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  1. The season kind of ended the way I thought it would. The Irish showed flashes of what's to come. A lot of young players contributed to that first half. I think what a lot of us forget is that Oklahoma State was an outstanding team. They came within an eyelash of making the CFP. The Irish were never good enough to really be a serious contender for the final four, imo. The game pivoted on the decision, whoever made it, to go soft on the last OSU drive in the first half. 28-7 wasn't that secure enough lead to do that against a good team. They weren't playing Navy or Stanford yesterday. It's hard for any team to recover after going prematurely prevent. At least that's what I believe.
    2 points
  2. 2002 was an interesting year for the Lafayette area as Keller climbed into Indiana's Top 10 receivers for a season with his teammate, Vlahogeorge, clocking in at the all-time season passing record at #2 ... which he still holds. That same year, Clayton Richard, from McCutcheon, took the Mr. Football title and the following year finished his career as the #3 career passer although, since then, he has settled down around #6.
    1 point
  3. Didn’t look too hurt walking off the field…
    1 point
  4. Oh...so you are just going straight 247 numbers regardless of their actual on-field play and accolades? Gotcha..... I thought you might have included some subjective criteria to include their actual on field performance. Not disagreeing..just better understanding the criteria you used.
    1 point
  5. While I agree, the running game travels. The Colts still control their own destiny and are in with a win in Jacksonville this Sunday. If they can't pull that off, obviously they don't deserve to be in the playoffs. They are a very Jekyl and Hyde outfit. I honestly do not see a team that they can't beat (not saying they will) in either the AFC/NFC...or they could very well get blown out wild card weekend.
    1 point
  6. Good to see some NLC contenders beefing up their non conference schedules. Should pay off during tournament time.
    1 point
  7. Seems like his most recent tantrum was money motivated. He felt jobbed that he was benched when he was in line to make over a million dollars in performance bonuses based on attainable stats. No doubt Antonio Brown has made a ton of money over his career but I question how much money he really has left and how much longer it's going to last him. That was a melt down for the ages and probably the last time you see him in an NFL uniform.
    1 point
  8. Agreed. Why would he change, if there are never any consequences for his actions?
    1 point
  9. The new week nine games starting in 2022 will be Warsaw vs. Northridge, Concord vs. Plymouth, Goshen vs. NorthWood and Wawasee vs. Mishawaka.
    1 point
  10. Correct. Concord HS is technically in a small town (?) called Dunlap. But is basically the southeastern part of Elkhart. Concord has historically been the “little brother” that typically beat up on his older brother/brothers of Elkhart (or Central & Memorial before the merger). Has always been a rivalry there…my guess is someone at Elkhart was trying to make a statement.
    1 point
  11. Man, I want to party with you! 😂🤣😅
    1 point
  12. Anti-mandate, not anti-vax. And yes, the gig is up. Go Colts. We still allowed to cheer for Wentz?
    1 point
  13. According to the "All Madden" documentary, the video game generated $7 Billion in revenue. I highly recommend the documentary if you haven't seen it yet. It was finished and shown to John 3 days before he passed. Powerful stuff. It's available on ESPN+ and Peacock. https://ew.com/tv/how-to-watch-all-madden-john-madden-documentary/
    1 point
  14. There went your credibility.
    1 point
  15. Still love it when p/p folks chime in on these topics. Classic. Born on third base thinking they hit a triple.
    1 point
  16. SF rule for 6A. Get 6 points your program sits out post season for 2 years. That way the other schools in 6A have a chance.
    1 point
  17. Coan may have had those TD passes, the one to Mayer was thrown behind him. It took a great play by Mayer to catch the ball. There were a couple throws that were deep with no one close. The pick he threw in the 4th quarter is inexcusable. On a few incompletions, especially on out routes or digs, he threw late instead of leading them. I said it early in the season, he cannot throw a guy open. OK State had a solid front against the run, but Coan is not a zone read QB. He made several bad reads. There was one in particular on a 3rd and 2, outside guy crashes down the line hard, but he gives any way. That is a keep read all day.
    1 point
  18. Agreed. For many teams winning a sectional game is a great accomplishment. Or a sectional final or regional final. You don't need a situation where every team has a fair shot to win a state final. Schools are getting rid of valedictorian and top 30/50 designations because it creates too much stress to accomplish or doesn't spread the love enough to more students. That implies not achieving those things is failure. That's now how education should work. That doesn't mean systems can't be tweaked. But if you keep changing it so everyone has a legitimate shot at a championship you remove a key purpose of high school athletics. I'm good with class sports so there are more than 1 opportunity to win a championship. But we don't need 7 or 10 or 12 classes to do it.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I would be okay with it…but if a team wins the 6A2 title they should move to 6A1. Forget the success factor rules for that still a firm believer that 5A should be 64 teams and 1A should be closer to 32. 6A1 - 16 teams 6A2 - 16 teams 5A - 64 teams 4A - 64 teams 3A - 64 teams 2A - 64 teams 1A - the remaining teams
    1 point
  21. They've got 1 more week. After that, time to clean house.
    0 points
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