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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2020 in Posts

  1. I am an optimistic person by nature, however, I have to be honest at this point I see no point in trying to have a season. If as little as a single positive test shuts down all sports (I saw where Ohio set the rule that all participants (players, coaches, officials) are to be tested within 72 hours of each game. Any positive test cancels the game and appears to result in quarantine of all participants), what is the point? Newsflash - there are going to be positive tests for the foreseeable future. Without a vaccine, COVID-19 will not be going anywhere. I just wish people could accept this and either decide to stop everything completely, or learn to live with it and continue on. The continuous starting - stopping - starting - stopping is absurd.
    4 points
  2. Naturally. There's a nice video awaiting you in OTB.
    3 points
  3. Thank goodness my kids go to school in a district that doesn't panic over "cases". The protocols are effective. Our 7,000 employee Toyota plant proves that every day. Districts that "punt" at the first sign of a few "Cases" are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is absolutely mind boggling to me that there are actual living breathing human beings that think at the first sign of any positives in the building you need to shut the whole operation down. Just completely insane, there is no other word for it....insane.
    3 points
  4. Things looking good to start off the season for day 1 of practice, helmets only.
    3 points
  5. Wouldn't work. Might be mistaken for the real thing by the South Newton guys and they'd eat your face off. 😀 I kid, I kid ... then again, just to be safe ...
    2 points
  6. Q. What do they call doctors who prescribe medication without any studies showing either it’s effectiveness or long term side effects? A. Defendants.
    2 points
  7. Breaking News Day 1 of Football. And the 2 pre practice Wagon Masters I just destroyed were in MID SEASON FORM
    2 points
  8. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/08/03/washington-township-resume-sports-asks-better-guidance-ihsaa-marion-county/5572077002/
    2 points
  9. And you don't know the first rule about internet forum debate. The first one to play the Hitler Card loses. No exceptions. Besides, can you please tell me where Mr. Trump has initiated a program to mass exterminate Muslims and Hispanics?
    2 points
  10. Since when?
    2 points
  11. Interesting Segment; I know of 1 actual HS History Teacher on here: @DannEllenwood any others ? Food For thought?
    1 point
  12. The BMI chart????? seriously???? I have to cover this in my class. To put it simply; the chart says if you are X ft. X inches tall, you should ideally weigh XXX. This chart is so obsolete, I cannot imagine an era when it would have ever been an accurate measure of health. That said, it appears that this topic has not become about Rochester any more; and just another place for both sides to express repeated claims made on the other what? 50 topics now locked on the virus???
    1 point
  13. My guess is the health department was saying no fans at all and this was a compromise brought up by the schools. I could be totally wrong, but that would by my hypothesis.
    1 point
  14. Interesting video. I have a minor in history, almost finished with a BA in history. I did learn a lot of it outside of school. I went to a multiracial church and learned a lot there. I generally teach English/LA, or ESL. Lately, I've been teaching ESL/Spanish. I try to bring multiculturalism in as much as possible for the betterment of everyone.
    1 point
  15. https://www.harlanonline.com/sports/ihsaa-announces-changes-2020-football-season Interesting. From Iowa. *Ioway for my former Amish students.
    1 point
  16. you're on to something Coach...WagonMaster masks !
    1 point
  17. Yep. Thanks. was all that was needed here....the rest of it is crap and makes one of you two look like an idiot IMO ! "PLEASE GOD, LET IT END !"
    1 point
  18. A high percentage of people with an MD, OD, ANP, NP, PA, PA-C, RN, etc. seem to go with the fact that we really aren't sure how it is going to go in the long run because it is very new and what they have seen in just a few months can be really bad. So they tell us not to mess around.
    1 point
  19. Truth... more havoc/frustrating at this point.
    1 point
  20. Agreed. In the last 24 hours I have received emails or FB notifications from Pocket City, East baseball, and Evansville Youth Soccer asking if I want to sign my kids up. If IHSAA sports end up not working out, looks like there will be plenty of pay to play options for EVSC kids.
    1 point
  21. Add select players from Watseka, Paxton-Buckley-Loda, and Dwight to South Newton's roster a look out! We're talking juggernaut... Sweet! Best of luck...
    1 point
  22. I’m just happy they are practicing.
    1 point
  23. That’s great. Now I can admit I was secretly hoping Ohio would ban out of state opponents and Brownsburg would be open week 2. That’s the matchup I really wanted to see. 😀
    1 point
  24. LaPorte has suspended Tennis and football.
    1 point
  25. @GSHSFootball will host Missouri 5A Jackson High School on Saturday, August 29 at 1:00 PM. Jackson finished runner-up in the MO state championship game in 2019. This game will take the place of Owensboro who had to cancel due KHSAA guidelines.
    1 point
  26. For what seems like the umpteenth year in a row, the weather could not be better. It always seemed like 15 years ago that the weather turned super hot and muggy like it was two weeks ago right around today.
    1 point
  27. I haven’t watched the video through, but I’ll have an opinion upon completion.
    1 point
  28. Yeah but - "He got from the Trump Rally" sounds better and fits a narrative......
    1 point
  29. Don't hold your breath Muda......
    1 point
  30. Mr. Faulkens did say that. I was on the same call.
    1 point
  31. I once said "i don't see color" to a friend who is black and he responded "you won't be able to understand my expierence or other black peoples expierence" so yeah. I do know there are blacks, people who have brown skin and so on but I don't care what race they are. Hermain Cain said covid was a hoax, well he learned the hardway... Swing and a miss. SF is down in the count 0-1.
    1 point
  32. **TRIGGER WARNING, "THE COVIDBROS GOT TO ME" COVID RANT** I know where you guys get your "facts" and "expertise" on this virus based on the statements you make about it. It's absolutely false to believe that this virus is going to result in all of these student athletes being in ICU or even near the hospital. You're naive or just ignorant to believe that. Most of our student athletes are working part time jobs, hanging out with friends and family or playing travel sports, AAU, etc... Where are all of those student-athletes in ICU? They've been playing since May... It was never about the amount of covid cases, it was about flattening the curve. Flattening the curve means not having an overflow of people in the hospital and in almost every part of the country we didn't. We drastically overestimated this virus and now we are seeing the effects of it. Now the goalposts are moved to nonsensical measures such as keeping covid cases down and even waiting for a vaccine that still won't make us immune to this thing... Right now, 4 weeks after Florida hit their peak in hospital bed usage and 300,000 cases later Florida still has more hospital beds available now then they did then. A higher case count does not mean we don't have control of the virus. Everyone is going to get this thing at some point or another you're body has to build an immunity to it. Unless you want to live in a bubble the rest of your life by all means do it. Collect unemployment and other government benefits, live the life you choose. But, there are people in this world that want to live and most importantly NOT LIVE IN A FREEDOMLESS SOCIETY. The fact of the matter is, although cases are going up (WHICH IS OBVIOUS) death rates have dropped dramatically. More people or just about the same amount of people in the US have died from pneumonia this year in all age groups. We KNOW who the vulnerable are, if they choose to isolate themselves then they should, people with 1 or more underlying conditions, cancer and the like should definitely isolate themselves from sick people. But that's always been the case. 1% of Americans have gotten the virus and more will get it. .04% of Americans have died from this virus. So no, it isn't life or death. The fear porn that some of you guys watch and reference should be banned. You should be more concerned with obesity, depression and other physical/mental illnesses. Taking away a kid's season or sport because you think it's just a game or you genuinely think it's life or death, is one of the most elitist and privileged perspectives on this virus I've ever heard. Get out of your ivory tower and stop denying science and the facts of this virus for virtue signaling points. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/06/19/a-punch-to-the-gut-dealing-with.html
    1 point
  33. Typical response from a democrat......
    1 point
  34. My wife and I also disagree on a few things when watching a game. The appropriate volume level being one of a few LOL.
    1 point
  35. Hopefully it's not as bad as the parents that one of my son's touth baseball teammates who were divorced had. There was actually a decree in the paperwork that spelled out seating at sporting events and, during baseball season, they had to sit in different bleacher groups, so one of them always had to sit in the visitor bleachers to avoid violating the agreement.
    1 point
  36. I really miss the days when this forum was about high school football and the kids. The personal attacks, politics and constant negativity are too much.
    1 point
  37. Explaining any further is completely unnecessary.
    1 point
  38. I don’t think the school administration should police it, nor should they feel the need to. Given basic protocols like @foxbathas mentioned- plenty of spacing and ‘X’ sections designating a reasonable distance, that should be sufficient. Trust adults to make their own choices. For example, our neighbor has served as a PT babysitter and been in and out of our house for the last few months. With two working parents and elementary aged children, it was either allow her in our family ‘bubble’ or find some sort of day camp/ group child care arrangement. So we made a conscious decision and re-evaluate continuously. For example we distanced from her for a time period after out-of-state travel. If she comes to our oldest son’s games this fall, she will be most likely sitting with us. We could add her to our family ticket group and still be less than Foxbat’s family of 7. Lol No one should be forced to sit with strangers, but at the same time if a group of 5-6 people choose to sit in a row together, I don’t think anyone should feel the need to question our decision.
    1 point
  39. Yeah; not a fan of laughing at someone that suffered from this and passed away. His stance on the masks aside, I think it is sad that people can find humor in it.
    1 point
  40. Illnois is the last state I want to see indiana follow in anything
    1 point
  41. Please stop with the comparisons of influenza to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are inapposite, misleading, and ultimately, dangerous.
    1 point
  42. Masks are required at the Silver Dollar? Who you crappin'?
    1 point
  43. The whole visual of this is priceless. You need a picture, decked out in your Packers gear. The meme would say “because we cannot see games in person” with you in front of the Lion’ and Bears’ dens yelling booooo
    1 point
  44. I’ve been to the zoo just to boo the Bears and Lions, but it’s just not the same...
    1 point
  45. Masks required at the Silver Dollar? I definitely smell a fight a brewin'.
    1 point
  46. I cant wait to watch Hobart senior Bobby Babcock play this year.. absolute nightmare last year. Added 20 good pounds this offseason..
    1 point
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