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  1. Teams from the north wear pink panties.
    6 points
  2. Gibson Southern vs. either The Preppies (Brebeuf for those unwashed) or West Lafayette at Lucas Oil. I don’t have a 4th Team. I’m slightly favoring Brebeuf v West Lafayette simply in 2 weeks because it’s a home game for Brebeuf (and the fact that Brebeuf has played a much more difficult schedule). As to who wins Thanksgiving Weekend, no idea….but I will be personally favoring one team….IB.
    2 points
  3. Teams from the north have mothers that are hamsters, and fathers that smelt of elderberries. We fart in their general direction.
    2 points
  4. Being at the end of the regular season; let's keep hope up and pray that teams get the opportunity to participate in the post season, and that no team's season ends with a cancellation.
    2 points
  5. Especially when it serves two purposes ...
    2 points
  6. Oh man! My last wagon master was a year ago tomorrow. I need to look up my basketball officiating schedule and see if I can get a post game master. The master would end up at center court if I ate it in pregame.
    2 points
  7. This is the only thing I can think about before Friday. Double Wagonmaster for the win. It brought the Huskies good luck last time! Although I would like to see our DT get a pick 6 this week instead of the ball bouncing off his shoulder pad into the arms of another Husky. He had a clear path to the goal line. After the deflection, there was a return by the other player, but not a pick 6.
    2 points
  8. No doubt the Wildcats of the West Side are Kings of the Sectional 40 Mountain. 40 is theirs to lose especially with the only L's coming by way of the Wildcats of Transmission Land (8-0) and the Inter-Parochial Tigers (7-1).
    2 points
  9. The rubber match game between two unbelievable senior classes. 2018 Cathedral Frosh 14 Center Grove 7 2020 Center Grove Juniors 17 CHS 13 Both schools have taken care of business. Time to settle it all. CHS has been waiting a year for this. Should be awesome!
    1 point
  10. Attica @ South Vermilions Covington @ Riverton Parkes Fountain Centrals @ The Woofs Seegers @ North Vermilions I didn’t see any names change to red. Be a donor not a boner. STATE LAW!
    1 point
  11. Memorial change started week 3 when Ray Brodie, Connor Agler, and John Shea came back after missing weeks 1 and 2. All 3 seniors and all 3 make big plays on both sides of the ball. Yes, Brodie started the game vs Jasper but went out with a concussion 1st D series. Ray is by far the most explosive RB in the league. Agler and Shea both are big hitters on D. I don’t care what happens Friday as long as the tigers stay healthy. Fingers crossed. I like our chances if the cats and tigers meet again.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I will throw in Danville as an outside contender and Mishawaka Marian as a potential spoiler.
    1 point
  14. I think that Concordia and Logansport both want to host and not travel due to Sr. Night activities. Not sure if this will happen.
    1 point
  15. Someone be sure to think Cliff Claven for providing us with the risks turf poses…
    1 point
  16. The crew was notified the game was cancelled but Logansport is trying to find an opponent. I agree Concordia may be a good option.
    1 point
  17. This old Irish fan isn't staying home unless the game gets postponed because of lightning. I've sat through games in worse weather conditions than those predicted. Besides, I already have a ticket.
    1 point
  18. Plus it seems to be still within prime “shooting season” in Indy. That usually winds down as the weather cools off but its been unseasonably warm for October. I would not blame a single CG fan (nor Cathedral fan for that matter) one iota for staying home, dry and safe and ponying up for the webcast for this one.
    1 point
  19. 1. My sources have told me this as well. I predict a return to West Lebanon. Can he negotiate for his son's job back? 2. The best recruiter in any school's program are the kids themselves... 3. I heard RP middle school team got hammered by NV this season x2, and that SV was beating them until SV QB got hurt. Do they have a really talented group of 5th and 6th graders coming? 4. My source tells me Coach Brown wants to give up Girls Basketball and keep coaching football and being AD... 5. His protection inside the administration is no longer employed is my understanding 6. Someone already answered this but there is no such thing as a bad Crueler. Ask @Knowledge 7. South Put vs Linton is the game of the Week in the WRC despite not being in the conference lol
    1 point
  20. I doubt the Evansville Courier will write up an article on it, but I’m thinking of heading up to IU on Saturday to tailgate.
    1 point
  21. I am not sure. I posted the day after because of issues with the site. The IFCA has a page on the SportsYou app. It was posted there on the 11th. I have not seen any follow up posts from there.
    1 point
  22. That is left to the discretion of the Referee. But if I were the R, I’d certainly give that option strong consideration.
    1 point
  23. 1. Feet don't feel like they are on fire when you play in the heat. 2. Those dang pellets. Edit:. I Iike the randomness of grass.
    1 point
  24. Interested in More JV scores if anyone has them. Here are ours:
    1 point
  25. I was really looking to offer another opinion. For a football field however I have to totally agree.
    1 point
  26. Succession is a darned good TV show. Season three starts on the 17th.
    1 point
  27. Probably would have been closer if LCC started the game before the second quarter. Get than man a shovel and some burlap sacks. 😀 ... *Led Zeppelin's When The Level Breaks playing in the background*
    1 point
  28. I'll pick NK to win so you can't overtake me either way!
    1 point
  29. Wayne must of had last because they left it on the sideline for Dwenger to take. It was painted red and baby blue. With a block "W" painted in red on the bell.... have video of it on my Facebook page memories. Probably pop up this week. I will try to share it.
    1 point
  30. It's boring around here. The Hoover guy hasn't posted how underrated Tipton is this week on facebook. I think we need to get that guy on the grid.
    1 point
  31. Don't you know the IHSAA takes care of the private schools, another unfair advantage! 🙂
    1 point
  32. I personally could care less if private schools are in 1 or 2A. It goes by enrollment, get better and beat them or complain and keep losing. If your team goes in with the mindset that its unfair that they are playing a private school odds are they're going to lose. The thing that does perplex me if you are a team like Andrean or Luers and you only play 4,5 and 6A schools all regular season, why do you even want to be in the 2A tournament?
    1 point
  33. OK, I did get it to play, finally. It’s clear that @Yuccaguywas correct: the ruling on the field was illegal touching, not intentional grounding. You can tell because the flag was not thrown by the Referee, as it would be for IG, and at one point the Referee clearly starts to give signal 16, illegal touching. The video is supportive of the call. Also, the QB is not just under duress. He is going down as a result of contact. The errant throw was likely affected by the contact, so I would be extremely reluctant to call IG in this situation. From what I can see in the video, the crew handled a difficult play well. As an observer, my only criticism would be that when the crew gets together to discuss, or the official goes to the sideline to talk to the coach, keep your hands to yourself. Nobody needs to be hugging anybody to discuss the play. Looks creepy. Maintain a professional demeanor out there.
    1 point
  34. It was ruled as illegal touching. The Dwenger QB is shoved at the 1 yard line (into the end zone), while attempting to throw the ball. It it is then touched by the BD Right Tackle (dropped). I am not sure that IG is the correct interpretation of what happened. Illegal touching seems more likely, therefore eliminating the Safety as the adjudication. No matter what, it was a tough call in the immediacy of the situation for the crew to work through. I am convinced that they (the crew) talked through the scenario and arrived at the correct interpretation of the play. Following the explanation to Coach Tippmann, he showed no argument to the adjudication. That tells me, that he was in agreement (acceptance) of what was called. Eliminate the pontification of the announcers... I have had issues with these guys before, and have said that in other postings. Far too often, it seems that they are just 'fanatics' with a microphone .
    1 point
  35. We actually move up (R and U) to put ourselves in harm's way, thereby giving a VERY OBVIOUS signal that the "victory formation" is in effect. Of course we absolutely WARN/ALERT both both teams, that anything other than taking a knee, or rushing the line/QB will not be allowed. The game is done!!!
    1 point
  36. Chatard usually streams all home games on their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJXyOqDVcWW-3V1uWn5YZqw I would guess they would do the BHSS game as well but I'm not positive. It's produced by the students, so the quality of the commentating and video is usually pretty suspect, but you'd at least be able to see the game. Safe travels if you do make the trip! And feel free to stop by the Trojan tailgate to say hello!
    1 point
  37. John Harrell picks Gibson Southern as the 3A favorite to win state
    1 point
  38. There’s already been a lot of love shown Linton’s way so this seems fitting.
    1 point
  39. Teams ranked/receiving votes in polls after Week 8: 6A: Warsaw (Ranked - 9th AP / RV - 12th Coaches) 5A: Concord (Ranked - 7th AP / Ranked - 7th Coaches) Mishawaka (Ranked - 8th AP / Ranked - 8th Coaches)
    1 point
  40. For regionals, when both teams have were host in the sectional championship game, or both visitor, they go to a tie-breaker, higher or lower number sectional winner, ie sectional 31 is higher than sectional 32. That tie-breaker is reversed for the semi-state. For this example, think of each class as having sectionals 1 through 8. If the tie-breakers are higher # in regional and lower # in semi-state, sectional 1 (the northern most sectional) can only ever be the highest sectional. Sectional 8 (the southern most sectional) can only ever be the lowest sectional and has only one shot to win a tie-breaker each year. Sectionals 2 through 7 can theoretically win bot the highest and lowest tiebreakers in a given season, depending on how it all breaks out. I admit, on the face, it seems like a very small thing. I'm not an expert and can't tell you how statistically significant it is, because you'd have to figure out a way to determine how often those tie-breakers are used and how much more likely those middle sectional winners are to get that advantage. I do know it's not the reason HH has had two different trips to the state finals where they only got to play one post-season game at home. That is a direct result of the rule that states if a team plays both the sectional championship and regional on the road, they automatically host the semi-state. Both years, HH played only their sectional championship game at home through the regional round, while their opponent played their first two sectional games at home but played both sectional championship and regional on the road. That rule should be changed to use total number of post-season games hosted because, with a blind sectional draw, no one sectional game should hold any more weight than another. Your toughest game could very well be your sectional opener, or your sectional semi-final.
    1 point
  41. While I expect Jasper to beat Northview, I wouldn’t consider a Northview victory to be a “crazy” upset. Northview is ranked #10 in the AP 4A poll. They’ve beaten the two 5A TH teams. Beat a good Sullivan team. Only loss is to 3A #14 Owen Valley, and it was a competitive game. If sectionals were seeded, they’d probably be 3rd seed.
    1 point
  42. Culver @ LaVille- Lancers- Lancer offense will need to eek out some points on the few possessions they get on the night. Culver doesn't do anything special, but they run their 6 play offense pretty well. Any body have any insight as to why they run the world's most boring offense? Knox @ Caston- The Knox High School Football Team- Caston is flat out bad. North Judson @ Pioneer- Panthers- Conference matchup of the week. I was pretty impressed with Judson after watching the LaVille game from last week. They are very physical up front and their backs run hard. Weather could be a factor this week that might limit their passing attack and make the mesh points tricky on their triple. If Pioneer can take care of the ball on offense, I like their chances. No matter who comes out on top I don't see it by more than 10 points. Triton @ Winamac- Winamac- Triton has the pieces to win this game but I think they're a year or 2 out. Unsure how good Winamac truly is as this point.
    1 point
  43. Hypocrisy by whom? Gruden quit, he wasn't fired.
    1 point
  44. Great job Hawks and Sage for going red. That’s bad ass, I swear to God it is!
    1 point
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