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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Mr. Whiteshoes . . . would you consider renewing your support for The Gridiron Digest? Noticed you used to be a Booster. Thank you for your support! as always, the game is better from_the_sidelines007
    2 points
  2. Attica @ South Vermilions Covington @ Riverton Parkes Fountain Centrals @ The Woofs Seegers @ North Vermilions I didn’t see any names change to red. Be a donor not a boner. STATE LAW!
    1 point
  3. The first beside me to know... This thing is being a pain in my back side this year. Every security fix that drops breaks something when I install it.
    1 point
  4. I hope not. SCS don't want to come to Luers to broadcast a home game all season, but now because Snider will be coming in to whip Knights for at least a share of a championship, they think that they should just be allowed in to do a broadcast from LuersField? I say F that! Go somewhere else.
    1 point
  5. And Bob always does a fine job because he loves high school sports. He is the voice of Friday & Saturday night. He had some health problems a year or so back that kind of slowed him down, but he should be around as long as he wants to.
    1 point
  6. I think this is their opportunity with their size on the OL and their depth at RB.
    1 point
  7. If the team's tie the head coaches should have a hot wing eating contest to determine who gets the bell.
    1 point
  8. If Leo does not come out of the North this year, when?
    1 point
  9. This is the biggest reason I started posting on the GID. You left that game the other night, probably along with other people like @psaboy,thinking that the officiating crew screwed up. In fact, their call was absolutely correct. A little education goes a long way. I appreciate people like you who are open to being educated. Not everyone is.
    1 point
  10. Easy fix if you make it to the regional game you earn the same points as winning the sectionals.
    1 point
  11. Best argument for seeding something of the sectionals. Sectional of Death with West Lafayette starting with Brebuef ... one of those two is one an done. You'd think the IHSAA would at least buy a hot dog and Coke for the losing team. Typically there's a meal when you get this type of evening.
    1 point
  12. Adams Central v Busco is the 1st "screwgie" the PING BALLS have started....
    1 point
  13. An ugly win is a win….whew lol The Bengals are a team to be reckoned with though, but Burrows gets hit way too often. I was surprised that Jaylon Smith did not play at all. I figured they would at least get him in to pass rush.
    1 point
  14. I have had issues with these 2 BUFFOONS that are the announcers for Summit City Sports in the past. It's frustrating when coaches use these guys as their impedance for an argument. They are wrong on penalty administration and penalty calls. Having said that, it is good that these games are broadcast for all to see.
    1 point
  15. You’re kidding, right? That is the most obvious roughing the holder foul I have seen in 44 seasons of officiating. Remember that the holder gets exactly the same protection as the kicker. If this contact had been against the kicker, would we be having this discussion?
    1 point
  16. Could do it for just 6A if we implemented the 32-64-64-64-64-whatever for 1A format 5A is so much closer to 4A across the board than it is to 6A
    1 point
  17. I know its the elephant in the room and it won't affect the outcome of the game, but this facility that this matchup is being played at is just disappointing. And I know I will be jumped by Cathedral faithful, but with all these beautiful facilities in central Indiana that high schools have built and this game has to be played at this rundown stadium. It's Cathedral football, one of the best programs of all time, and they are hosting Center Grove at Arlington. My rant is over. Time for some football. Anyway... I will take CG 20-17.
    1 point
  18. I know Avon's defense has been God-awful this year, but this performance needs to be recognized. In Zionsville's 52-49 win last night, Price ran 26 times for 416 yards and 5 TD's. That is an incredible night, irrespective of opponent. Also want to recognize from the same game the performance of Chrishon McCray, 4 TD's receiving to go with 230 yards, and a TD pass thrown in for good measure. Two amazing individual performances from two very good players.
    1 point
  19. And this is why coaches keep trying this illegal crap: because sometimes they get away with it. That crew just made it doubly tough on the crews that Coach is going to see the rest of the season. And that’s encroachment. No such thing as “offsides” in high school football.
    1 point
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