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  1. Don't know about Tiptons, but it looks like LCC's bus got caught in the rain and arrived late and the refs started the game on time. Can't believe the IHSAA would allow such a thing to happen. And Tiptons could have waited and ... *whisper from the side* I've just been informed that this was a home game for the Knights. I got nothin'. I gotta go.
    3 points
  2. Was that golf score? You always put the bigger number first. STATE LAW!
    2 points
  3. That's weird, because the rich kids win in all other parts of the State.
    2 points
  4. There needs to be a crying emoji, or whatever they are called.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. So far the biggest outcry is from the largest blowhard (yourself). Honestly I don't care about other media sites etc that would be up at arms. Wouldn't have changed the outcome, just like anything said from the other side wouldn't change the outcome. It has been very well documented both teams have speed, both teams have a lot of talent, and both teams have depth. Just because you want to use narrative bias doesn't change that. They didn't change the venue because Arlington is their homefield and it was last year too. Honest question are you that dense? It doesn't matter if every football fan had the game circles since last October. I doubt Coach Moore or Coach Peebles care about every football fan circling it on their calendar, and I'd bet they care more about their team. That is what you don't get, they aren't there to cater to you or any other fan. They are there for their team if you come to watch so be it. They didn't need time to find another venue because the game was going to be played on their homefield rain, snow, or shine. They have already paid to rent the facility, they have already paid to resurface and upkeep the field. It will be there next week as well and any other potential home games unless the IHSAA forces them not to hold it there. No need to whine about it anymore. "Arlington is Cathedral's home field" doesn't matter if you like it or not, nor if CG or their fans like it or not. It is rented for the year and money put into what they can. End of subject.
    2 points
  7. Stacked what deck? Seems like one person has the pitchfork. I doubt the Cathedral Athletic department knew what the weather would be like when they schedule was set and this game slated at Arlington well before August.
    2 points
  8. Sure did. The Jv manhandled LCC tonight. TIC
    2 points
  9. He must’ve missed the second half…likely because he was drafting a letter to the IHSAA about their subpar postseason tournament. In all seriousness though, back to walking through the 5A tournament for the Irish. Boring. They had their shot…and blew it once again. (I’d have been ashamed asking an opposing team to play under those conditions in 2021 for the record.)
    2 points
  10. New Albany wins 35-16. And I tell you what, I don’t really care. I just hope we get to play them again in 2 weeks. Everything that could go right for them, went right. They got every call. They never got penalized for anything. Helmet to Helmet. Late hits. Taunting. Absolutely nothing. Steve Cooley was hugging the officials and shaking their hands in the 4th qtr. I don’t care what the final score was because in almost 30 years of watching HS football, that was about as fixed as I’ve ever seen. Not even mad at Coach Bragg or his team at all. On to Jeffersonville.
    2 points
  11. The people of South Bend voted for Pete Buttigeig to be their mayor. That tells you all that you need to know.
    1 point
  12. OK....playoff time......nothing to see here; keep moving Best of luck to both teams.
    1 point
  13. Solid win. In an irony of all ironies, I’ll be in Wisconsin next weekend, while the Badgers will be in West Lafayette. Then again the last two Purdue-UW games I went to were Ls for the Boilers, so I’m probably doing them a favor.
    1 point
  14. Now I'm curious. This sounds personal. 😀 Was it Mitchell or Randy doing the interfering?
    1 point
  15. Agreed! I won't call you out on OC (original coach) status since I know you have been around the block with a few teams. I would bet you coached at Arlington at one time though ( even though some newer folks don't understand the history of Cathedral playing at Arlington). I think you are aware from your days at CHS and CRHS.
    1 point
  16. The odds of Luers winning state is about the same as Center Grove and Cathedral.
    1 point
  17. Liptons hasn’t showed they can beat Madder Days.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I’ve seen both Princeton and Forest Park this year, I’ll give the points and take MD and VL to cover.
    1 point
  20. Well, shit. Hahaha. Thanks for pointing that out\
    1 point
  21. Those were from 2019, Thanks Irishman LOL
    1 point
  22. Yes but the game before the super bowl could be played in Green Bay with the same weather conditions. Only sissy teams complain about weather or field conditions.
    1 point
  23. Floyd Central vs. Bedford North Lawrence is on @Impartial_Observer bucket list.
    1 point
  24. "In 1960s China, any professor who pushed back against Maoist Communism was ousted from the profession — or worse. Today, academics who contradict the established leftist orthodoxy are increasingly prohibited from teaching their students." If this country continues down the path it's on, we will be the "Maoist" USA. Fall in line with the narrative or else: cancelled or retrained, take your pick. My father was born and raised in Germany, the part that was east Germany. He was in school during the time Hitler was in power, and for several years when the communists took over after WW2. Unlike most of us, and probably most government officials/political activists/academia, he actually lived under fascist/totalitarian & communist governments, and witnessed their rise to power. Think about that for a second. All these talking heads in the media, who read about it and think they have it all figured out, how many of them have actually been through the real thing? The stuff he is hearing and seeing today is deja-vu. Told me after the WW2 and the Cold War, and all the lessons the world supposedly learned about oppressive governments, he truly thought he would never witness the things he's witnessing now. He's told me the stuff they're coming up with and how they present it are very similar in many cases to what they were told pre-WW2 and even some of it while the Soviets were installing their puppets in the east Germany. It might be taking longer this time, but in his opinion the results will be the same. The cancel culture especially, government mandating more, FBI investigating parents for daring to speak their mind and have a say in what their children are taught, the list goes on. The entire body of work reminds him of 1930's Germany and post WW2 east Germany. I'll bet some here will take issue with this post, and that's fine. At least for now, we can still agree to disagree. Just words from someone who has gone through this twice before in his lifetime.. At least we can agree that we all enjoy high school football.
    1 point
  25. One team didn’t want to move from their home field and pay to host a game??? I knew I donated to the GID for this kind of heavy hitting analysis for a reason. You should have to pay next time to make a comment so idiotic.
    1 point
  26. Way to go. Winning record to end regular season. Goes to show you there is always hope.
    1 point
  27. Congrats to West Lafayette on the Hoosier Conference championship. Congratulations to the HC East teams for winning a majority of the crossover matchups! And last but not least, congratulations to Benton Central for breaking their losing streak.
    1 point
  28. I don’t think Jasper’s confidence ever waivered. Sounds like yours is the one that’s changed!
    1 point
  29. Many CG fans had their pitchforks ready in the first half last night and were fully prepared to raise hell had that final score turned out differently. Cathedral fans aren’t complaining much this morning because they can’t. They stacked the deck…and still lost.
    1 point
  30. Went deep for that reply, eh? 🤣 You may have set a record for the longest time between posts…..just shy of two years.🤣 sorry, I could not resist 😁
    1 point
  31. Exactly what competitive reason would that be? Of note Cathedral's defense is solely built around speed (muddy conditions don't lend itself to that). Cathedral's WR's have speed and their strong suit has been their passing game (muddy conditions don't lend itself to that). Cathedral's QB has been good at eluding pressure, setting his feet and throwing, and running very well when needed (muddy conditions didn't lend itself to that). Center Grove has speed too. Cathedral Head Coach Bill Peebles in the newspaper said it best. Field conditions hurt both Cathedral and Center Grove's offense. In all honesty Center Grove made some huge plays when needed at the end, Cathedral had opportunities and didn't capitalize. Cathedral's home field is Arlington rain, snow, or shine. That was made very clear when they hired Turf Dog's to resurface the grass at Arlington. If it rains to make muddy conditions it rains plain and simple. They played St. Xavier, LaSalle, Elder, Brebeuf Jesuit, Decatur Central, and Whiteland there last year. They played Penn, Chatard, Hammond Morton, and Center Grove there this year and will play Terra Haute North there. It wasn't that long ago that many of these teams with turf fields had natural grass fields and had to deal with sloppy conditions if the weather was not great (That includes Center Grove and even Roncalli)..
    1 point
  32. I’ll stand by my claim. Just because it was equally pitiful for both teams doesn’t mean it was the right decision to play this game at Arlington Middle School. I don’t care what Cathedral deems it’s home field. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out when the 10 day forecast showed the amount of rain Indy was going to receive that this was going to happen. Game could have easily been moved but I have a sneaky suspicion one team didn’t want it to be for obvious competitive reasons. I’m all for what some folks above consider “old school football” but that was pathetic last night.
    1 point
  33. Same at Rensselaer. Rained hard most of the game.
    1 point
  34. Jasper just got more confidence after tonight
    1 point
  35. We did a great job muffing kicks and punts. Granted it was raining sideways but we gave Harrison a bit of confidence going into next week. Overall a poor performance all the way around. Turn the page...
    1 point
  36. Field conditions were the same for both teams. I guess some have forgotten how football was conducted before field turf. It brought back memories of some great games in worse conditions than that. Oh and the Irish lost the game on two fine plays, they didn't give the game away. The made the big plays when the game was on the line. Hats off to the Trojans. They're tough to beat!
    1 point
  37. CG went out and settled any doubt that still existed tonight. lol
    1 point
  38. Thought jimtown was mater dei b4 seeing them...small notre dame..the aura!!! Gr8 games!
    1 point
  39. From the SAC Week 9 thread^^^^^^^^^^
    1 point
  40. Luers likes the field wet ... I believe that @Coach Nowlin can attest to that. 😀
    1 point
  41. I worked one of those. Lindsay vs. Sharpe. Classic.
    1 point
  42. Most teams the Miners face have a size advantage in the trenches. The key factor here is, most teams don't have the coaching staff the Wildcats have.
    1 point
  43. I've heard a rumor they have a sprinkler system.
    1 point
  44. I believe Snider is playing at a different level now...
    1 point
  45. Gibson Southern vs. either The Preppies (Brebeuf for those unwashed) or West Lafayette at Lucas Oil. I don’t have a 4th Team. I’m slightly favoring Brebeuf v West Lafayette simply in 2 weeks because it’s a home game for Brebeuf (and the fact that Brebeuf has played a much more difficult schedule). As to who wins Thanksgiving Weekend, no idea….but I will be personally favoring one team….IB.
    1 point
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