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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2021 in Posts

  1. This is a game you put on your schedule when you want to take a step forward in the state tournament. I know I get a lot of flak from time to time for trumpeting the MIC, but there's nothing like high-level MIC football in this state. The players are all fast and mostly big and all strong. It gives you an idea of the speed of the game at that level. That way you don't get shellacked when you end up meeting a MIC team for real in the tourney. Every bit counts. Upsets happen. Bravo to Warsaw for stepping up.
    3 points
  2. But it’s not irrelevant to his development as a whole person. I know this is a football site. But for the love of God, can we quit expecting (demanding?) that high school kids act like professionals? I don’t care if a kid is the #1 5-star recruit in the nation. If his coach and parents aren’t reminding him that he’s one injury away from becoming just like everyone else, and preparing him for a life outside of football, they’re doing him a disservice.
    3 points
  3. Hello everyone! I've been thinking about creating an Indiana High School Football records book/encyclopedia. I would include info from my previous books (all-state players, tournament history, etc.) but would want to include other features, as well. conference standings coaching records state records for players list of state champs (including mythical back to 1800s) articles on legendary coaches and teams What else would you want to see included? Thanks, Dan "Rudy" Engler AlmanacSports.com
    2 points
  4. If having a large enrollment was the sole reason to success, there’s no way North Central, Pike, Lake Central are as bad as they’ve been for this long. Culture, commitment, coaching. Common theme. Anyone doubt that with O’Shea’s turn around at NC?
    2 points
  5. 114 all-time meetings. First played in 1903 1903-06, 1909, 1924-25, 1928-92, 97-present. (From 1934-52 they played twice a year in a home and home series). It might not be the longest continuous, but it’s one of the oldest and most played series in state history. I don’t see ADs Patti McCormack and Bill Dorulla wanting to end this series any time soon.
    2 points
  6. This is the logical next step for the “cancel culture.”
    2 points
  7. I have my own personal "Master Contract" with my current employer. Why don't you?
    2 points
  8. Y’all still hanging out on here? It’s been I think about a decade since I checked in with you guys, had to create a new account. I don’t plan on spending a lot of time on here, but nice to see some of the familiar handles. Stay out of trouble, Go Knights! WAF
    2 points
  9. I Still one less than the number of fatalities in Ted Kennedy’s back seat.
    2 points
  10. There’s a point of diminishing returns wise guy. In a school of 3800 (even with a free and reduced lunch rate of 65 percent) you can field a formidable football squad. In fact, enrollment is the only thing keeping Warren and Ben Davis afloat right now. Shrink their enrollment by 1000 and you have a souped up version of Arsenal Tech. When you take a look at enrollment on its surface, it’s easy to fall into the trap. Why is Ben Davis (the second largest school in the state) not dominating in state championships across the board? Because, even though they boast 2000+ male students, when you figure in a free and reduced lunch rate of nearly 70 percent, that diminishes the pool of available student athletes considerably. We just had a prominent football coach leave Warren for FRANKLIN CENTRAL. Wrap your mind around that. You “privileged” Cathedral folks are out of touch with reality. Your 600 male students (none of which are disadvantaged) is comparable to BD’s 2250 at a 70 percent disadvantaged clip.
    2 points
  11. I am just stating my opinion. I am just someone who is not a fan of IMG. I think there are plenty of good programs in indiana and teams to play. And if teams want to play some out of state teams every once in a while then sure. I don’t mind seeing Trinity or the Cincinnati teams play Indy schools. I am just against IMG. That’s not a real high school football team. All im stating here.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Center Grove would lose its socio-economic advantage if it joined the HCC and would still run roughshed in that conference despite being one of the smaller schools. Enrollment nor socio-economic factors dictate coaching, culture, commitment. No. North Central. Pike. Noblesville. HSE. Fishers. Neither means a damn thing.
    1 point
  14. This guy needs to be a better recuiter haha
    1 point
  15. He is an outstanding student as well with a 4.1 gpa. Extremely hard worker on and off the field. Parents are active, involved and push for excellence. Offers just keep coming every week. Wisconsin this week.
    1 point
  16. After having his teeth fixed - He's back on the hunt..... https://nypost.com/2021/04/27/hunter-biden-to-speak-about-fake-news-at-tulane-university/ Hunter Biden nabbed a speaking gig at Tulane University to talk with students about “fake news” for a course called “Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts.” The 51-year-old son of President Biden will join the class to discuss “the current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news and the economics of the new business impact public policymaking in Washington, DC,” according to Fox News. Biden is one of 10 guests speakers invited by the New Orleans university during the 10-week course. Other speakers include Dr. Deborah Birx, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens and Fox News political analyst Juan Williams. Hunter Biden, who The Post exclusively reported helped arrange a 2015 meeting between his then-vice president father and his Ukrainian energy firm executive boss — whom the elder Biden later helped shield from investigation — is better known for his drug, sex and legal scandals than his media expertise. In the weeks before the 2020 election, social media outlets censored The Post over the report, and mainstream news outlets ignored it, over lack of faith in its veracity. After his father won the presidency, Hunter disclosed the federal government was indeed investigating his overseas business dealings. The first son also said the laptop at the center of the report, containing emails that revealed his business dealings in Ukraine and China, could “certainly” have been his, as his book tour swung through CBS earlier this month. He also claimed it could have been stolen from him, or hacked by Russia as part of a misinformation campaign, the latter a claim that intelligence agents have refuted. “Whether or not somebody has my laptop, whether or not it was, I was hacked, whether or not there exists a laptop at all, I truly don’t know,” Hunter said. After SF got over the irony of this guy being tapped to speak, I am really wondering if he is just going to expound on his and his father being the the beneficiaries of the good side of the fake media.....
    1 point
  17. Hammond central will be 1800 firmly in 5a.
    1 point
  18. You can say what you want about Bart Curtis. But one thing for sure: he is as hard-nosed, old school, as you can get. He backs down from no one.
    1 point
  19. And that’s the same position they’re looking at for Bowen.
    1 point
  20. I know it's not a simple comparison but anyone remember Jack Kiser from Pioneer?? Kid was awesome playing 1A football, everyone said he was not going to be able to make it at Notre Dame because of his high school competition. Granted JK was hurt last year, but he got some LB playing time 2 years ago and the staff loves him because he understands the game and he's always around the ball. If he can stay healthy I think he's got a chance at starting at Rover this year for the Irish.
    1 point
  21. One thing I think you can expect from Coach Kirschner at Warren is schedule continuity. At least when he was at BD, he wanted long term stability in that regard. Good for Warsaw wanting to play Warren. That's always a problem for the MIC's Big 4. Will it be a great game? Dunno, but Warsaw will be better for playing up in competition. At least they'll know that they tried. Wonder if there's some Kirschner/Warsaw connection in coaching friendships, etc.
    1 point
  22. EVSC (our local public school corp.) announced this week that the turf at Reitz Bowl and Central Stadium will be replaced this summer. Sprinturf was originally installed in 2009. Enlow Field is also 12 years old but is not being replaced this summer.
    1 point
  23. Another big reason why GID involvement has dropped off for some schools and conferences is just public awareness on social media in general, just to add the perspective of a coach. It used to be fun to get on here and banter and get a little friendly "bulletin board material" on game weeks. Nowadays, anything that gets posted on a public forum can have professional implications, and we're all hyper aware of that fact. So now we just lurk. 🙃
    1 point
  24. When Joe Biden Talks About Worker Choice, He Means Only 1 Choice https://reason.com/2021/04/27/when-joe-biden-talks-about-worker-choice-he-means-only-1-choice/ So, yes, the law's text does include the word encouraging. However, that word follows a long preamble about preventing "certain substantial obstructions" to commerce, which refer to things like strikes, protests, riots, or any other collective action that could damage a business's ability to operate. The right to collective bargaining existed only in a very limited fashion prior to the NLRA's 1935 passage. The U.S. was in the middle of the Great Depression and 1934 was a particularly troubled year for labor unrest. The passage of the NLRA was intended to put an end to that by giving workers and businesses a less disruptive way to resolve disputes. What if there aren't "obstructions to the free flow of commerce"? Workers still have the right to collectively bargain, hence the NLRA's second part about protecting workers' "full freedom of association," which reaffirms the First Amendment's "right of the people peaceably to assemble." In short, the NLRA was only meant to encourage collective bargaining when that serves the purpose of ending "substantial" disruptions in industries, such as strikes, to avoid harm to the national economy. The NLRA is not a mandate for the government to encourage collective bargaining where there are no disruptions. In those situations, the NLRA says that belonging to a union is solely the workers' choice. The Biden administration seems to know this because it is trying to rewrite the NLRA to make the law encourage unions. The administration supports passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act), which would eliminate all state-level right-to-work laws. That would strip many workers in 27 states of the choice to say no to belonging to a union. Had the drafters of the NLRA meant to encourage workers to join a union, they could have made all organized workplaces "closed shops." They could have prohibited right-to-work laws and instead required all workers to join or otherwise support the union if they wanted to keep their jobs. Some lawmakers originally pushed for that but Wagner rejected it, saying during Senate debate that the legislation "does not force any employer to make a closed-shop agreement. It does not even state that Congress favors the policy of the closed shop." A decade later, the Taft-Hartley amendments to the NLRA would clarify that individual states could prohibit closed shops. The 27 states that do this are now called right-to-work states. "All I am trying to do, and I think, you believe me when I say that, is to make the worker a free man to join any organization that he wishes to join," Wagner told a gas station attendant in 1934. Biden's interpretation that the NLRA encourages unions lacks that nuance. He gives lip service to the notion that the choice is solely left up to workers while focusing on aiding his allies in the union movement. That ought to concern workers who would rather make up their own mind about joining a union. Mr. Biden and other progressives believe the vast majority of individuals are too stupid to make up their own mind about union membership, therefore government needs to coerce them.
    1 point
  25. Abolish the longest running high school football rivalry — The Battle for ‘The Old Leather Helmet” — in the state? Find another way.
    1 point
  26. Hope he ends up at Notre Dame, and if he wants to play baseball too like some other golden domers (Jeff Samardija sp?, Golden Tate, Tori Hunter, etc) it can't help that ND is currently a top 10 baseball team (had to triple check, one site said #6, another said #8).
    1 point
  27. IU is 11-5 in the B10 the last 2 years. Hardly the scenario you ascribe. They won 6 B10 games alone last year. Try harder.
    1 point
  28. What happened to the NLC discussion. This seems to be a theme across many Grid topics. Can't stay on subject. Although entertaining, hardly informative. Why not have a general rant thread where people can just do what they wish...within reason.
    1 point
  29. To quote my favorite, fictional Judge, "Well, the world needs ditch diggers too."
    1 point
  30. I started reading this site in 2000-2001 when I was a 18/19 year old freshmen at Ball State. I'm now a fat, old, weak, and dumb 39 year divorced single dad raising 2 sons on my own. It's not that I don't love the debates and reading the information, my attention has changed. I also don't fire of a response like I did when I was younger. I read things, raise my eyebrows, and move on.
    1 point
  31. God forbid WeBo win a third consecutive title ... man just wait until you see what that thread looks like. The IHSAA will bump you up and then likely put you in the Sectional of Death, Sectional 28, along with all of the other "above average" schools. 😉
    1 point
  32. In the Covid 19 recruiting scenario its amazing these big time schools would offer a sophomore from a 2A school. Its a classic case of internet/twitter self promotion ....it you don't know what I mean look it up. This kid checks some boxes but why would an SEC school offer a scholarship valued around 200k to a kid they have never seen in person? The NFL for years based everything on combine numbers, but many high school kids are getting offers with zero measureables. I have seen skilled kids offered by schools that run 4.7 40's.
    0 points
  33. Yes, that is a perfect way to describe you, friend.
    0 points
  34. I didn't take it out of context, friend. Stop being so defensive and own up to what you typed. Please explain.
    0 points
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