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  1. 7 sacks (which he actually had 8 not using maxpreps) 24 TFL's 65 total tackles is very impressive for an interior Defensive Lineman in a 3 man front. Especially playing at the level he is with 6A opponents in the best conference in Indiana. Which is why I ask. I don't find you as someone who doesn't like Curry, I just am trying to understand why the down play and comparing him to a LB and a Defensive End in a 4 man front when he played interior on a 3 man front. That would be like comparing Allen to a RB or a QB in a Wing T. I am no supporter of Center Grove, have no ties to them whatsoever. But I have watched Curry play live in action at least 8 times the last 3 years, and on TV in games at least 14 times the last 3 years. He has been a nightmare for Offenses to where they have to gameplan (run away from him, double and triple team him, and even create screens to his side) yet he still chases down plays and makes the tackle. I've watched it live and on TV as well as highlight reels. He will hit a QB and make a tackle on the RB for a loss or minimal gain, chase down RB from the backside for a TFL or minimal gain even run out to make a tackle on a WR that a pass has been completed to. While you may not think his stats don't cut it many P5 colleges did. Like I have said before defenders have no chance to beat out a stat crazy QB, RB, or WR. Doesn't mean his stats from his position should be minimized. Yes I feel Brady Allen had an amazing season at QB, but I don't feel his play on the field was more amazing than Curry's.
    4 points
  2. Gimme a break man. Walk the halls at Ben Davis/Warren Central and tell me that athletics, specifically football is not king. They are lying to save face and paint CG and Carmel as the bad guys...and you are buying it.
    3 points
  3. Because choice and opportunities of a lifetime are terrible things
    3 points
  4. Any Indiana Mr. Football candidate who chooses to play at an out of state college/university should automatically be disqualified for winning this prestigious award. Same goes for Mr. and Ms. Basketball.
    3 points
  5. Sorry to be the wet blanket but Linemen don’t win it and haven’t since the second award in 1993 to Bo Barzilauskas. Although they often should. Actually PROBABLY should most years. Look, everybody paying attention knew Zack Martin of Chatard (2008 season) was going to start somewhere on Sundays. EVERYBODY. He’s a pretty certain NFL Hall of Fame player at this point and likely the best Indiana football player in the NFL since Rod Woodson. He wasn’t even considered. DIDN’T GET A SNIFF. I think there is a Marion County or Indianapolis Lineman of the Year award given out - he didn’t win that either. I admit schools promote this stuff like the Oscars these days…which bothers me more than a little. I have no horse in this race. I’d love to see a lineman win - but they don’t. Regardless how great they are. Maybe things will change this year, but to be clear, there have been much worse “travesties” as regards recognition of lineman in years past if one fails to win this year.
    3 points
  6. Yes, but it means I’ll have to watch every tOSU game for the next four years. 🤮 Love Caden. Can’t stand tOSU.
    3 points
  7. I’m sorry. The MIC is much, much than an athletics conference. The Moose out front should have told you.
    2 points
  8. Again, if grown-ups were in charge in the MIC at least they would have handled the loss with some grace. I find it ironic that those administering sports tell the players to accept a loss with grace and class yet act like petulant 8 year olds when things don’t go their way = as demonstrated by that silly rant of a press release. It just confirms my worst fears as regards who is running our public schools - and public institutions in general.
    2 points
  9. You’re pulling it out of your backside and presenting it as fact.
    2 points
  10. @HHFthey showed they cared when they threw their tantrum.
    2 points
  11. What is the MIC supposed to say when their two breadwinners are looking to abandon ship? To say the MIC doesn't care about their athletic image is facetious at best. They care, there was just nothing they could do.
    2 points
  12. https://dailyjournal.net/2021/12/14/casey-gillin-named-new-indian-creek-football-coach/ A Gillin back leading the Indian Creek Program.
    1 point
  13. #1 player goes to Jackson state lol but for a DB….yeah if im #1 I would want Prime coaching me
    1 point
  14. Tech is a joke. They are an average football team in a weak NCC. Boys Basketball is going to get busted for undue influence. They can barely field varsity teams in most sports, and their enrollment continues to plummet (2608 in 2018 to 2089 in 2020). Every few years IPS “reorganizes” and tries to push enrollment at Tech back up, but it never lasts. NCC administrators have discussed removing them from the conference on more than one occasion in the last few years. Maybe that opens the door for them to go to the MIC, but they will not be competitive in anything but boys basketball. Once the AAU coach gets canned or moves on they will have a tough time competing in basketball also. I could see Southport joining the MIC. I don’t think Franklin Central would go back but they might if Carmel and Center Grove join the HCC. Avon switching to the MIC might make some sense if the Orioles think they can find more wins by making the jump. Maybe the MIC considers Cathedral and goes with a 7 team league. Cathedral could be open to that with a 6 game conference schedule for football, which leaves open 3 games for Chatard, Roncalli, and a Cincinnati Catholic school (or Center Grove). I would be interested in a 12 team HCC. I mentioned this in a related topic recently: HCC North: Carmel, Fishers, HSE, Noblesville, Westfield, Zionsville HCC South: Avon, Brownsburg, Center Grove, Columbus North, Franklin Central, Southport 5 games against division opponents, and a crossover game in week 9 for 6 conference games total. No need to play more since these teams will likely play in the postseason anyway. That leaves 3 non-conference games just like you would have in a 7 team MIC with Cathedral.
    1 point
  15. Yet you've been shouting from the rooftops for years about this move well before either of these isolated incidents occurred. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that the MIC doesn't pull their weight in regards to offering a competitive product to challenge CG or Carmel. Nothing more, nothing less.
    1 point
  16. But you’ve been saying for over a year it’s about revenue. Pick a plot line and stick with it dude.
    1 point
  17. I don't know about no credibility, but yes, lost a ton of credibility. And yes it's total BS to claim that the MIC isn't athletically motivated. It's an athletic conference for crying out loud, it's why it exists. The MIC didn't want to get caught with their pants at their ankles when Carmel and CG inevitably bolted, so they acted and dressed up a bunch of BS to dance around the fact that Carmel and Center Grove were no longer being challenged athletically in their current conference. I don't want to hear this was an academic move either because Carmel and Center Grove (along with North Central) are by far and away the best academic schools in the MIC.
    1 point
  18. He's gonna need to bulk up some.
    1 point
  19. Nevertheless, despite living an hour and a half away from MIC territory, I still find this whole situation intriguing. I have no dog in the fight but, as I mentioned in the Hoosier Hills Conference thread, my gut is telling me there’s a chance ripple effects could find their way down to my part of the state. I’m interested to see how the dominos fall.
    1 point
  20. And here I didn’t think we’d have anything to talk about until enrollment numbers came out in the spring…
    1 point
  21. We are starting to agree WAY to often...
    1 point
  22. Mr football shouldn’t even consider what college a player may choose to play at. Not that it does anyways look at Micah Hauser. No stars 1 offer to Indiana state from the looks of it….and he is a finalist for the award. Don’t care if Curry and Allen are committed to B1G schools or not, his nomination and finalist position is because of what he did on Friday nights not where he will play on Saturdays
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. No attack felt. I love a good debate. your reasoning for the stat bump last year makes sense. don’t give me too much credit on this forum lol. I just bring up things I find interesting or reply to things I don’t agree with…or that I do agree with but I hate the logic someone uses to get to the right answer. the main reason I’m on here is to know who the future college studs are and to follow GS/3A football. 3A is pound for pound the most fun to follow and watch every year and compared to the football here in Wisconsin, I enjoy it a lot more. @Muda69would love HS football here in Wisconsin…lots of big ole lineman and lots of running the ball
    1 point
  25. IC seems to have turned into a stepping stone job.
    1 point
  26. A kid good enough to play at OSU or Alabama should be excluded from the award that "supposedly" crowns the state's best player? And you wonder why so many people think the award is a joke to begin with.
    1 point
  27. Klinger's ruse won't work anymore......
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Robert Irsay did the same thing when the Colts were in Baltimore.
    1 point
  30. Wow...4 year starter in MIC is very impressive...especially as talented as CG has been...
    1 point
  31. Go ahead Temptation, you obviously have something to say, so come on out and say it. You and DT really make this board miserable.
    1 point
  32. Khan needs to just cut bait and move on... Otherwise he is the same as Kroencke was with the Rams and purposefully dooming a franchise in order to MOVE them!
    1 point
  33. https://yarn.co/yarn-clip/d244cca7-b419-4ea2-ae21-c97cd5d35f49 😀
    1 point
  34. Ohio state > Purdue therefore he should win Mr Football easy
    1 point
  35. THE Big Ten East runners up. (Sorry, I had to. Good luck to the kid.)
    1 point
  36. Center Grove Mr. Football candidate & 2-time 6A State Champion Caden Curry will announce his college football commitment today at 3:30. Watch live at https://youtube.com/user/NewFiveCreative….
    1 point
  37. I struggle with Allen not getting out of the sectional more than 1 time. Figured a 4 star Purdue commit with all those weapons would have won multiple sectionals. Great player for sure.
    1 point
  38. Hey, another female poster. Not too many of us here
    1 point
  39. This is why I can’t take anything you say seriously. For years you’ve been the resident conference realignment expert and have been ascribing Carmel’s inevitable move from the MIC to the HCC citing SES factors, geographical ties, and school profiles. Now you’re balking at the idea for the HCC extending an invitation to Carmel? What gives? You’re so contrite in playing contrarian that you expose yourself as the biggest hypocrite on this board. The HCC would be clinically insane not to offer the states largest and most visible athletic profile an invitation.
    1 point
  40. I hear that Urban Meyer may be available soon.
    1 point
  41. More lies. You are trying desperately to stir the pot but you have no credibility so it isn’t working.
    0 points
  42. This may be the most ignorant statement I’ve ever read, anytime, anywhere.
    0 points
  43. You need to ask Mudas. I swear to God you do
    0 points
  44. these last two comments yikes
    0 points
  45. I suspect when GID gets more server storage.
    0 points
  46. Coach Peebs is an outstanding football coach and a first class human being!
    0 points
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