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  1. I know this guy loves donuts! 🍩 Honestly, what players and coaches have complained about Pioneer (or any team) or anyone keeping their starters in? You are talking about people on random forums complaining. They are just fans and individuals. The players and coaches for each team know what it takes each week to prepare and what the kids deserve better. I've been on the wrong end of a lot of scores lately, and each team handles their situation differently. It is not my place to judge, it is my place to get MY team to try and compete. It should be a big week for the HNAC. The Championship, or the front runner for the lead is decided this week. Winamac has a huge rivalry week. I know the Trojans are hungry after not playing last week. Lets focus on things like this, rather than bringing up old vendettas that dont mean anything.
    5 points
  2. I am well aware that this is a troll situation. However, just because there are not a high number of students in your school, doesn't mean you should not have the opportunity to learn the endless amounts of life lessons taught through the greatest game ever created. If you're learning the important life lessons such as accountability, responsibility, work-ethic, teamwork, and discipline, the brand of football you're putting on the field is secondary to these ever so important lessons. If these lessons are taught and followed through with, the wins and losses take care of themselves and society is better because of it because many of these young men are not taught these lessons anywhere else. Just one man's humble opinion.
    4 points
  3. Speaking of the server! Why not donate to keep the thing going! Donate a certain amount and you won't have to deal with ads on the grid. It's worth it! https://gridirondigest.net/clients/donations/1-2019-20-budget/
    4 points
  4. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrEZ7nMUZVdxicA5w0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0ZzRqN29jBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjg5MjJfMQRzZWMDcGl2cw--?p=west+lafayette+vs.+lewis+cass&type=we_appfocus1_cr&hspart=pty&hsimp=yhs-pty_weather&param1=20190212&param2=09dcfbe7-f1b1-42d0-85b5-cb82011d1abd&param3=weather_~US~appfocus1&param4=g-lp1-dsf_weather--bb8~Chrome~west+lafayette+vs.+lewis+cass~020C971897712FD0BCBA25E356264291&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-pty-pty_weather&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tL3locy9zZWFyY2g_aHNwYXJ0PXB0eSZoc2ltcD15aHMtcHR5X3dlYXRoZXImcGFyYW0yPTA5ZGNmYmU3LWYxYjEtNDJkMC04NWI1LWNiODIwMTFkMWFiZCZwYXJhbTM9d2VhdGhlcl9-VVN-YXBwZm9jdXMxJnBhcmFtND1nLWxwMS1kc2Zfd2VhdGhlci0tYmI4fkNocm9tZX53ZXN0K2xhZmF5ZXR0ZSt2cy4rbGV3aXMrY2Fzc34wMjBDOTcxODk3NzEyRkQwQkNCQTI1RTM1NjI2NDI5MSZwYXJhbTE9MjAxOTAyMTImcD13ZXN0K2xhZmF5ZXR0ZSt2cy4rbGV3aXMrY2FzcyZ0eXBlPXdlX2FwcGZvY3VzMV9jcg&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACcvqDxDiBkSg6yInG-qesvv2E2VPC3ZJPQRPL8h8XeC9168LMCHEDQxZ-pG-gefEcxtLVhjxpK0PXijP165YkGwbq24IbZB0aPwPlSAj-p_g8mhb2xwzALlDqHRegrVitwE8Inm05MUUitQRUnu-awluvAMk6K6G65uE1GlILw1#id=8&vid=00ff19012aa142b75939055276c45939&action=view Back in the day with all my buds. Half these guys have kids on this years Cass team or in recent years.
    4 points
  5. And to think that this post got out of hand because someone picked who he thought would win this weeks contests and because 1 person picked the wrong team, it lit the fuse of another. I enjoy getting on this website, but seeing the same thing week after week gets really old. As a WC graduate, you know who I'm rooting for..... Not only is this rivalry week between the Warriors and Trojans, but it is also Military Appreciation Night as we acknowledge the men and women of Pulaski Co who have and are serving our country. They will be introduced @ halftime of the Battle of the Tomahawk!!!
    3 points
  6. Expect more great things to come in about 5 years. I coach 5/6 grade and have Jade Winchell's kid on my team. He is doing things as a 5th grader that can't be taught. Also, (not on my team)there is Jon Goldsberry's kid. I think his dad taught him his stiff arm--he is vicious. I have never seen a 6th grader run like him. Chip off the old block. Right now 5th - 7th grade is loaded with talent. There is a Kress in that bunch too.
    3 points
  7. Yes, but I think the nails used to nail the P/Ps’ hides to the wall have to be 1.5 times the size of those used on the publics’ ... or something like that.😂
    3 points
  8. Agree. And this applies to a multitude of people on both sides of the aisle in our government.
    3 points
  9. When the various school corporations were formed, there were areas that Clarksville did not want included in the Clarksville Community School corp, such as the Veterans Blvd area, where Walmart/Sams, Target, Lowes are at, was a wasteland of swamp. Long before Green Tree Mall sprang up.....Hwy 131 was a narrow country road. The town limits have nothing to do with the school area. If you think the school systems are crazy, you should see all the various annexations/land grabs of the various cities and towns of Clark County.
    3 points
  10. No you provided what you called a solution to a ref shortage So go ahead, start a brand new thread and spell out all the reasons why 1a football should be eliminated from 64 schools and their student athletes they service and community they live in. Good Luck
    2 points
  11. I will say the same thing I always say as to this. Indianapolis Archdiocesan schools can’t even talk with their own CYO kids on an individual basis as regards sports let alone kids from public schools. These are the rules for the Archdiocese schools (and Brebeuf has signed onto that agreement as well). That said, if you can evidence in some fashion that a private/parochial is doing the things you are accusing them of - then more power to you. I am all for nailing hides to the wall in the case of violators. My guess is, though, that if there are hides at all to be nailed, a fair amount of those will be public schools.
    2 points
  12. Brian Moore once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Brian Moore re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publicly claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer. Brian Moore is not hung like a horse. Horses are hung like Brian Moore.
    2 points
  13. Who doesn't love donuts?
    2 points
  14. Not to mention these events are important to the community, ESPECIALLY at the 1A level. By and large rural communities where the school provides a common meeting place, and athletic events (especially football games) can bring people together, and even help drive local commerce. So let's not kill football in the Rockvilles, Atticas, and Kentlands of the state.
    1 point
  15. Still socked myself.
    1 point
  16. Supposedly, that was just a cramp in the GS game. Looked like to me it was more than that. JW is good to go as far as I know.
    1 point
  17. Also had a starting senior DE not suit up against GS and a couple boys probably could have sat that game out due to being banged up.
    1 point
  18. HH had a major 2-way impact player go down for most of the 2nd half of the GS game. Also, missed all of the 2nd half of the Jasper game. Other guys stepped up when they had to to get the Ws.
    1 point
  19. Amber Decoursey can whip Mike Decoursey in mud wrestling with one hand tied behind her back.
    1 point
  20. I was lucky to have Mr. Scherry as an adviser in Middle school. and an Asst. Principle in high school. I remember him telling us when his was born. Great guy and still one of my favorite teachers of all time.
    1 point
  21. Styles make fights. There were some tremendous athletes in that Southport secondary. Keep in mind Allen had 207 yards passing and I am sure he is a little frustrated about 5 or so drops. HH has 9 two way players. GS had at least a couple in and out on D/O lines.
    1 point
  22. Yes, you're correct. I had the privilege of being a football player when North Spencer hired Mr Scherry. Coach Clayton "supervised" us during a "conditioning session" that unpacking the Scherry family's things from the box truck. Then after my first college stint, I got to learn a lot about coaching and basketball as a grade school assistant under Coach Scherry. Then Simon was too young, but I referreed some of Simon's games in elementary school. Simon may set some basketball records at HH, but Dan has the assist records at Memorial Gym, I believe. He's wirey!
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. @PHJIrish was I correct in the location being on 16th St across from Bush Stadium?
    1 point
  25. Glad to know you are such a basketball fan, a true Hoosier.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, some of that Avon money would help!☺️
    1 point
  27. It's ignorant, because your are lacking knowledge due to the fact that it's not about money. It's about land. Where would they find a property large enough in a close proximity to the school to build a football stadium? That's why Arlington is the best option. So just to generalize and make a comment that you did, shows ignorance to Cathedral's situation. Remember, there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity.
    1 point
  28. My family doctor has his retirement date set in 2021. He told me, "I will be 75 years old, and it's about that age where your decision making process starts to go." I have the utmost faith in my family doctor, the dude is sharp. I just looked up Rudy's age, and it says 75. Rudy was a hotshot prosecutor prior to becoming mayor and lead the city thru an incredibly horrible time. Maybe he should have just stayed on the sidelines and preserved his legacy?
    1 point
  29. East @ BNL FC @ JC Seymour @ NA Jeff @ Madison Two games intrigue me, Seymour @ NA and Jeff @ Madison. IO and crew are headed north Friday night. Game day eve......only boundaries football guys care about right now are the white lines.
    1 point
  30. Someone needs to show that guy what a link shortener is. Surprise that url didn’t blow the Grid’s server again.
    1 point
  31. I've been told that Cathedral is kinda "kicking the tires" with playing more home games at Arlington. It has a lot of positives, including the close proximity to Cathedral. If the decision comes to playing most, if not all home games, at Arlington, further updates will take place. Right now it is adequate for a few games. If there had been more inclement weather recently that probably would have changed. Luckily we've been in a dry spell here in Central Indiana.
    1 point
  32. i can confirm existence of said calendars. They were for sale at the gas station in Dana and at the vet clinic in Clinton according to my sources....
    1 point
  33. Nice! What's the status on QB1? On side note, the local Fox in Indy will be showing the Bears/Raiders game. I'm on a roll so far this year with not having to leave the house once to watch a Bears game! Plus, a Region transplant from the Tarailo family opened up a Bronkos pizza in the heart of Hamilton Heights Country, downtown Cicero.
    1 point
  34. Central HH Memorial SR Castle Jasper MD GS Mt Vernon North
    1 point
  35. going back to the New Pal schedule.... I don't have any numbers to back this up but I really don't think New Pal's schedule is as terrible as most are saying. I think they are really dominant and have made it look easy these last few years. The HHC isn't a great conference but I don't think it deserves the criticism it has received early in this thread. lets just call a spade a spade.... It is a 4A conference (except Yorktown). New Pal is a 4A team. I'm sure new pal would fit great in that conference with Franklin, Whiteland, and Mooresville, but you cant just bolt conferences when you have a couple good years. Obviously Greenfield is always horrible and shelbyville is on another level of horrible last year and this year but historically they are one of the better programs in the conference. Just looking at this year, Delta is solid, Mt. Vernon and Pendleton are no slouch either. Yorktown is a decent 3A team and then you drop to New Castle, G-C, and Shelbyville. @CaptainHook I can;'t wait for 10/18. if Delta can get by PHHS this Friday it will be a showdown of unbeatens for the helmet and the HHC title. My score prediction would be something along the lines of 51-17 for NP, but it will be a good atmosphere and that is how conference titles should be decided!!
    1 point
  36. maybe because your dumb crusade to downgrade schools who are in classification of 1a is the reason?? I don't know, maybe just that or your ideals of getting ride of an entire classification of football is beyond comprehension. I would pay top dollar for you to go up to Coach Larry "Bud" Wright and tell him his 400 plus wins and 9 state championships are pointless.
    1 point
  37. Great response 1906! A supportive Cathedral comment at that, hopefully our success so far this season has improved your opinion of our boys.
    1 point
  38. There are two expectations at Cathedral. 1. Win State 2. Beat Chatard Fail at #1 and season can be respectable. Complete #1 and fail at #2 is also acceptable. Fail at both and that season is never to be spoken of or mentioned ever again. 😂
    1 point
  39. By far the best post I've read in this thread! If both Cathedral & New Pal are fortunate enough to go head to head in the playoffs, it will be an awesome atmosphere and a great game from whichever side you're on. New Pal is a strong program that has played at a high level over the last several years and Cathedral has a winning tradition like few others in this state! I'm looking forward to the post season! Good luck to both programs!
    1 point
  40. I call BS on this post. I have been to plenty of games in my time with Cathedral as well as other games. As a matter of fact I have been to all but maybe 1 of the playoff games between Cathedral and Decatur Central. Not once have I seen them use more than 50 yards of the field during warm-ups while both teams are on the field (no different than any other team). On a side note (off topic) one of the coolest pre-game traditions I have been able to witness was Evansville Reitz. I have sat with and talked with plenty of Cathedral fans and parents as well as other schools they were no more arrogant than any other fan base. Also I highly doubt that 2 message board posters on this website make up the majority of the Irish fan base, especially one that has been called out by a couple Cathedral fans/parents for their BS. I can say that @PHJIrish, @IndplsCathedral_Dad , @IndianaWrestlingGuy1among others are not arrogant and very respectful. I am sure there are plenty of generalizations about Decatur Central based off of a few people and their actions. Fortunately I don't buy into their BS. Wait a minute weren't you the one that was calling out Cathedral players earlier this year? The one who called New Pal a special team (which they are) and stating that Cathedral was not a special team (which they are). Ever make it to the Irish tailgate to meet some of the Irish players parents so they could put a face with the screen name? Funny how things have done a 180 @IndplsCathedral_Dad I agree the hate is terrible. Regardless who he has had good games against he is a terrific football player. There is no need to come an put kids down regardless of what school they attend. I am wishing more and more that you would have yelled out the "1906" at the Cathedral Freshman game you attended! The mass laughter would have been pure gold. After looking over this thread yourself and @dmizers3 should just ignore the 2 of the posters. It is obvious they don't share the same sentiment as others on this website that have much respect for the New Pal Dragons. It is kind of sad to seem them stoop lower and lower with each post. There are a few posters I mentioned up above that I think are likely cringing at their comments.
    1 point
  41. I’ve read several articles about this including an interview with the league president. I have really mixed emotions about it. Ultimately it’s the masses of kids who suffer. Not just the the jack wagons that cause the problems. But the bottom line is, at least for some guys, go deal with the crap and piss a day away for a little cash, or spend and enjoyable day with friends and family and have a little less cash in your pocket. And I don’t think any of us ever did it for the money.
    1 point
  42. I’m still stunned that animal won’t be suspended...
    1 point
  43. All Linton MIner home and away.. regular and post season... 93.3 FM WQTY, and www.wqtyradio.com... https://www.mediafivesports.com
    1 point
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