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  1. Of course it's a recruiting tool, but there's nothing wrong with having an open camp. The key is that it isn't an undue influence tool....
    2 points
  2. I'd argue that Marion County schools ARE staying the same if not declining (I know that some of the folks on this board will rush to their defense and pretend they are outraged by this statement). I've been saying this for a couple of years now. At no time in the previous two decades were Avon, Brownsburg, Zionsville, New Palestine, Whiteland, Mount Vernon, HSE, Fishers and Westfield legitimate LONG TERM ANNUAL threats to the Marion County schools. They popped up every once in a while with a stellar group but then returned to earth and rebuilt for another run. Warren and Ben Davis' demise was slightly exaggerated by a couple of folks (including myself) on this board but I will remain steadfast that they are simply where they are at this point due to enrollment advantages and the culture of football at their buildings. We will never see a team at either school that rivals Warren's 2006 or BD's 2017 team again. Kids want to see the field and will head to Avon or Brownsburg instead of "waiting their turn" at BD. I could see similar happenings at WC as it relates to Franklin Central in the coming years. Population trends/demographics are shifting and the talent is much more spread out in central Indiana. Not just at the 6A level. I have been hearing about Carroll and Homestead "gearing up" and gaining momentum for years now but they have fallen flat on their face when given the opportunity. Snider will be able to compete in 5A but no one in central Indiana views them as a threat in 6A. Maybe they get (or already have) a good group coming down the pipeline but they'll never be a consistent threat when you look at the enrollment in 6A combined with their SES. Tee off on me. I can handle it.
    2 points
  3. Before they will do that, they need to reign in their own power. With term limits in both houses.
    2 points
  4. Bishop Chatard Football Camp - Finch Creek Fieldhouse - Come sharpen your football skills with STATE CHAMPION coaches and the D1 Training Finch Creek team. This 3 week program is for athletes grades 5th-8th, and geared for both lineman and skill position players.
    1 point
  5. Past link? Freshmen aren't transfer students. All freshmen are eligible, no matter what.
    1 point
  6. And only in the southeast will a school purposely turn itself in for violations just to fire their coach and bring in the next best thing. I'm in not confidant in anything more than a 1 year self imposed Bowl ban for the Vols. The fact that Will Wade is still coaching hoops in Baton Rouge is about all you need to know about the power of the folks at NCAA HQ.
    1 point
  7. North could very well be the next landing spot for free agents, just need a bus that runs south at least to Morgan Ave. to run daily....twice a day....LOL. We will call it the Husky train. Maybe make a pickup station at the old North.
    1 point
  8. Every school has a grade school football camp. Right? When my son was younger he went to FC and Roncalli basketball camps to get more court time and I even thought about sending him to Southport's. Move a long. Nothing to see here.....
    1 point
  9. Making it to semi-state doesn't necessarily equate to Top 4 in my opinion. Mainly because in any given year 4 or 5 teams from the Indy area would qualify for the Northern semi-state. But that's just the last two decades. Back in 93' though? You may have a point. Although they defeated the defending state champs in sectionals that year, they never really stuck out to me as a "great" team. Very good for sure. And it was that team, to their credit, that put Homestead (the farming community) on the map.
    1 point
  10. O no not by me. I dont know much about him outside of he ran the flexbone at Paoli. After seeing no huddle shotgun for last like 15 years or so itll be interesting to see that transition if he chooses that path again. I watched some LaPorte games last night and they were run heavy but shotgun (similar to WW last year). Looking forward to finding out what info I can as it comes along. Just get all the kids you can to play and hopefully it leads to titles. Excited for the future
    1 point
  11. I understand they use the old time tried and true Arriflex 16mm Cine Cameras... Model 16S state of the art in the 50's and 60's !
    1 point
  12. I think its hilarious that many of the violations included here are minor and result in "probation" yet anyone with a brain knows what happens in the southeast and it largely goes unnoticed. Let's see how the Tennessee investigation pans out, if LSU's "self-imposed bowl ban" (during a sub .500 season) is deemed enough, and how the whispers that are beginning at Georgia are handled in the coming months...
    1 point
  13. Ouch! For the sake of Allen County and The Region, I'm hoping you are 80 years old or better. Seriously though, Homestead and Carroll have both the resources and growing enrollments........both now over 2400. Carroll is in the process of building an 8 million dollar football stadium and Homestead is starting a 169 million dollar facility upgrade. It's probably a matter of time before they overtake Snider and Dwenger as the kings of the SAC. Now the SAC just needs to get on board with stronger scheduling. Dwenger will always be Dwenger. Them Catholic kids are just tough. And they have a beautiful new 5 million dollar football stadium. Snider's enrollment is down from 2100 to 1800. FWCS's doesn't seem to be doing them any favors either. Although situated in a nice neighborhood, driving by the football/track facility reminds me of something you would see in Gary or Detroit. A rusty fence and leaning goal posts...........thankfully they get to get on a bus and play their games at Northrop. However, Snider's community and strong nucleus of administration and football coaches will keep them near the top for another decade at least.
    1 point
  14. VHS Boys basketball would like to discuss your assumption. By all means, keep going Mr. P.
    1 point
  15. Sarah has risen quickly in NFL terms to the Super Bowl in only 6 seasons. One of the other officials is only in his 7th season so it's not that unique. Most have more experience because it often takes that long to get to the top 2 or 3 spots in ranking to earn the Super Bowl spot. There are 17 crews so 17 people at each position. There are many NFL officials who never get the Super Bowl call just from a numbers perspective. #1 probably isn't rated that much higher than #6 so it's entirely possible she was #4 or #5 but not significantly different than #1. I would assume she's very possibly #1 though. She had worked several years at lower levels before reaching the NFL. She started officiating in 1999 so this is her 22nd year as an official. She went from HS to Conference USA in only her 10th season which is fairly quick. I'm not sure if she worked small college before that, but it's very likely. She spent 6 years in FBS which is not uncommon before being hired by the NFL. That overall progression isn't significantly faster than others. Most NFL officials probably have 15-20 years of experience before making that level. She's just on the bottom end of that group. Another group that is advancing even faster than she did is former NFL players. That's a great pool of people to pull from because they know what the NFL is about and usually still in good shape and athletic. One example is Terry Killens former Penn State and NFL LB. Terry started officiating in 2013 and was hired by the NFL in 2019. That is crazy fast. I met him at a college clinic probably in 2014 or 2015. Great guy and very humble about becoming an official. By all accounts he's doing a good job even with the limited experience. But most officials feel the risk to move someone that quickly is too high. Like many things experience and muscle memory are critical to being prepared for anything and the more you work the more likely you are to see more things.
    1 point
  16. Check out Donovan Edwards, RB from West Bloomfield if you get a chance. Kid is a stud. 1pm Saturday.
    1 point
  17. Here we go: https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-inauguration-a01d1ffa7862661914cb92b22e359854 Congress needs to reign in the power of the executive order. It has made the POTUS a de-facto King. And it needs to stop.
    1 point
  18. DT and I go way back on this site. I would hope by now that my digs at him are taken by him for what they are worth. He digs back at me too. We've been doing this for...gosh...years. Back when he was Driven T before he was DT. I respect him for the stirring spoon he brings to the board. He knows how to get discussion going. When I agree with him, I say so. When I don't I say so. As far as the Kirschner deal at Warren, it came completely as a surprise to me. I haven't talked to Mike since he left BD at great length. It sounds like from his publicly available statements that his zeal for leading a major program came back at some point while at Mount Vernon and he saw an opportunity to lead his alma mater. It's a no brainer for WC if he wanted the job. Similarly, I'd be shocked if Lawrence Central (or any of the current MIC teams) left the MIC. The original six of the MIC seem committed to continuing it, and Pike and LC joined up within the last 10 years. I just don't see LC leaving for any of the surrounding conferences when the MIC is the MIC. I think it would be foolish for any of the current teams to leave the MIC for another conference. I'll firmly state all of this is my opinion. Reasonably informed, but it's my opinion. I could be completely wrong, but I'd say that the MIC losing LC would be highly unlikely. If I am wrong, I'm very happy to be called out, roasted, served crow straight up with feathers, etc. I always have been since I started on the OLD GID back in the day.
    1 point
  19. How is Crown Point set up for endzone cameras? Before they worry about competing outside of the Region, they need to make sure their endzone camera game is on point! A school with 3,000 students should have a Hi-Pod X31 or two laying around.
    0 points
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