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Head Coach Openings 2024 Γ—


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  1. Well, its been real...
    4 points
  2. He isn't a GS fan LOL.
    3 points
  3. Don't forget yearly in the SIAC...but no one likes to talk about those. Thanks for the free rent by the way.
    3 points
  4. 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻
    2 points
  5. Great writeup as always @NLCTigerFan07! A couple of notes on this contest. Technically this won't be for the conference title as no title will be awarded this year. As was the case in 2020, since all conference games were not played, the league will choose not to declare a conference champ. If Judson wins, they will finish the season 6-0 in conference play, but will not have played Winamac, who is likely to finish league play at 5-0 (if they beat Triton tonight) after having to cancel two conference matchups earlier in the season. Last year Pioneer finished conference play 5-0, but did not play Winamac or LaVille. They were unquestionably the best team in the conference but were not awarded the trophy. It's unfortunate that in 2021 we have 2 teams that could give the Panthers a run for their money, but - even if unbeaten in conference play - won't really get a chance to declare themselves the best due to this danged COVID thing.
    2 points
  6. That 2012-2015 stretch…man was that a gut checker for the GS fans. I still remember that HH game in 2014 too. run the spread all year and no bone. People complaining about not sticking to traditions then pulled out the bone after leading 14-13 at the half and milked the clock dry…like of course you still had the bone playbook installed, how could you guys not HH/GS have some great games the last 10 years in sectional 32 Edit: I believe 2014 is when that Crews kid was playing for HH….man was he special.
    2 points
  7. We did a great job muffing kicks and punts. Granted it was raining sideways but we gave Harrison a bit of confidence going into next week. Overall a poor performance all the way around. Turn the page...
    1 point
  8. Our Offense didn’t look too good entire night and some questionable play calling. Defense did play pretty well however
    1 point
  9. CG went out and settled any doubt that still existed tonight. lol
    1 point
  10. South Newton leads Frontier 12-0 late in the fourth. This win will give the Rebels a winning record this season. Congratulations Coach Bevis and the team!!!
    1 point
  11. Don't see many mud games any more. It's fun to watch. Both defenses are really good.
    1 point
  12. What does it matter….they are playing Brebeuf which is a semi state game lol. Might as well be dressed for the occasion
    1 point
  13. Don't want to get those uniforms mud stained a week before the tournament starts.
    1 point
  14. Western-West Lafayette game being played on the turf @ McCutcheon HS.
    1 point
  15. Playing this game at Arlington is a complete joke, field is trash already.
    1 point
  16. Whaddabout Di-ka versus GS and God AND a hurricane? An' right afta Di-ka just got outta tha hospital after annudder heart attack?
    1 point
  17. It's rained off and on all day, well actually the last 4 days in the Francesville area. Hopefully the fields in the area can withstand the moisture from the week Crazy to think sectionals start next week.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Michigan City @ Crown Point great coaching match ups Phil Mason, Roy Richards & Ken Bye VS. Craig Buzea, Zac Wells & Bob Mattix.
    1 point
  20. Man @Footballking16, I wasn’t even considering this when speaking of Cathedral’s advantages the other day. Its a damn shame a contest of this magnitude is being played in 3rd world facilities…especially in 2021.
    1 point
  21. WGCL, WVNI, WCLS, and WHCC have all covered local high school football games this season, and you would think they would coordinate on their schedules to prevent redundancy. Anyway, based on an article I saw earlier, it looks like David will be under center for South tonight. Chatard has a prolific passer in Carter St. John, who has had some big games passing the ball. Like the game capsule at HTO said this morning, with South's leaky secondary, they may need to sustain some drives to keep Chatard's offense on the sidelines.
    1 point
  22. The best thing I see on here is people overlooking South Putnam in 1A. They beat Parke Heritage last year in the sectional and didn't lose very many players. They are looking very good going into the tourney - but will get tested tonight at 2A #4 Linton. Coach Sorrell has them humming along. They will not go away easily to any 1A opponent...their only loss so far is to 3A #12 Owen Valley back in like week 3. Lutheran would have an advantage over South Put....their schedule is the toughest 1A schedule I have seen among the top 5-10 teams.
    1 point
  23. When the State of Indiana builds your press box, it's always a little fancier. We'll bring hand warmers and hot chocolate to your coaches.
    1 point
  24. Luers likes the field wet ... I believe that @Coach Nowlin can attest to that. πŸ˜€
    1 point
  25. Man those jimtown matches were fun. Talk about some hard hitting buckle up your chinstrap games.
    1 point
  26. Can’t speak for the rest, but in the Region, I expect Merrillville and Hanover to win big. Chesterton really disappointed me last week losing to a solid but unspectacular Crown Point team. If they were serious threats to Merrillville that game should’ve been a blowout. Chris Mullen is a stud and the Trojan defense is stingy but I’ll take the Pirates by 3 TDs. As for the other game, in my opinion Hanover has established themselves as a darkhorse in 3A north, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they made a run to the semi state. The competition hasn’t been great, but boasting the top scoring offense in 3A along with a top 5 scoring defense is certainly impressive. Calumet has a nice defense, but they haven’t played a team with even half the firepower Hanover has. I’ll take the Wildcats by 4 TDs.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Whose brother just "happened" to end up playing for the Danville squad of 2020...along with a QB transfer from Avon .... Don't see a whole lot of that around these ......oh wait. Maybe that's just what it takes to compete with the Indy sprawl metro teams.
    1 point
  29. Congrats to the North Freshmen! 7-0 SIAC Champs. Played the entire season without their best lineman, he has been a varsity starter since week 2. They also endured several injuries, including a concussion to their top RB who suffered a concussion towards the end our week 5 varsity game. Last night he returned against Central and had 2 carries for 124 yards and 2 TDs! This is a GREAT class, and has won their last 23 games.
    1 point
  30. Work has been super busy for me this week unfortuantely. Haven't been able to write up much. Another 4-0 last week, moving to 31-7 on my picks. A quick rundown for this week: Warsaw (7-1, 6-0) at Concord (7-1, 6-0): Conference Championship in Dunlap this week. I'll be making the treck from Ohio. Chuck Freeby and crew will be onsite for the Channel 46 GOTW. After seeing NorthWood carve up the Tigers through the air, I am not confident. Warsaw better hope it rains hard all night... Concord by 10 Northridge (5-3, 3-3) at Mishawaka (6-2, 4-2): Better team and home team wins this game... Mishawaka by 21 Plymouth (0-8, 0-6) at NorthWood (4-4, 3-3): Not much to say here either. Can't believe the Pilgrams are going to end up winless. Never thought I'd see that, at least not with Coach Barron on the sideline. Not that he is to blame, things look rough in Plymouth... NorthWood by 28 Wawasee (1-7, 1-5) at Goshen (3-5, 1-5): The RedHawks got back in the win column last week and their first NLC victory in years. They should add another one tonight... Goshen by 14
    1 point
  31. I have no problem with Gruden being held accountable. Ridiculous and sad on his part, although I do feel like his emails were purposely released. As Derek Carr said, release them all. Would be interesting. I struggle with Randy Moss and others on ESPN casting such judgment. I struggle that no time in their lives, they have not made negative comments about women, same sex choices, and even skin color. As Christ says, "he who is without sin cast the first stone"....... Hopefully, people use this example to look inside of themselves and become better people. Not because of Gruden's career impact, but because of his words in writing. They are indeed hurtful and are opposite of Christ's love. From what I hear, Gruden treated all people very well. It just seems like his actions don't align with his thoughts...at least his thoughts 11 years ago. I also agree with Temptation...organizations want to jump in the middle and make it political...."look at how good we are by taking action....we are enlightened cats that "stand for good". That's awesome Tampa Bay Bucs...just be consistent and treat all cases the same. Don't be selective. Guessing they won't be sharing any emails soon..... As Derek Carr also said...."love the man, hate the sin".....
    1 point
  32. I really don't pay much attention to the classification until the next season begins after what Bobby Cox pulled on Cathedral a couple of years ago. A team can go up or down on a moment's notice, or so it seems.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. I am pretty sure gates open one hour before kickoff. Arlington has ONE gate only (but multiple ticket scanners). I would arrive early to beat the rush and also ensure you have a good seat! Go Irish!
    1 point
  35. Will Covered Bridge Festival traffic play a factor in the outcomes?
    1 point
  36. It is a Taj Mahal compared to Arsenal Tech's press box.
    1 point
  37. Are you questioning the legitimacy of the GREAT rivalry and high stakes contest that IS Pike vs Lawrence North?
    1 point
  38. Short summary Picks: North over Central by 10, I think Central will put up a fight against their rival, but Brawdy tears them from above Mater Dei over Reitz by 13, going to be close for a bit, but Mater Dei pulls out late Bosse over Harrison by 9, GIVE ME THE DAWGS Jasper over VL by 40, Wildcats will have no problems Memorial over Castle by 6, this game will be back and forth, but I won’t be surprised if Castle ends up winning and the total points will be below 40
    1 point
  39. Love the passion for your team. I watched parts of a couple Miner games this year. MD will have a pretty good size advantage in the trenches.
    1 point
  40. Wow 15-20 minutes? Do they hit the rest park to whiz on the way?
    1 point
  41. I think 32 has represented pretty well the last few years. The winner won the next week in all but 3 years during this stretch. 2020 – Southridge (lost at semi-state) 2019 – Heritage Hills (lost at state) 2018 - Memorial (lost at state) 2017 – Memorial (won state) 2016 – Memorial (lost at regional) 2015 – Gibson Southern (lost at semi-state to state champ) 2014 – Heritage Hills (lost at semi-state to state champ) 2013 – Gibson Southern (lost at semi-state to state champ) 2012 – Gibson Southern (lost at semi-state to state champ) 2011 – Memorial (lost at regional) 2010 – Bosse (lost at regional) 2009 – Memorial (lost at state) 2008 – Memorial (lost at state)
    1 point
  42. Sagarin isn't very effective tool to use when a team plays a conference only schedule. Once the post season starts after a few weeks MD's sagarin rating would change quite a bit depending on outcomes of other teams within the SIAC.
    1 point
  43. That's not even close to what I said. Do I think that Linton could hang with them. Probably for a while. Do I think Linton would beat Jasper, Memorial or Castle? Nope. Cold they beat North? Maybe, but I'd favor North for sure.
    1 point
  44. I'll take Luers in a close one. They seem to be on a mission. They already beat Carroll, Homestead, and Dwenger...........Snider's next.
    1 point
  45. No, it means you know nothing about Jasper and Memorial.
    1 point
  46. I’m not quitting on the Bishop Luers Knights yet.
    1 point
  47. Saints beat Bruins and ride off into sectionals. Luers is so close, but Panthers win. North over Cadets. Homestead over South Carroll over Wayne
    1 point
  48. The more and more we go from our turf to grass.. just isn't close. Turf you literally always know what you're getting, and basically don't have to worry about any sort of slick surface. Last year in the sectional it poured for a good 2 hours round 1.. we waited it out, started at like 930.... it was as if it didn't rain at all. I can't of an advantage for grass. I'm also a guy that loved the rain and mud.. loved. I'm glad we've found something better though.
    1 point
  49. Should Nazis Be Allowed To Speak? https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/should-nazis-be-allowed-to-speak/ Agreed.
    1 point
  50. You should've just stuck to "I think this is a foul". You lose all credibility by saying he took two steps forward before the snap. Not even close.
    1 point
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