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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2021 in all areas

  1. GID Friends and Foes (Im sure there still lingering out there) 😁 I am letting you all know like I did the others on the leadership team a few weeks back, that come August, I will be beginning a new position within Rensselaer School Corp, going into El Ed PE which was my original degree 18 years ago, so will finally enjoy getting myself back into that, but leaving behind 13 years of running our Alternative School and Credit Recovery program which allowed me to be in front of computer 8 hours a day running our lab for all of that, so being a primary member of the leadership team made sense for me at that time, but not so much anymore as I just will not have the time that this site takes during the season to moderate, et. al that goes into the day to day, week to week, etc. s I want to thank @DK_Barons and @77Jimmie for allowing me onto their team back in 2010, its been a nice little run for myself around these parts and I will be still a member and retain my moderation tools, but will only be able to get on in a very limited basis moving forward and do not want to have folks wondering why I am not getting back to them in the typical ways that you have been accustomed to. Thanks to @Irishman all these years together running the day to day it seems, appreciate your support and accessibility brotha. Like I said, I will be on here and there throughout the rest of the summer and will help when I can until August but the slow phase out of my position within the leadership team. Thanks to the many members and supporters all these years, appreciate all of you. Hope many of you continue to provide your content and commentary within the confides of what Coach TA always wanted, a positive promotion of Indiana HS Football in your schools, communities throughout the entire state of Indiana. Cheers Coach Eric Nowlin
    8 points
  2. Totally off topic...but had to share.
    2 points
  3. I think The Wheel has their sights on him to replace Sajak when he retires.
    2 points
  4. What is your choice for the best MIC teams of all time? Remember, the MIC started in 1996, so it has to be within the last 25 years, and the teams had to be in the MIC in the year of greatness. That means 2012 LC is out. My top 5 1) 2006 Warren Central 2) 2017 Ben Davis 3) 2018 Warren Central 4) 2001 Ben Davis 5) 2020 Center Grove
    1 point
  5. I hit submit before I could add that, but agreed. At least most of those are local and with your HS team. You just have to go out of state to find good baseball teams, or so I have been told. I guess Dubois county doesn’t count??
    1 point
  6. Don't forget the basketball "shootouts". Junes have been brutal at my house for years.
    1 point
  7. Football encourages multi sport athletes, yet is the sport that seems to ‘give’ more than any other. I mean, who’s to say which of the 16U Gold Silver Elite Prep Baseball Showcase events is more important than the other 7 ones?
    1 point
  8. Danville 10.5 Tri-West 8.5 WeBo 8.5 Lebanon 5.5 Frankfort 4.5 North Montgomery 3.5 Southmont 2.5 Crawfordsville 0.5 This gets difficult to predict with sectional draw being important. A good draw could mean 2 additional wins for some of these teams.
    1 point
  9. I was hoping you were going to be the next host of jeopardy.
    1 point
  10. Gonna miss you around here. Ill still jus text and bother you from time to time. You will always be the Mayor around here no matter what.
    1 point
  11. Yep. Deadline passed though. Rent was due nearly two hours ago. @Footballking16 and @XStar must retake the course as sophomores.
    1 point
  12. If I was a wussy I’d have a couple of tears. I swear to God I would
    1 point
  13. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9712973/Nearly-4-000-Massachusetts-residents-fully-vaccinated-against-COVID-tested-positive-virus.html Nearly 4,000 Massachusetts residents who were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have tested positive for the virus. These so-called 'breakthrough' cases occur when people contract the disease 14 days or more after receiving their second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine or the Johnson & Johnson one-shot jab, and which officials say are not surprising. With more than 3.7 million people in Massachusetts who have completed their vaccine series, this means breakthrough infections have occurred in about one out of every 1,000 - or 0.001 percent - according to the state's Department of Public Health (DPH). WHY IN THE WORLD is everyone so surprised? Just like the flu vaccination, the virus/flu/bug/germs still exist and ANYONE can carry it/them. Apparently this virus is pretty dagum smart....it is SO dangerous it can dodge a vaccine better than anything else..... Although - it cured the flu. So there is that.....
    1 point
  14. We do a lot of the same things out here. The kids see Coach Pelley and HS kids out at the youth games. There is a camp which is run by the HS Coaching Staff and players. Basic offense/defense are taught. There is a Youth Football Night during a varsity game where all youth teams are announced during halftime of a varsity game. Coach Pelley is involved in the youth program (on the Board) and was fitting youth kids last night for equipment.
    1 point
  15. Yeah you answered your own objection with that one as Western Boone is over 25%. The Gary reference was for the unique inference that if one can find any school district worse off than another then it makes that school corporation "upscale" which was clearly nonsense but you wanted someone to tell you someone worse off than Frankfort and I did. Literally everything you've tried to prop up here has now been debunked. You're not very good at this.
    1 point
  16. Knowing Jayson personally, there will not be a lot of kids "moving with him". He is about as pure as it gets. He will work with the township he has and go get kids to play that have not been. This is what made him successful at Lawrence Central prior to WC. I know the youth numbers are up by almost 150 kids which is a huge number. He is doing a good job within the community, along with their current strength coach. FC could begin the long process of being a top contender based on what the township is giving them now. However, that is going to take a long time given how big they already are. I can see them going from a dootstop, to a tough win fairly quickly. Just will be hard to get moving too fast in that conference for sure. I live in the township, and I wish them nothing but the best, but will still send my kids to Prague Road for High School.
    1 point
  17. The Manual is now available for download on your my.IHSAA dashboard. Any non-officials who would like to see it — and I’d like to hear from some coaches, too — message me with your e-mail address and I’ll send you a copy. After all, it is the coaches whose votes determine playoff advancement. I believe that imposes an obligation to inform yourself as to the standard to which our crews are to officiate. They say the hardest thing to know about a subject is what you don’t know. If you look at the Manual, you’ll come away with an understanding that officiating proficiency is neither easy, nor obvious. I will say that we looked at an awful lot of manuals. This is the only one that quotes both Aristotle and Bobby Knight. 🤣😂
    1 point
  18. Sorry, I had to concentrate on work yesterday afternoon/evening. I prioritize that because I don't want to become economically disadvantaged. Aside from that, you have to make a valid point before you can hand out any assignment. All you've done so far is admit that you don't consider Western Boone to be upscale while claiming to back up Muda but admitting that he makes no sense. Like I've repeatedly shown, you're not very good at this.
    0 points
  19. The origins of our current U.S. health care system are well known. And that current system needs to change. To a free market solution.
    0 points
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