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  1. But the headline says Coach O likes "football players who run track." Football players should run track. Not all track athletes should play football. Only on the Grid can that semantic argument turn into a 10 page thread.
    3 points
  2. Saw this earlier, had no idea she went to Goshen College but grew up in Kansas. https://www.southbendtribune.com/news/local/goshen-college-didn-t-want-her-coaching-because-she-s/article_206178f2-42c6-11ea-a9ef-d7bebaa46a9c.html
    2 points
  3. I've done my part. Can't control what others do.
    2 points
  4. @Temptation I admit I am confused by your opening line about these guys not listening to the experts on this board????? Has someone posted negative comments about track? Multi sport athletes? Or is there a topic somewhere you are referring to? Not trying to stir the pot, I genuinely do not understand the reasoning behind the comment.
    1 point
  5. It's truly either a matter of semantics, or more likely hypocrisy, if you don't consider government funds subsidizing your education as an entitlement. Quite surprising coming from a government funded school opponent such as yourself. Merriam Webster's definition: noun en·ti·tle·ment | \ in-ˈtī-tᵊl-mənt , en- \ Definition of entitlement 1a: the state or condition of being entitled : RIGHT b: a right to benefits specified especially by law or contract 2: belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges 3: a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group also : funds supporting or distributed by such a program
    1 point
  6. No, but I believe he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. 😀
    1 point
  7. Words can not describe how angry this makes me as a teacher and a coach. I know that in our court system you are innocent until proven guilty, but man this looks really bad to try and wipe your phone completely. On top of that I can't believe the school board would still allow a relative of his to vote for his termination. Just reading all the stories about this makes me want to take a shower.
    1 point
  8. See also: Bill Clinton Impeachment Trial.
    1 point
  9. Good work Darren Waller. As a Raiders fan I'm glad hes clean. Haha
    1 point
  10. Congratulations to those selected! Region 5 team 2020 - Region All Star Template.pdf
    1 point
  11. Coach Perri was honored this past all star game with his 40 years of coaching!!
    1 point
  12. Sad news out of Mishawaka. he has been a part of the game in this area for a long time. Prayers to his family and friends.
    1 point
  13. Prayers to the Mishawaka community on the passing of Ross Perri. He was a legend. God Bless his family.
    1 point
  14. The economic of the buffet line ... https://thehustle.co/the-economics-of-all-you-can-eat-buffets/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
    1 point
  15. 3rd year that Purdue and Region 4 has linked up to provide a great opportunity to tour the facilities at Purdue, get up close look at Boilermakers spring ball practice followed up by H.S. and College coaches, including Purdue coaches clinic sessions. $30 a coach, $150 for your entire staff. Purdue just does not send 2 coaches, their entire staff comes and hangs out and talks ball with everyone there. If you haven't been, worth checking out. Region IV Clinic STD 2020.pdf
    1 point
  16. This is great news for Bloomington South and Indiana High School Football. Over the winter months after my first season as head coach at Tri-Central, I moved Gabe's brother Memo to the position of defensive coordinator. He immediately requested that we change defense and wanted to take the entire staff to meet with Gabe and his defensive staff. Well, coming off 0-10 season and losing by 40 to 60 points each week, I agreed. We met with Gabe and he made such an impact on me as an excellent technician of the game. We spent a day with him and his staff and continued to follow up with questions on through the next season. I share this because I do not believe we would have had the great run that we had without Gabe's brother Memo becoming our DC and even more so without Gabe's direction and help implementing the 34 defense. I give my highest regard to Gabe and all that he represents toward continuing the great success of Bloomington South football!! Gabe has truly earned his way and has continued to pave the way for others along the bumpy road of being a football coach!
    1 point
  17. This young lady and her family, the coach that has these allegations against him and his family, the school administration and the Tri-West Community as a whole, needs our prayers right now. Truth always wins! Prayers to all .... as always, the game is better from_the sidelines007
    1 point
  18. Republican Deficit Hypocrisy Will Make America's Debt Problems Much Harder To Solve : https://reason.com/2020/01/29/republican-deficit-hypocrisy-will-make-americas-debt-problems-much-harder-to-solve/ Uni-party to the Max. At the expense of our country's future.
    0 points
  19. But, but don't we need government policy and laws that will force up the birth rate, again so we can have more happy worker drones paying taxes to fund government entitlements like your social security check?
    0 points
  20. US fertility rate is below level needed to replace population, study says: https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/10/health/us-fertility-rate-replacement-cdc-study/index.html So I expect higher immigration rates to make up the needed difference?
    0 points
  21. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/15/723518379/u-s-births-fell-to-a-32-year-low-in-2018-cdc-says-birthrate-is-at-record-level The uni-party has to look at this trend with dismay. Without more happy little worker drones to fund their increasingly larger tax-and-spend schemes like Medicare For All, Free College Education, Endless Wars in the Middle East, etc. what are they going to do? "Tax the rich" even more?
    -1 points
  22. And you expect such a "tax the rich" scheme to actually pay for all these huge government entitlements? Good luck with that. https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2019/02/26/698057356/if-a-wealth-tax-is-such-a-good-idea-why-did-europe-kill-theirs
    -1 points
  23. Must We Fight over What Children Will Learn?: https://www.cato.org/blog/must-we-fight-over-what-children-will-learn What caused this misery? The public schools, the very institutions that “father of the common school” Horace Mann said would create harmony, fostering “a general acquaintanceship…between the children of the same neighborhood….[Where] the affinities of a common nature should unite them together so as to give the advantages of pre‐occupancy and a stable possession of fraternal feelings….” Specifically at issue was the teaching of the development of life on Earth, a topic that inescapably implicates deep‐seated religious beliefs, and that for many requires either that only creationism or evolution be taught. As ABC News explained, “The argument in Dover is of a special kind, where to let the other side win a little is to lose your own cause entirely.” Public schooling — in which diverse people are required to pay for a single system of government‐run schools — inherently sets up such “special” conflicts. When two things cannot be simultaneously taught as true, or different values dictate different polices, one side must win, and the other lose. Alas, such conflicts, while not always as destructive as Dover’s, are not particularly rare. In 2005 — the same year as the Dover battle — Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom began collecting examples of conflicts like Dover’s, pitting diverse values, or other intensely personal matters such as racial identity or culture, against each other. The intent was to illustrate that assuming public schooling will create harmony is dangerous, even if it is widely accepted. Indeed, it makes little logical sense: as we’ve learned from history, people do not happily sacrifice the things that make them who they are. The end product of that initial collection was the report “Why We Fight: How Public Schools Cause Social Conflict.” Later, as we continued to collect conflicts, we decided to put our growing database on the Web, in searchable map form, so that wonks, reporters, and members of the public could see the kinds of very personal battles being fought in public schools, and get a sense that neither side is absolutely “right” nor “wrong,” but all are following their beliefs about what is right. We also wanted people in districts experiencing conflicts, and reporters covering them, to be able to locate places that may have suffered similar conflicts, and perhaps learn how they were ameliorated. Unfortunately, about nine months ago the application we had been using to generate Cato’s Public Schooling Battle Map was phased out, and ever since we have been working to replace it. But today, in the midst of National School Choice Week, we are ecstatic to report that the new Map is up and running! It is not perfect — we will be adding more features soon — but it is working once again. The Map contains 2,267 conflicts in thousands of districts and every state. Often the battles are centered at the state level, where everything from sex education standards to history curricula may be determined, meaning no one in the state can escape the conflict. And while the districts on the Map represent only around 9 percent of all districts, they contain roughly 44 percent of the country’s total student population. This is likely a function of our primary information source being media reports, and media tending to be concentrated in places with more people. There are also doubtless some people unhappy with school policies or curricula who do not formally complain, or if they do no reporter hears about it. The Map, then, is at best a baseline of conflicts, not a comprehensive view. What does this have to do with school choice? Choice is fundamentally different from public schooling; its basic structure is far more conducive to peace and equality. Rather than forcing diverse families and communities to control a single system to get what they want taught, choice enables everyone to seek out what they need and desire. Rather than forcing everyone into a political arena, it lets them peacefully coexist. Hopefully the Map will reach many eyes, and help people realize that one side winning and the other losing, or maybe both having to sacrifice cherished parts of themselves, should not be the only possible outcomes when people disagree. Especially, we hope that reporters will use the Map, and write more articles like the too‐rare ABC News piece with which this post started. Articles that focus not just on the two sides, like reporting on a boxing match, but that delve into the nature and underlying causes of the conflict. Maybe even articles that turn a spotlight directly on the zero‐sum nature of public schooling. Because there is a more equal, more peaceful, way to structure an education system: school choice.
    -1 points
  24. -1 points
  25. US population growth slowed this decade due to lower immigration rates and fewer births: https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/31/us/us-population-growth-slow-due-to-lower-migration-fewer-births-trnd/index.html So again, forcing "The Rich" to pay for your entitlements is the logical course of action. Got it.
    -1 points
  26. Haven't you acknowledged in the past on this forum that you currently receive Social Security entitlement benefits? Or was that a lie on your part? As for the "fewer entitlements" challenge, I seriously doubt it.
    -1 points
  27. *sigh* Yes, you have. Numerous previous post by you, IIRC a number of them was a discussion about your contention that Social Security was not a federal entitlement program. A quaint that was quickly debunked. So you are lying. Typical. Citation(s) needed.
    -1 points
  28. *yawn* Frankly I don't have the time nor the inclination to dig back through pages of GID OOB forum posts to prove that you are the liar, not I. At least have the guts to admit it, Gonzo. Yes, I do. And I have a good idea of where your twisted mind is trying to go. So please explain for the entertainment of us all how a public university, this one established by an act of the Indiana General Assembly in 1865, is an federal entitlement just like Social Security. I'll be waiting with baited breath.
    -1 points
  29. Looks like you've got you panties in a twist. I'll let you figure that out because I don't think I can take too many more of your triggered, off topic, personalized insults. Your refusal to acknowledge Dershowitz's hypocritical stance on impeachment tells me all I need to know. Sad.
    -1 points
  30. I'm really glad I didn’t have to deal with your kids either. I’ll teach trailer trash before cake eaters any day of the week.
    -1 points
  31. Yep, I'm nothing but a tax paying hypocrite. Good job gonzo, you got me. I'll be contacting Indiana State University in the near future and inquiring as to what my tuition would have been had I not been an Indiana citizen, then paying them the difference as a donation. Then my libertarian conscience will be clear. While I'm going that will you please justify your receiving more in Social Security and Medicare benefits over your lifetime that what you actually paid in? Because you know that is how the current system works.
    -1 points
  32. *sigh* Again, look up the definition of "entitlement" and get back with us. I know it is a multi-syllable word but I know you can do it!
    -3 points
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