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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2020 in Posts

  1. I really miss the days when this forum was about high school football and the kids. The personal attacks, politics and constant negativity are too much.
    6 points
  2. Ok....like all the others before, this one has run its course.
    4 points
  3. Still debatable if football will be played but wrote something up for the quarterback club just in case so decided to post here. Mount Vernon Wildcats at Heritage Hills Patriots. This is the 20th meeting between Heritage Hills and Mount Vernon (Posey) the two teams played in the regular season every year from 1974-1981 and resumed the regular season series in 2014,They also met 4 times in sectional play and once in the regional. This will be the 1st time since 1982 that Heritage Hills opens their season against a conference opponent as Mount Vernon formerly a member of the now defunct Big Eight Conference joins the PAC and for football becomes member of the PAC large team division. The Patriots lead the series 14-5 & like most of the Patriots opponents in the early days of the program Mount Vernon dominated the series winning 3 of the first 4 games and starting with Bob Claytons 1st team in 1978 the Patriots have turned the tables winning 13 of the last 15 games. Heritage Hills coaches records VS. Mount Vernon. Roger Snow 1-2 Bob Ashworth 0-1 Bob Clayton 6-2 Todd Wilkerson 7-0 History of the series : 1974 regular season Mount Vernon 24 H Hills 6 1975 regular season Mount Vernon 26 H Hills 13 1976 regular season H Hills 14 Mount Vernon 8 1977 Mount Vernon 16 H Hills 6 1978 H Hills 21 Mount Vernon 14 1979 H Hills 44 Mount Vernon 0 1980 H Hills 27 Mount Vernon 0 1981 Mount Vernon 21 H Hills 0 1985 sectional H Hills 40 Mount Vernon 6 1999 sectional Mount Vernon 6 H Hills 3 2000 sectional H Hills 36 Mount Vernon 7 2007 regional H Hills 36 Mount Vernon 14. 2014 Heritage Hills 21 Mount Vernon 7 2015 Heritage Hills 20 Mount Vernon 14 2016 Heritage Hills 15 Mount Vernon 6 2017 Heritage Hills 42 Mount Vernon 26 2018 Heritage Hills 45 Mount Vernon 7 2018 sectional Heritage Hills 47 Mount Vernon 0 2019 Heritage Hills 36 Mount Vernon 0
    2 points
  4. Well keep being negative and living in fear. It’s time to move on let the kids play and the fans watch if they want. None of that is required so people can make their own choice if they want to play/go!
    2 points
  5. So... nothing then... Pardon me while I get ready for practice tomorrow...
    2 points
  6. Please stop with the comparisons of influenza to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are inapposite, misleading, and ultimately, dangerous.
    2 points
  7. Heard they were meeting to change rule # 22.7 in volleyball rule book dealing with the width of net.
    2 points
  8. They are back to practice 8/3. They’ve been shut down since 7/21. They’ll be ready for Cass week 1.
    2 points
  9. Since when?
    1 point
  10. I agree 100% These are closing fast folks. Try staying on topic
    1 point
  11. Keep swinging though. Playmaker was wrong and now you are wrong. Anyone else wanna take a swipe? If you wanna know more about my personal life... Ask Gonzo, LCCalum or AG. I have them on my Facebook and they get updates quite a bit on my personal life.
    1 point
  12. I'm not "living in fear" you know what's fear? Holding someones hand and looking at them in the eyes while they know their dying from a heart attack. Or how about Holding someone's hair up while they are puking their brains out due to going to chemo theraphy and living with the news they have a 15 percent chance at survival because cancer has riddled their body. That's fear man and thats something I had to deal with (my dad was paragraph one, my mom paragraph two). So don't come at me saying im living in fear cause quite frankly you probably don't know what fear is. Im living my life, im wearing a mask and taking every precaution but its the morons that don't take it serious that gives me reason to believe we won't be finishing this season...people are more concerned with money, paying attention to news they get on Facebook and from our idiot president and other crappy news. Covid has affected my personal life but keep thinking its a hoax or nothing major.
    1 point
  13. No, Illinois is the first state you want to follow concerning the virus because of where they are next to us. Conditions there would be similar to conditions here. You wouldnt want to follow what Alaska or Maine are doing. We WOULD want to look at what Illinois is doing.. ...as an option...
    1 point
  14. So instead of spinning our wheels, again, does anyone know: 1) did this meeting actually take place? Or when is it to take place if it is this evening? 2) if it has taken place, has anything DEFINITVE been released? Otherwise we literally could not beat a deader horse.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. And that hits nail on the head!!!!! But.......... some people don't want to acknowledge that.
    1 point
  17. A family unit shouldn’t have to socially distance. If Jimmy’s Mom, Dad, and baby sister want to come they shouldn’t have to spread out. I don’t see there being an issue allowing each athlete 2-4 “family” unit members depending on the size of team/stadium/ etc
    1 point
  18. That's a insult to BobRef..and Bob was certainty spot on with you. Oh by the way.. What a nice racist profile picture you have...you are so brainwashed its not even funny.
    1 point
  19. Job security for you my man.
    1 point
  20. Red Devils........ Cmon man, Sunday Meeting for Mascots, that could NOT been serious
    1 point
  21. Perhaps, some new updated by laws to contend with what is going on at schools across the state, Doubt anything has changed from the all systems go messages they have stated in the last 7 days.
    1 point
  22. Maybe just making sure everyone is on the same page going into the first day of practice? Tweaking a rule or two?
    1 point
  23. How many statements do they have to release saying we are having football in fall to get people to stop freaking out? Could be about alot of things.
    1 point
  24. IF TRUE, can we report them to the IHSAA for scheduling a mandatory event on a Sunday? 😀
    1 point
  25. If “guarantee” is your standard for a solution, you’re going to be disappointed. There are no guarantees with any solution ... including the “let’s get back to ‘normal’ and pretend there’s nothing going on” solution. We can also call this the “let’s generate permanent employment for a lot of lawyers” solution.
    1 point
  26. 10 practices that is the number needed. 1 practice per day
    1 point
  27. It's not about the teenagers dying, it's about limiting the amount of people who catch the virus, carry it, and then give it to higher risk people. It's all about limiting transmission rates.
    1 point
  28. He is that stupid. Yep. It's a cult and the ignorant folks like DE, TD and SF are caught like a fish. They totally would have been in love with Hitler in the early 30s.
    1 point
  29. HHC Predictions based on my very limited current knowledge. 1. East-They have to be put here untill someone usurps them. McDonald is a beast of a Running Back and could be the league MVP. 2. FC-Should be clear cut favorite as the 2nd best team and program in the HHC. Behind Wright, Polk, Michalski, Quenichet and others, FC should be solid on both sides of the ball. 3. New Albany-I’m going with our friends to south. They have some really good young weapons a year older like Winford and Johnson and Coach Cooley can dial up some good Offensive stuff. 4. Seymour-They just find their way into this spot every year. 5. BNL-Big fan of coach Weber. Just don’t think they have the horses right now. 6. Jeffersonville-Were not very good last year. And lost a lot of Seniors. With almost 2500 students. You always wonder when the breakout will come. 7. Jennings County-The played decent last season. Lost a really good QB. I actually feel they have better days ahead. 8. Madison-There is a reason they want out of this Conference.
    1 point
  30. I guess the more pertinent question would be if all schools will start and finish.... thats the question, I mean technically, State could run it as is, but far less than 100% of football playing school could be participating from week to week, that is what I see more so then anything else.
    1 point
  31. Wrong! Bad math. 330,000,000 people haven't gotten sick. You can't include people who haven't gotten sick yet as The current U.S. number is 4,473,974 cases and 151,499 deaths. This is per the CDC. 151,499/4,473,974 is 3.38% death rate. Now using YOUR 328,000,000 number of US residents and they if they all get sick we will see 9,840,000 deaths. You can't throw numbers around and not understand what you are saying. I hope you aren't a math teacher.
    1 point
  32. My mistake on the law. I got so used to cool names like PATH, HEROES, CARES, and HEALS I forgot when bills didn’t have phonetic names. Ever try to say EGTRAA, JGTRAA, ARRA, PPACA or TCJA five times fast? The HIPAA comment was meant in jest. It’s been a running joke amongst my coworkers ever since we got a company-wide email stating we had a positive test in the payroll office. When the payroll department is only 3 people and one of them doesn’t show up for several days, it sort of takes the ‘privacy’ aspect out of the equation. I will be sure to add an LOL or emoji next time for clarification.
    1 point
  33. The go out (almost all asymptomatic), they come back in after quarantine, protocols work. Just like they do at our Toyota plant with 7,000 employees. Rudimentary case counts are going to go up in Indiana...we are nowhere near our peak. With basic protocols, it can be managed....just like the factories. Really the only places that I have any concern are Marion and Lake counties. In fact, I believe it's completely possible Marion will cancel most in person school and football in 3 weeks. Giving the rest of the state almost no time to reschedule and minimizing transfers to other schools. The rest of the state will play without them.
    1 point
  34. Sort of sick of people making arguments that the other side is just motivated by selfishness. Everyone thinks they have pure motives and everybody else is motivated by some insidious motives or agenda. Its a public health crisis. The reality of the situation is that in person school and athletics are hanging by a thread. Even the schools that open and start football Monday have an enormous set of challenges to keep it going. Some schools are already making the decision not to open for 4 weeks and then reevaluate. There are no answers about the issues that most likely arise, due to the fact that the virus seems to be spreading in Indiana, especially among young people. These young people do not live in a bubble, they are in the community. There will be positive tests, just like in major league baseball. Some of the schools and teams will ultimately have to shut down, just because they have too many positive tests among players and coaches. The same is true for whole schools. Many are trying to do all they can to get this going, and I get it. Without an answer to the issue of this virus spreading and people having to isolate due to positive tests, I dont know how we can sort of work around it.
    1 point
  35. I think Chatard would have had their hands full with Merrillville, Valpo, Dwenger, and Homestead.
    1 point
  36. Does he think its still fake? Oh wait, he died from it.. After getting it at the trump rally.
    0 points
  37. Well sorry about your mom and dad. as Covid go I to have personally been affected by it. I know someone who died from it and my wife’s mom, grandma, and grandpa all have it. I know it’s a thing but it’s not as bad as they make it sound out to be. Kids need school and sports more than anything right now too many kids have more issues because of not having school and sports the last 5 months.
    0 points
  38. I know it's not about you. I've read what you have wrote. It's about the kids to quote you. Well the kids would be doing perfectly fine if we would let them live their damn lives. TWO KIDS IN 5 MONTHS unfortunately passed away. Did we close Lake Michigan last month when two kids drowned? Did you scream how we need to promote better parenting and teaching kids dangers of undercurrents?
    0 points
  39. If you want to sit at home playing xbox that's up to you. That's great for you. Real clear you just want state to give you a reason why you are home. Always snarky and negative about everything. 2 kids have died in indiana since this started IN MARCH and both had immune system problems. You want to talk about reason you say what you say is for the kids. BS!!!!! You want to sit on your ass and be miserable but you want everyone to feel like you. Grow up kid.
    0 points
  40. Maybe they’re getting rid of all hostile nicknames—so long Indians, Rebels, etc.
    0 points
  41. You are gonna freak out when they end up shutting it down.
    0 points
  42. 0 points
  43. Certain people won't look at it this way and it's a shame. Of course it's out of selfishness. When less than 175 people under age 24 have died in THE UNITED STATES IN 5 MONTHS what else could it be. But hey let's take away from kids and hide them away in front of ps4. Its ridiculous. I'm more worried about long term concussion issues than I am covid effecting athletes. But that's me. Others will differ.
    0 points
  44. Let's see if people start praising the IHSA for moving football to the middle of flu season. Mind boggling and irrational.
    0 points
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