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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Is this an airport? Bus or train station? I never understand the mindset of people wanting to announce their departures from social media sites....lol For a guy that hates what he calls the "bro culture" or the "look at me" type athletes; creating a "look at me" topic is not only funny, but ironic.
    6 points
  2. Sorry you feel that way In nowhere in you posts did it show any promotion of Indiana HS Football. You do you though. always have, and for the record, I simply asked to refrain from comparing school based on how many black athletes they have. If that makes me a snowflake, so be it, but I felt it was the correct call for where that rabbit hole was going. For the record, there was no threat of banning, or anything such. A simple request was made by me, but go ahead create your standard Martyr complex, its your go to playbook.
    5 points
  3. "Stop, don't, come back."- Willy Wonka See you in three weeks when you return from your most recent self-imposed banishment.
    5 points
  4. After 20 years as an assistant coach at WW and 1 year as the interim head coach, I am excited to say that the future of the program is under the lead of another great man and mentor for young people. I thrilled to officially announce that the Coach Jeremy Lowery was recommended and approved by the West Washington School Board at last night's meeting. With his family on hand Coach Lowery was welcomed with open arms into the Senator Family. In the link below you will find a press conference from the this morning. Our digital media students that participate in our school's internet radio station (WWSR) organized and produced the press conference.
    3 points
  5. This is roughly the 8th time he's announced a departure. He'll be back. He has too much time vested in this forum to quit cold turkey like this. Ironically, his comment wasn't even accurate. Crown Point's percent of white students is lower because of the number of Hispanic students.
    3 points
  6. Please, tell me you actually do not believe this statement? They BOTH are brutal QB development
    2 points
  7. Hate to see you go DT. You provide good quality content on this forum. Unfortunately we live in a very sensitive world today where factual information is often misconstrued as racist.
    2 points
  8. He’s a good program builder. In about 3 years they’ll be competitive.
    1 point
  9. Looks like Brian Glesing took the job at Shelbyville. Boy, he’s got a lot of work to do there. @Fkfootball
    1 point
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^. EXACTLY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    1 point
  11. That will be a good series.
    1 point
  12. Yep, it has pretty much turned into that.
    1 point
  13. I was shocked that thread was closed I didn’t see anything inappropriate. maybe if you are on Facebook start a private group I have one for gambling and golf that has some pretty good content
    1 point
  14. no but you seemed to insinuate mine were
    1 point
  15. I would like to see if officials in Central Indiana might be interested in working a large 11 on 11 competition on Monday, July 12. The competition will run promply from 6:30 pm till 8:30 pm. Clinton Central is located on US 29 [Michigan Road] about 30 minutes north of 96 St. in Indy. When I have run these large scale 11 on 11 competitions at Tri-Central we always had a great turn out of officials wishing to work there mechanics to get ready for the season. We will split 2 football fields with a red zone field separate and we can accommodate 15 teams including our team. Teams will start with ball on forty with 3 downs to get a first down. Once in red zone offense will have 4 downs to score [no kicking game]. When offense gives up ball on downs or scores ball goes to resting team. Offense moves to defense and defense becomes resting team. Action is fast paced with lots of repetition, although coaches and officials can stop action for a teaching point at any time. Officials throw flags as if regular game. Action will run 20 minutes non-stop, then teams move to next pod of competition. I will organize this action with each official and team having in their hands a schedule of competition with fields marked. During the break (10 minutes) Varsity moves on and for next 10 minutes JV players will play then follow there Varsity to next field of competition. We currently have 2 4A schools; 2 3A, 4 2A, 3 1a teams coming. This works best with 300-400 athletes at competition with we have officials available. Please contact me if interested in coming to work competition. There are no trophies [winning or losing during competition if of no importance at this event and that has made this a great learning tool preparing for the season so coaches can focus on plays, players and staff and not worry about the stuff we have to deal with during the season. This has been a great night of fellowship for coaches, officials and players. I hope we can get at least 15 to work but 30 would allow rest periods for officials. We have had as many as 40 and it worked out great. Let me know if interested george.gilbert@clinton.k12.in.us
    1 point
  16. Get real snowflake. Attempted murder, as if...... BTW - if you are actually looking for an answer to your question - NO I would not endorse attempted murder of anyone, regardless of their status. BTW - Our President in action - (As if nobody saw something like this coming in the last 12 years - well here it is) https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-first-day-began-the-end-of-girls-sports-11611341066?fbclid=IwAR1ghlO7VR2PnV9D1NCzR5iQJAUbK-3pcTeicvi2HkGT4nbirSszWajw55Y Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports An executive order rigs competition by requiring that biological boys be allowed to compete against girls. Amid Inauguration Day talk of shattered glass ceilings, on Wednesday President Biden delivered a body blow to the rights of women and girls: the Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation. On day one, Mr. Biden placed all girls’ sports and women’s safe spaces in the crosshairs of the administrative state. The order declares: “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the rest room, the locker room, or school sports. . . . All persons should receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation.” The order purports to direct administrative agencies to begin promulgating regulations that would enforce the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision Bostock v. Clayton County. In fact, it goes much further. In Bostock, the justices held that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited an employer from firing an employee on the basis of homosexuality or “transgender status.” Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for a 6-3 majority, took pains to clarify that the decision was limited to employment and had no bearing on “sex-segregated bathrooms, locker rooms, and dress codes”—all regulated under Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. “Under Title VII, too,” the majority added, “we do not purport to address bathrooms, locker rooms, or anything else of the kind.” The Biden executive order is far more ambitious. Any school that receives federal funding—including nearly every public high school—must either allow biological boys who self-identify as girls onto girls’ sports teams or face administrative action from the Education Department. If this policy were to be broadly adopted in anticipation of the regulations that are no doubt on the way, what would this mean for girls’ and women’s sports? “Finished. Done,” Olympic track-and-field coach Linda Blade told me. “The leadership skills, all the benefits society gets from letting girls have their protected category so that competition can be fair, all the advances of women’s rights—that’s going to be diminished.” Ms. Blade noted that parents of teen girls are generally uninterested in watching their daughters demoralized by the blatant unfairness of a rigged competition. I say rigged because in contests of strength and speed, the athletic chasm between the sexes, which opens at puberty, is both permanent and unbridgeable. Once male puberty is complete, testosterone suppression doesn’t undo the biological advantages men possess: larger hearts, lungs and bones, greater bone density, more-oxygenated blood, more fast-twitch muscle fiber and vastly greater muscle mass. It should be no surprise, then, that the two trans-identified biological males permitted to compete in Connecticut state track finals against girls—neither of whom was a top sprinter as a boy—consistently claimed top spots competing as girls. They eliminated girls from advancement to regional championships, scouting and scholarship opportunities and trophies, and they set records no girl may ever equal. How big is this performance gap? To take one example cited by the Connecticut female runners in their complaint against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, the fastest female sprinter in the world is American runner Allyson Felix, a woman with more gold medals than Usain Bolt. Her lifetime best for the 400-meter run is 49.26 seconds. Based on 2018 data, nearly 300 high-school boys in the U.S. alone could beat it. Even if allowing biological boys to join girls’ teams means girls can’t win, isn’t it still worth trying out for the team? Actually, no—even in sports that involve no contact and little injury risk, like running or tennis. It isn’t merely the trophies and scholarships and opportunities at stake. It isn’t even all the benefits sports have so long provided to young women—in self-esteem and health and camaraderie with friends. It isn’t merely that girls who participate in sports tend to earn better grades, that so many female Fortune 500 executives were athletes, or that sports force teen girls out of their own heads, where they might otherwise sit and stew to their detriment. It’s the profound and glaring injustice of it: the spectacular records and achievements that Jackie Joyner, Althea Gibson and Wilma Rudolph would never have achieved had the world pitted their bodies against men. Yet here we are. Decades of women’s achievement and opportunity rolled back by executive fiat. Battered women’s shelters, women’s jails and other safe spaces that receive federal funding and constitute “dwellings” under the Fair Housing Act may be next. Women’s rights turn out to be cheap and up for grabs. Who will voice objection? Certainly not those caught up in the “historic” moment of the first female vice president. Hillary Clinton swooned on Twitter : “It delights me to think that what feels historical and amazing to us today—a woman sworn in to the vice presidency—will seem normal, obvious, ‘of course’ to Kamala’s grand-nieces as they grow up.” If only this je ne sais quoi weren’t accompanied by a far more material theft of female opportunity.
    1 point
  17. Girls basketball and boys wrestling doesn’t seem to have any trouble finding athletes who end up at CPHS, I’d assume football will be no different
    1 point
  18. In our neck of the woods, Mt. Vernon (Posey). Have always had the socioeconomics to be successful, now that they have a head guy that "gets it" - look out. They could challenge Gibson Southern in a few years for suburbia king of SW Indiana.
    1 point
  19. Don't think its fair to put Coach Good in the @DT crosshairs just because Crown Point hired Coach Buzea The article clearly stated that CP was the only job in NWI that he would leave for. The 2 are not connected in any way and any conjecture to link the two is just plain silly.
    1 point
  20. Hope he brings Zac wells with him as Defensive Coordinator. Way to go Dogs!
    1 point
  21. Franklin? that might be a reach....3-6 and pounded by 3A Danville....more like groundhog day down there.
    1 point
  22. Any word on the transfer from out of state?
    1 point
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