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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2023 in Posts

  1. There should not be any P/P in 1A. Fire away if you must…..
    6 points
  2. Facebook is down the hall and to the left
    4 points
  3. Welcome to the club.... Teams who are not what they used to be. founding member Penn.
    2 points
  4. they're hanging in there like a hair in a grilled cheese.
    2 points
  5. We gonna turn this into a "not only does Lutheran not have built in advantages but they ACTUALLY has many disadvantages" type of thread?
    2 points
  6. I buried Roncalli early…then dug them back up and performed CPR while apologizing but now I am ready to bury them again. I think Cathedral is too. Irish by 21+.
    2 points
  7. Maybe LCC in 2015 or 2019, but not the four-peats in 2009-2012 and probably not the 1999 or 1976 teams. Incidentally, I believe that @BendNotBreak and others responded skeptically to your post about the current AC team winning in 90% of the 1A championship games over the years, not that the current AC team isn't competitive or above average. No one is saying anything bad about the current AC team in their own right. There is, however, a difference in being an above average championship team, which typically tends to get you to LOS, and being a team that could claim to be classified as the top 5 out of 50 teams in the last 50 years. You might be able to make a claim of top 10 out of 50, pending the results of this season, but top five looking at the 2009-2012 LCC teams, that monster Pioneer 2018 squad, and the likes of the Sheridan squads in the 2005-2007 seasons and also the 1998 squad is not that likely a feat. Matter of fact, I'd even contend that there are some squads that didn't make it to LOS that would be in the running for top squads. That Pioneer squad from 2009 and the Sheridan squad from 2011 were probably the second best teams in 1A in those respective years that never even made it to LOS.
    2 points
  8. What do those schools have in common? I can’t quite put my finger on it.
    2 points
  9. I know I sometimes get caught up looking at box scores as it’s impossible to see every team in person but damn. Some folks questioned Lutheran’s omission from Temp’s Top 25 and I scoffed at the time. Not anymore. They’ve dominated everyone in their path including what I consider damn fine teams in Triton Central, Scecina and Monrovia by a combined score of 134-41! While I don’t have em top 25 (yet) they are getting damn close. As one who often focuses a lot of his attention on 5A/6A teams which I feel I know best, thought this squad deserved a special shout out. Good luck 1A…
    1 point
  10. It hasn't happened in a few years. That's a shame but I'm glad it's back. Fierce rivalry will again take place.
    1 point
  11. Since stats don't interest anyone, I'll stick with the game notes. I tried harder on the score predictions this week. Castle 49 Central 6 - The Central sideline does a facepalm in unison when an unidentified Sophomore excitedly yelps, “He took it to the mojo dojo casa house!!!!,” after Maximus McCool reels off a 36 yard touchdown run. In an unrelated note, the IHSAA anoints Maximus to the top spot of its “Top 100 Best Names” list. Bosse 28 Reitz 42 - In a quest to burnish his offensive legacy Cory Brunson has his charges practice a fumblerooski, double reverse, flea flicker, halfback pass. He scuttles the play when nobody can pronounce its moniker without laughing: The FuRooDoReFleaHaPa. Mater Dei 28 Harrison 6 - After pointing out to his team that they have scored more than twice as many points as Harrison, Coach Goebel enthusiastically exhorts his troops to carpe bellator! The ol’ ball coach seemly forgets that he is the only native Latin speaker in the room. North 23 Jasper 17 - Jasper staff member finds lost MaxPreps password and promptly enters 141 yards rushing and 80 yards passing for every game since 2004 - In honor of both Jerry Brewer and Jasper’s inceptive MaxPreps entry for the Memorial game on 08/23/2019. Vincennes 6 Memorial 32 - Vincennes nabs Michael Penix Jr. and Memorial snags Sam Hartman in the IHSSA’s newly implemented mid-season Transfer Portal…at least in parallel recurring dreams that Coach Salters and Coach Hurley have been having for the last eight days. Neither QB materials in time to stop the Tigers from taking out their lone-loss frustrations on the Alices.
    1 point
  12. Was there anybody in the northern part of the state (who wasn’t playing) who wasn’t at that 2015 game😳 End zone was a who’s who of Indiana coaches
    1 point
  13. I’ve shared my opinion in other threads, but to summarize what I would do with my magic classification wand, if I had it. 1A: smallest 32 (no P/P) 6A: largest 32 2A-5A: divide them up evenly…spread out the byes based on some metric if you wish Rolling 3 or 4 year SF cycle. I could lean to either one. Would you have to reclassify and move some teams around every year? Yes. Is this insurmountable? No.
    1 point
  14. Couldn't beat the 2015 team either in my opinion. Played against that team in high school, not fun. Not as physical as the 2009-12 teams, but so much talent on that 2015. Jack Kiser said the best Pioneer team he ever played on was the 2015 Pioneer team with his brother, and Pioneer lost to LCC in the regional that year 31-14 I believe. 2019 is the only one I would say they have a shot against.
    1 point
  15. Kansas much improved. Coach Leipold seems to know how to win. Not sure if they can get over the hump. Former Center Grove standout, Austin Booker, is currently playing strong for the Jayhawks from his DE position
    1 point
  16. Seriously? Avon received votes?
    1 point
  17. Exactly what I was thinking. I would be surprised if they don't give him a chance. I know they want to establish their ground game, but it's just not working. Lefty Liam gives them their best shot to move the ball and score points. He may miss some throws, throw some picks, or take some sacks, but he opens up the field with his arm which may make way for their ground game more.
    1 point
  18. Most sensible thing you’ve ever written on this forum.
    1 point
  19. I’m guessing the Lefty will get more reps this week for Memorial. Threw a couple nice balls in the 4th.
    1 point
  20. Idk. I made it through high school without scorin.
    1 point
  21. Quarterback? We don’t need no stinkin quarterback. By rule, doesn’t one of them have to score this week?
    1 point
  22. WW JV will play Tell City tomorrow. PC cancelled.
    1 point
  23. Nice win for the Irish! Hartman didn't have his best game, but he came through when the game was on the line. Estime is a beast, a fast one too! It was cool to see Hartman wait outside the "injury tent" to greet injured Duke QB Leonard!
    1 point
  24. I recall back in the day when Lutheran was being beat by Milan, West Washington, and South Putnam, before they could even get out of sectionals and no one was talking about them. A little success will change that dynamic.
    1 point
  25. You should visit the campus sometime
    1 point
  26. IMO, this is one of the unintended — and negative — consequences of the coaches’ vote system of advancement. There are crews out there who believe, rightly or wrongly, that enforcing the uniform rules as we’re supposed to has a negative impact on their coaches’ vote. So, they look the other way when a kid comes out for warmups with his face painted like he’s auditioning for a role in Braveheart, or with pants that don’t even qualify as Bermuda shorts.
    1 point
  27. After touting Warren Central as a darkhorse team, I'm going to shut up the rest of the year about rankings or predictions. Looks good to me.
    1 point
  28. This Adams Central team is good enough to win 90% of past 1A titles, but will be the underdog when they square off with Indy Lutheran. It will be a true David vs Goliath. Rural Adams County takes on the Inner Indy All Stars.
    1 point
  29. Point 1: Correct - only 1 Sectional Championship ever in school history. Prior to 1998, the Tigers had never won a single sectional game. Point 2: Uh... yeah... kind of makes sense since the only other big schools around are Penn or in Fort Wayne that they would be who ends Warsaw's seasons... Point 3: Conference affiliations are more than just football. Many Tiger sports have competed against non-NLC foes in their regular seasons with the likes of Penn, Elkhart, The Region, and Fort Wayne area schools. Those sports benefit from having longer seasons/more opportunities. Football is more difficult with only 9 games to be able to add those non-conference opponents. Point 1: I can never remember a single season in which NorthWood ever had "double" the amount of kids on a sideline compared to Warsaw in my lifetime (30+ years). Equal amount of kids? Yes. Double? Absolutely not. The Tigers have rarely ever had "numbers" issues. But it is surprising that they rarely seem to have the number of athletes that similiar schools of their size (other 6A/5A norther teams) have. Point 2: I agree wholeheartedly with you here. Pounding week-over-week with Carroll, Homestead, Snider, Dwenger, Penn, Region teams... I don't see how that does anything to "develop" the program. Looks at some of the weaker schools in the MIC and HCC. What has a school like Noblesville done playing in that meatgrinder of a conference HCC? They have 5 sectional victories in the last 20 years. Has playing HSE, Fishers, Westfield, Brownsburg, Zionsville and Avon (all strong programs) benefitted the Millers at all? I don't think so. Point 3: In what world would Warsaw get dominated in every other sport moving to the SAC or any other large conference in the north? As previously stated, the Tigers play a majority of these teams already in basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc., and typically hold their own. I would say Warsaw competes rather consistenly with the likes of Penn, Carroll and Homestead in a variety of sports on both the girls and boys side of things. Michigan City has been a good add to the schedule. Chesterton the last two years was added when they were a 6A school at the time, but since dropped to 5A. As well, added perennial Columbus, OH area power Dublin Coffman a few seasons back. Next year, Warsaw starts a home and home with Warren Central, then I'm pretty sure after that home and homes with Ben Davis and Fort Wayne Snider. To me, adding these types of games in the non-conference are much better for the program than playing an entire conference season against the same teams they would have to face again in the post-season. Simply not true. As long as Warsaw has been a 6A school, they have never played a 3A opponent. NorthWood actually moved to 4A even before a 6th class was added. The only 4A schools on their schedule currently are Northridge, NorthWood, Plymouth and Wawasee. As well, in the 10 years since they have moved to 6A, they have gone "one and done" less than half those years (only 4 "one and dones" vs. 6 post seasons with at least 1 sectional victory) Everyone here acting like Warsaw is some huge 6A school that should be dominating in 6A football. It's mind baffeling. The Tigers have had more success in the last 25 years that they ever had historically. It started with Coach Jensen in the late 90s and Coach Curtis has done a tremendous job raising the bar even more during his 6 seasons at the helm. But as a reminder - Warsaw was the 30th largest school in the state during the last enrollment cycle. They were only 17 students away from being in class 5A.
    1 point
  30. https://apnews.com/article/dianne-feinstein-dead-c831f3228ac44faa9653234570bb8ce9 RIP Ms. Feinstein. Your reign in Congress was just another example of the need for term limits.
    1 point
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