full clip next time.
    1 point
  25. This will be a very interesting scrimmage.
    1 point
  26. Neither comment has a thing to do with what I posted.
    1 point
  27. You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
    1 point
  28. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9860535/Bostons-acting-Mayor-Kim-Janey-compares-vaccine-passports-slave-papers-birtherism.html Boston’s acting Mayor Kim Janey likened vaccine passports to the papers that newly-freed slaves had to carry around after the civil war as she dismissed the idea of implementing them in her city. Janey - who became the first black woman to serve as mayor in the city when her predecessor was tapped to be US Secretary of Labor earlier this year - made the comments on Tuesday after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that indoor businesses will soon have to require customers to show proof of vaccination or otherwise turn them away. Janey acknowledged the importance of encouraging people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 but said that requiring proof harkened back to a 'long history in this country of people needing to show their papers'. 'Whether we're talking about this from the standpoint of ... during slavery, post-slavery, as recent as what our immigrant population has to go through here,' Janey said. She seemed to compare vaccine passports to freedom papers, documentation showing that a black person was free of bondage and allowed to travel as they please before the end of slavery in the United States. 'We heard Trump with the birth certificate nonsense,' Janey added, referencing when Donald Trump in 2012 offered $5million to charity if President Barack Obama released his college and passport applications. During Barack Obama's presidency, Donald Trump was a leading proponent of the 'birther' theory, at one point offering $5million to a charity of Obama's choice if the president showed his papers Janey said she wants residents to have 'every opportunity' to get vaccinated, but that she was concerned the passports would be 'difficult to enforce' for businesses and would place an undue burden on certain communities, she told WCVB. 'Here we want to make sure we're not doing anything that would further create a barrier for residents of Boston or disproportionally impact BIPOC communities.' On Tuesday, Mayor de Blasio announced a 'first-in-the-nation' plan that will require customers to show proof of vaccination for indoor dining, performances and gyms starting August 16. 'If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated. It's time,' de Blasio said. During her comments on Tuesday, Janey also alluded to Arizona's SB 1070 law, a 2010 law signed by then-Governor Jan Brewer that was widely known as the 'show me your papers' bill. The law, parts of which were eventually struck down by the US Supreme Court, faced fierce backlash and constitutional challenges after it was accused of empowering local law enforcement to stop immigrants and ask for their documentation regardless of legal status. 'These hurdles should not be excuses, but we must consider our shared history as we work to ensure an equitable public health and economic recovery,' Janey clarified in a statement later on Tuesday. The sheer lunacy of the left during this mess is amazing to witness. While I am in agreement with her on the NY/DeBlasio thing, she had to bring DJT into the argument over "Obama & birtherism". In the middle of all of this there are over 1 million (so far this year) "catch & release" illegal immigrants in the US and the left is still wondering how and/or why Covid isn't going away but actually spreading since the US has hit 70% vaccinated.......Amazing..... But again -lest we forget - Covid DID cure the flu!!
    1 point
  29. I'm interested to see the battle of Ft. Wayne between Dwenger and Snider. Either could pose an issue to Zionsville in the North. The Irish are praying to meet New Pal in the Regional. Extremely bad taste in our mouth from 2 years ago that wasn't rinsed out last year. First thing's first: injury free regular season and blindness to press clippings prove to be Cathedral's focus. Love this group of 40 seniors. Been together since 3rd grade beating on each other in CYO. Could go down as one of Cathedral's finest classes if they take care of business.
    1 point
  30. We are nearing the season... Good Luck to all HHC teams... This could be the year CE takes a loss in the conference schedule. If I had to take a guess, I'm guessing New Albany will be the team to do it this year.
    1 point
  31. Ageeed. How about you just step aside from the 'tackle'? And honestly I could care less about the intonations of the broadcasting crew...
    1 point
  32. I can’t tell from that view whether the would-be tackler left his feet. If he did, it’s not a foul.
    1 point
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