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  1. Best argument for seeding something of the sectionals. Sectional of Death with West Lafayette starting with Brebuef ... one of those two is one an done. You'd think the IHSAA would at least buy a hot dog and Coke for the losing team. Typically there's a meal when you get this type of evening.
    3 points
  2. Reminds me of George Sefchick back in the 1960's, Joe Perkowski missed a field goal against Syracuse and the Orange are flagged for running over little George the holder. I'm guessing that was 1962. I hate trying to work from my old memory, but I was in ND Stadium that day.
    2 points
  3. And Bob always does a fine job because he loves high school sports. He is the voice of Friday & Saturday night. He had some health problems a year or so back that kind of slowed him down, but he should be around as long as he wants to.
    2 points
  4. Sounding like a broken record.... SEEDING ??? needed....
    2 points
  5. Sectional 19 just SCREAMS out for "seeding". The spread, will toss out a potential Sectional Championship representative after Week One on a couple of levels.
    2 points
  6. I have had issues with these 2 BUFFOONS that are the announcers for Summit City Sports in the past. It's frustrating when coaches use these guys as their impedance for an argument. They are wrong on penalty administration and penalty calls. Having said that, it is good that these games are broadcast for all to see.
    2 points
  7. That is not what the rule says … or means. Here’s the rule: “ART. 5 . . . Running into or roughing the kicker or holder. A defensive player shall neither run into the kicker nor holder, which is contact that displaces the kicker or holder without roughing; nor block, tackle or charge into the kicker of a scrimmage kick, or the place-kick holder.” There are 4 instances cited in the Rule where contact against the Kicker/Holder may be excused: Where it is not reasonably certain a kick will be made. where the ball is touched near the kicker. Where contact is slight, and partially caused by the kicker’s movement. Where the defender is blocked into the kicker. In each of these 4 scenarios, the contact by the defender must be unavoidable. The burden is always on the defender to avoid contact if it is at all possible. If there is contact against the kicker/holder, who is displaced by the contact, it’s going to be a foul unless one of these 4 applies.
    2 points
  8. You’re kidding, right? That is the most obvious roughing the holder foul I have seen in 44 seasons of officiating. Remember that the holder gets exactly the same protection as the kicker. If this contact had been against the kicker, would we be having this discussion?
    2 points
  9. 5pm EST exclusively on IHSAAtv.org https://www.ihsaatv.org/?B=301537
    2 points
  10. Cathedral would beat Roncalli by 4 TDs. Wish you’d go run and hide and disappear just like Roncalli has the last decade. Chickensh*ts
    2 points
  11. Could do it for just 6A if we implemented the 32-64-64-64-64-whatever for 1A format 5A is so much closer to 4A across the board than it is to 6A
    2 points
  12. Really thought we’d see drew pyne but credit to jack coan for not feeling sorry for himself and delivering the game tying and winning drive.. what a 2 point conversion. As soon as he rolled out right I was like uh oh…. Much needed bye week coming up. 5-1 is somewhat impressive considering all the inconsistencies and lack of running game for the team.. Buchner definitely kept the defense honest in the run game but definitely needs work as a passer.
    2 points
  13. The Irish trailed Virginia Tech 29-21 with 3:55 left. Jack Coan came in and led the Irish to a 32-29 win, yes that Jack Coan. Another page in the Irish lore!
    2 points
  14. Just curious who wanted OU to be ranked this high? getting whipped by Texas, giving up 38 points in just one half is not good. So much at stake for them too; and even Rattler as a Heismann candidate. Getting pulled from the game won't help that, or even his draft rating.
    2 points
  15. Mostly because the #1 or #2 team is done after week 1, but the 0-9 team who got a favorable draw gets to play another week. It's one thing if it happens on the field due to an upset. It's another if a 2 or 3 win team makes it to the sectional final because their side of the bracket had all 2 or 3 win teams. For very selfish reasons it's disappointing to get assigned to a sectional final game with a 9-2 team traveling to a 2-9 team. It's likely no fans will be there and you'll have a running clock in the second half. Where else besides Indiana high school sports are teams randomly assigned to opponent and location in a post-season tournament? Explain this to someone not from Indiana and they will think you are crazy and making it up. It's not logical. But it is what it is, and I'll be happy to get any tournament assignment I can get.
    2 points
  16. I have though about this for a while now and feel that in 6 and 5a do a way with sectionals and just have regionals. It would open it more up to playing different teams, and at a little more spice on who you good be playing.
    1 point
  17. Can’t wait for the matchup! Tons of great athletes on both sides, don’t know much about BHSS, other than the McCullough Brothers and being ranked in the top 5 in 5A
    1 point
  18. I think this is their opportunity with their size on the OL and their depth at RB.
    1 point
  19. This is the biggest reason I started posting on the GID. You left that game the other night, probably along with other people like @psaboy,thinking that the officiating crew screwed up. In fact, their call was absolutely correct. A little education goes a long way. I appreciate people like you who are open to being educated. Not everyone is.
    1 point
  20. Good call then. Thanks for your insight.
    1 point
  21. He's earned the right to hang it up whenever he chooses. He's the voice of Friday Night and I'll listen to him as long as he has left.
    1 point
  22. Mt. Vernon gets Gibson Southern again in the sectional. Yikes.
    1 point
  23. Adams Central v Busco is the 1st "screwgie" the PING BALLS have started....
    1 point
  24. Good for him then, enjoyed watching that title run.
    1 point
  25. The only thing that I give A&M and Bama props for, is the degree of depth that the SEC has (mostly) top to bottom in their defensive team play. Kentucky, Vandy, Missouri, South Carolina, Ole Miss, MS State and Tennessee are all Big XII teams in disguise at this point. The rest of the conference is no joke. I honestly can't say any Big XII team would be of concern to the BIG guys in the Big10 or SEC. But the Big10 has been a disappointment so far this year outside of Penn State and Iowa.
    1 point
  26. I had thought that too.....until seeing the Bama A&M game last night.
    1 point
  27. Hopefully his ankle or lower leg injury is not significant
    1 point
  28. https://gridirondigest.net/topic/4832-move-the-game/ https://gridirondigest.net/topic/4723-cgcathedral-at-arlington/ This has been discussed already multiple threads....bottom line is Cathedral thrives on its history rich tradition and Arlington is a big part of that over the last 40 years. And to move the game, Cathedral would have to pay. And on top of that, if the game was moved it would also pretty much take away home field advantage to some extent.
    1 point
  29. The temperature of Jimbo Fisher’s seat just went down about 100 degrees!
    1 point
  30. All of this was as foretold in the prophecy. The Chosen One will deliver us unto the Promised Land. Like Moses, it will take some time. But the outcome is not in doubt.
    1 point
  31. Snider will not get the bell. If Snider knocks off Luers and the SAC ends in a 3 way tie. The bell goes to the school that has not had it the longest. In this case it would go to Carroll because they have never had it.
    1 point
  32. Texas A&M is kicking a FG with 1 second to play to beat #1 Alabama. it's only 28 yards. It's good! #1 goes down 41-38.
    1 point
  33. I don't know that, but if you're coming to the game, get there early.
    1 point
  34. I would also add once lineman put hand on ground for 3 point stance if they move hand off ground it’s a false start
    1 point
  35. Like! (all but cheering for the Trojans) This isn't just the game of the decade, it's the annual game of the century! I just hope both teams come out of this game injury free. It should be a good one. The Irish defense is better than last year, and the offense is getting better week by week.
    1 point
  36. Gonna be a lot of fun. Two great teams playing for nothing but pride. I’ve got kids I love on both rosters but will be cheering for my Trojans…and for no injuries.
    1 point
  37. The earlier proposal was big school-small school. Nobody is gonna end up happy no matter how you go about it. I know Tipton and Hamilton Heights would be fools to leave the Hoosier. Give up less than an hour drive to any school in their division for minimum 1 hour drive for every away game doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
    1 point
  38. It's not just folks in Tipton who might wish that ... I'd have no problem with Facebook getting swallowed up into the Pacific or a fault line indefinitely.
    1 point
  39. You are so full of yourself. I would love to have a fun breakfast meeting sometime at your convenience.
    0 points
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