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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2021 in all areas

  1. He’s a great coach and sings tenors too? That’s badass, I swear to God it is!
    4 points
  2. Come on man…I just saw what my fat old thumbs did there lol.
    2 points
  3. I knew daddy sang bass, but I thought momma sang tenor.
    2 points
  4. Good game going into the 4th quarter. Nothing more annoying than players faking injuries on defense vs. a break neck speed offense. Wonder what discussions, if any, have been had at the rules and competition meetings about this very subject. Multiple replays showed Purdue defensive players (notably #90) looking at sideline for their direction to "take the fall".
    1 point
  5. Anyone watching Yellowstone? Fantastic show. I have not watched 1883 yet. Any other good TV/streaming series? If so, which one and on what channel/platform? @Irishman
    1 point
  6. Most of the complainers don’t want it fair. They just want to remove the teams they can’t beat.
    1 point
  7. Both defenses seemed to be “social distancing.”
    1 point
  8. I'm curious how other states "make it fair". I know this isn't the most reliable state but Indy metro is 2.1 million. Next biggest is Fort Wayne at 418,00 Illinois is worse with Chicago at 9.6 million. Next biggest is Peoria at 400,000. I bet there are other states that have bigger gaps. I know Chicago had it's "Chicago Bowl' to determine city champ years back. I don't think you could ever make the tournament fair, no matter what you do. I just think there are some schools who aren't very committed to football and never will be.
    1 point
  9. Thanks Grovers. Your point is also what I was trying to say. How far do we go to make it “fair “ for the big schools.
    1 point
  10. I could listen to Sam Elliott read a phone book.
    1 point
  11. Yep, watching Yellowstone….love it. There are 3 episodes of 1883 out now. It is pretty good, but anything with Sam Elliott is good. I just finished Hawkeye. Funny that I was never into comic books as a kid, but love the DC and Marvel movies, and now the mini series on Disney.
    1 point
  12. Fauci and Biden told us that if 70% of the public was vaccinated, they would stop the pandemic through herd immunity. They were wrong. The states that have achieved this are not seeing a cease in the transmission of the virus. Influenza kills on average 30-65K in the US each year. Do you challenge everyone that doesn't get their annual flu vaccine? Or do you decide the level of risk before judging others?
    1 point
  13. I was absolutely around when the polio vaccines and boosters and received them myself...along with smallpox. I just don't remember my father sticking his nose into other people's business and judging. My parents made the choice for their family. Had someone told my father what to do, he would have kindly told them to mind their own business. I am not an anti-vaxxer....my family have had there shots including the booster. But its none of your business what I chose, and certainly no one's business what a handful of Colts players decide what is best for them and their families. We already know that having the vaccine, while lessening the spread, does not prevent it. And we don't know yet the long-term impacts....not after a few months. We also know the risk is not uniform and that certain demographics are at higher risk than others. While I believe in the vaccine, I have no right to impose my beliefs on others. You don't get to decide morals for everyone....you may think you have that right, but you don't.
    1 point
  14. He enjoyed football, learning, history, and story telling. Often times, I would wonder why he was telling me this. Now I know. It was our time together. I knew Madden as a commentator, much like today's youth will only know Madden for his video game. I hope kids are learning about Madden entire and not just his success in the video game field.
    1 point
  15. Floyd Central plays Louisville Male for one more season and then switches to St Xavier, who just won the 6A Championship in Kentucky and finished ranked #1. As you guys know, I’m not a huge fan of this. I respect them for scheduling these teams, I just wish they’d beat Columbus East a few times first before scheduling the best teams in the Midwest, but hopefully it will make them better. It appears we will continue to play Silver Creek as well.
    1 point
  16. I remember my dad teaching me all about this.
    1 point
  17. I’m a ref and a lawyer, but I’m not a fool. I don’t argue with my “ode lady.” 😉
    1 point
  18. With you being a ref and a lawyer has your ode lady ever won an argument with you? My mom Phyllis always beats my dad’s ass. I gotta go
    1 point
  19. Since our leaders and the MSM have chosen to villianize the unvaccinated and turn it into a cats vs dogs rivalry.
    1 point
  20. No school over 2a should contract just need to find the right coach and get numbers up what might be best for these struggling schools is go independent and schedule 1a to 2a schools
    1 point
  21. I saw Jeff is playing Michigan City next year. I’d say that’s some “real competition”. The Bronchos have really struggled with the Duneland’s top teams.
    1 point
  22. 2012 11-3 2013 13-1 2014 10-2 2015 13-1 2016 9-1 2017 11-1 2018 9-3 2019 8-3 2020 7-4 2021 14-1 Without Brady Allen (2012-2017) 67-9 (.882) 3 sectionals, 3 regionals With Brady Allen (2018-2021) 38-8 (.826) 1 sectional, 1 regional, 1 semi, 1 state
    1 point
  23. I like the DB character and this poster does a great job of mimicking him. I’m all ears regarding potential changes but have no interest in a 16 team class. Besides there aren’t 16 mega schools in my opinion. Not sure what you do about the non-Indy teams’ inability to compete but eliminating the competition is not a solution I can support.
    1 point
  24. Tbf….I was in diapers when Rex was a freshman in high school lol
    1 point
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