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  1. 7A babyyyyy!!! Really looking forward to the Class 84A one off state champion game between Cathedral and Roncalli in 2043.
    6 points
  2. One has to wonder how much $$$ is going out the window for hourly rate in this thread right now.
    3 points
  3. Pioneer picked up Indianapolis Scecina for this Friday night. Glad both teams could get this scheduled so quickly under the circumstances.
    2 points
  4. I've been home for 10 months. And I have no plans or reason to go anywhere again. Unless it's a day trip to see a drinking buddy.
    2 points
  5. Same here. Thank God my better half somehow tolerates me…..and doesn’t own a firearm.
    2 points
  6. Have not read posts in a while, buts saw this was still going....made me think of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRJ38y4Jn6k
    2 points
  7. I've heard Luers has some talent returning from their off year, still reaching state, will see. Snider has a lot returning from their off year as well and I betting they will not overlook the Redskins (not sure what it is now). South over Concordia, just thinking upset here I think South has some returning talent, not sure though?? I know Carroll is good on O, D may still be a liability.
    1 point
  8. Those Anthony Spencer teams were Top 10 regardless of class.
    1 point
  9. Something tells me PAC Fan knows he’s in for a LONG season.
    1 point
  10. And they're probably in Sectional 28.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I agree! We've got a lot of catching up to do. Do me a favor....sneak into Chatard's locker room and pour some concrete in their girdles. Those guys clearly have it too easy.
    1 point
  13. It’s funny, Westfield is No. 3 in 6A and No. 5 in 3A per those geniuses at AP. 3A is just a beast!
    1 point
  14. I'm told this game is at Wabash and this is confirmed on Harrell's site.
    1 point
  15. I could (and would) do the same but my wife can’t. She will, quite literally, drive around the city for at least 2 hours a day making phone calls from her car because she can’t stay at home.
    1 point
  16. You guys would definitely hang with those Louisville teams a lot better than we do. We beat Male once, back in 2011, but it was one of their worst teams.
    1 point
  17. I've been at home about the same amount of time....can work from anywhere, but it feels a bit like groundhog day.
    1 point
  18. Same. Upset watch.............Wayne over Dwenger.
    1 point
  19. TRUE but….it’s COVID. My better half has been working from home for 17 months as a pharma manager…..and she is supposed to generally meet people daily. Heck, we’ve been in Florida 3 of the last 12 months.
    1 point
  20. What a joke. Just look at what the IHSAA (or the “stepped down” Tri-West AD if I recall correctly) did in Sectional 28. It’s a given that Cathdral, Chatard and Roncalli will be lumped together In sectionals whenever and however possible.
    1 point
  21. But the judge wasn't discussing any hypothetical "bump" that had no relationship to success, much less ruling on one. Why else would he point out that only 10% of Alabama PPs were subject to the CBF? He references the recent success component numerous times throughout the opinion -- because the CBF had one. DT's proposal does not. It would hit all PPs, regardless of their level of success. You're citing a ruling about an apple to declare the constitutionality of an orange.
    1 point
  22. I'm an Evansville Memorial booster. We have 2 state football championships. Our crosstown Catholic rival is Mater Dei. They have 1. Here's a list of public schools that, under your proposal, would get no automatic class bump despite having as many or more state championships than Memorial and Mater Dei combined: Carmel - 9 Ben Davis - 9 Sheridan - 9 Warren Central - 9 Penn - 5 Hobart - 4 Jimtown - 4 Tri-West - 4 Franklin Central - 4 Carmel - 9 Ben Davis - 9 Sheridan - 9 Warren Central - 9 Penn - 5 Hobart - 4 Jimtown - 4 Tri-West - 4 Franklin Central - 4 Pioneer - 3 Western Boone - 3 New Palestine - 3 Reitz, another SIAC rival, has the same number of championships we have (2) and 1 more than Mater Dei has. No bump. Yeah, this makes sense.
    1 point
  23. Lol. If Cathedral and Roncalli are in the same tournament you can rest be assured they are in the same sectional and playing each other in the first round. Tale as old as time. Geographically, there isn't a school closer to Cathedral than Roncalli at the 5A level.
    1 point
  24. It's not just college. High schools here in Indiana are using them already for this.
    1 point
  25. Right on! Play like a champion.
    1 point
  26. Greatness does have a price, my brother!
    1 point
  27. GWB really missed an opportunity to bring peace to the Middle East- when he didn't nuke Kabul and Riyadh for sponsoring terrorists.
    1 point
  28. Still the game of the week. I'm looking forward to Luers squaring up against this Carroll team that has high expectations. No shame in a great 2A team losing to a good 6A team. Could be closer than some think. We'll see.
    1 point
  29. Your legal analysis is half right. The Brentwood case could well result in the IHSAA being determined to be a “state actor” for these purposes, i.e., an agency of the government, and therefore the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment apply. But your conclusion that, as a result, an across-the-board 1 class bump for all P/Ps would be subject to a constitutional challenge is likely wrong. Of course, we wouldn’t know for sure unless it actually happened, but the language used by a federal judge in a 2018 case in which a public school sued the Alabama state association is pretty telling. Alabama instituted a 1 class bump for a number of private schools, based on historical success. In other words, a combination of a class bump and the success factor. The rule applied only to private schools, regardless of whether there were public schools with similar track records of success. In denying a preliminary injunction to prevent the rule from being implemented, here’s what the district judge said: “Upon careful consideration of the parties’ arguments and exhibits, the Court concludes that preliminary injunctive relief is not appropriate at this time. A preliminary injunction is an extraordinary and drastic remedy, for which a movant bears a heavy burden of persuasion. In this case, St. Paul’s has failed to demonstrate a substantial likelihood of success on the merits. With respect to the equal protection claim, St. Paul’s has made an insufficient showing that the Association was motivated by “bare animus” against private schools; therefore, the challenged classification must be evaluated using deferential rational-basis review. Under this standard, the competitive balance rule is presumed constitutional, and must be upheld if any reasonably conceivable set of facts could provide a rational basis for it, even if the rule seems unwise and even though it works to a particular group’s disadvantage. The AHSAA has a legitimate interest in promoting competitive balance for its members. The challenged rule could rationally be viewed as furthering that legitimate interest. Indeed, the requisite rational basis may be found in data reflecting private schools’ disproportionate and ever-growing success in winning state championships, as well as in the numerous perceived advantages enjoyed by private schools relative to public schools. St. Paul’s has not shown a substantial likelihood that it can negate every one of those rational grounds for adoption of the competitive balance rule. St. Paul's Episcopal Sch. v. Ala. High Sch. Ath. Ass'n, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 107003. The lesson this case teaches us is that a state association’s rule designed to correct a perception of unfair competitive advantages on the part of public schools will be legal if it has any rational connection to solving the problem. Doesn’t have to be a perfect solution. Doesn’t have to be the best solution. Doesn’t even have to be a good solution. Just some rational connection to the problem. So, a 1 class bump for all P/Ps, while it is, IMO, unfair, unwise, and overkill for the perceived problem, is nonetheless legal under the US Constitution.
    1 point
  30. Big key for the Washington-WV match up will be line play IMO. After losing a do-it-all QB, how will Washington's offense look? They're wanting to be a 50-50 run/pass team. That will not be able to happen unless the offensive line shows improvement over last year. If they're able to open some holes in the running game, I think we've got some nice depth at the RB position to help ease the transition at QB. I think the offense will only get better as the season rolls on. I hope to see the defense take a step forward as well. They showed up in spots last year against teams they were supposed to; now I'd like to see them make some stops against teams have rolled us or are expected to roll us. Coach Morris is a defensive minded HC and I'm very hopeful to see our defense take a step forward in Year 2. Look for them to run a base 4-4 scheme. Final prediction based only off reading newspaper articles and the occasional conversation with coaching staff members: Hatchets 24 WV 21
    1 point
  31. Not to step on Tanka's toes, but I could see in 4-5 years, drones replacing endzone cameras for the tight shot. As the cost comes down and quality video improves, the savings of time and manpower to set up a camera vs a drone might make it more attractive. I could be way off. But I know I have seen some college coaches use them for filming practice. Plenty of examples on YouTube if you look.
    1 point
  32. Huh….wut?!? I didn’t realize Bloomington South (BS seems good shorthand…perfect, actually) was somehow part of a CI group mind. Go figure. You win….apparently. Your “logic” is unassailable. I do recall when, though, BS bailed last year at the VERY, VERY, VERY last minute v. Chatard with all those COVID kids (which gave the Trojans a chance to come out and play a legit 6A Merrillville team who WANTED to play football and went WAY out of their way to do so*). I will admit, though, that when I listened to a local interview of a BS assistant coach a couple of years ago regarding playing Chatard before that year’s beatdown (can’t remember if it involved pre-game excuses interview or the post-game beatdown excuses interview) but I thought he did a good job of channeling Bull Connor….which makes me more than a little surprised that BS is playing Hammond Morton. Must just be a BS “Catholic” thing……not that anyone else here targets “Catholics” specifically. *It still amazes me when watching that Merrillville/Chatard game last year at the line of scrimmage it literally looked like Chatard was a JV team playing the varsity (Merrillville). With that, the final score was reversed with the JV kids pounding the varsity. The difference between Central Indiana and NE Indiana?
    1 point
  33. Played at Newark for 2 seasons. It was long enough ago that when we played them, it was just Dublin HS. Now they have 3. Hoping for a very competitive game. Safe travels.
    1 point
  34. I can’t ever decide if Nick’s non-con scheduling is brilliant, masochistic, or both. He’s going to beat one of those teams one of these times. Hope it’s this weekend!
    1 point
  35. A lot of good matchups don’t really have any predictions except that I’m hoping for a strong GS victory. Don’t know enough about the rest of the teams yet, but I’m glad week 1 is finally here
    1 point
  36. I remember hearing somewhere that this a big problem in West Virginia
    1 point
  37. He really has done a great job. That program was in shambles when he got there. I believe they had 35 or 36 kids out.
    1 point
  38. 2010 would have been my senior season. We were loaded with seniors that year. We've always kinda had a rivalry with Edgewood. I don't think it's as big with football as it is with basketball and baseball. But I do love that red turf they have now lol. It should be a really good game Friday night. Hatchets had a solid season last year. I'm looking forward to playing a school around our size instead of North Central who we've opened with the last few years.
    1 point
  39. Are you a “Twitter is real life” guy, too?
    1 point
  40. I wouldn't characterize any of the comments from our tenacious TigerFan (or my questions) as griping about the SF, but you're asking for a voluntary bump for all p/p schools, regardless of the whether they've had any success or not.
    1 point
  41. He's trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny.
    0 points
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